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Apply Your License

Apply Your License in Apstra

By now, you should have received your activation code and activated your license from the Juniper Agile Licensing Portal (see the Juniper Licensing User Guide for activation instructions). You now need to apply your license in the Apstra GUI.

To apply your license:

  1. Login to the Apstra GUI using the credentials you set when you first configured the Apstra server. See the Apstra GUI Overview for reference.
  2. From the left navigation menu, select Platform > Licenses, then click Create License.
  3. Copy your license key into the License Key text box, then click Create.
  4. Verify your license. If the license was successfully applied, the Feature Name should indicate Apstra Premium.

Restart the Flow Services

After you apply your license in Apstra, restart your flow services so that the services can pick up the license.

To restart the services:

  1. SSH to the Flow VM. The default login credentials are: apstra/apstra.
  2. Restart the collector service.
    sudo systemctl restart flowcoll
  3. Restart the OpenSearch service.
    sudo systemctl restart opensearch
  4. Restart the OpenSearch dashboard service.
    sudo systemctl restart opensearch-dashboards
  5. Verify your license.
    Enter the IP address of your VM.


    If your license was successfully applied, the output should look like this: