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Roll Back Blueprint Revision


When you roll back to a previous revision, any previously staged changes that have not been committed are discarded. If this is an issue, do not jump to a different revision until you've committed the uncommitted changes.

  1. From the blueprint, click Time Voyager, then click the Jump to this revision button for the revision to jump to (first of four buttons in Actions section).
  2. Any uncommitted changes in the staged area are discarded. If this is an issue, close the dialog and address the uncommitted changes before proceeding. To proceed, click Rollback.
  3. You can make additional changes to the blueprint before committing. For example, if you've replaced a device, the device ID (serial number) will change, but the IP won't. You can create the device agent and update the serial number in your blueprint before committing the revision change.
  4. Click Uncommitted, then click the diff tabs to review the changes.
  5. If you decide that you don't want to jump to this revision, click the Revert button to discard the changes.
  6. To proceed, click the Commit button (top-right) to see the dialog for committing changes and creating a revision.
  7. We recommend that you enter the optional revision description to identify the changes. Specific differences between revisions are not displayed, so the description is the only change information available for the revision.
  8. Click Commit to commit your changes to the active blueprint and create a revision. In some cases, you might also need to reset resource group overrides.
  9. If you click Time Voyager you'll see the revision as the current one.