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Import the Junos Apstra Flow Configlet

Import the Configlet

A standard Junos sFlow configlet is provided with your product. You'll want to clone this default configlet, modify it to your needs, and then import it into your blueprint from the Apstra GUI. Refer to the Sample: Junos Apstra Flow Configlet to see an example of a modified configlet.

To import the configlet into Apstra:

  1. From the left navigation menu in the Apstra GUI, navigate to Blueprints > Staged. From the Catalog tab, select Configlets, then click Import Configlet.
  2. From the Global Catalog, select the Flow Data for Optional Flow Analytics configlet.
  3. Select the devices you want to apply the configlet to, then click Import.
  4. Edit the property set to add the collector IP address of your Apstra Flow VM.
  5. Select Import Property Set. From the Global Catalog, select Flow Data For Optional Flow Analytics, then click Import Property Set.
  6. Finally, commit your configuration to import the configlet to your Junos devices.
Good job! You completed the Apstra Flow installation. Next, continue to Launch the Apstra Flow Dashboard.

Sample: Junos Apstra Flow Configlet

The following example shows the Junos Apstra Flow configlet that is provided with your product.

This configlet contains a static routing option to route the flow traffic over the management Junos RPF interface. You can also specify the sFlow polling and sampling intervals, collector IP address, UDP port and interfaces you want to collect data on.