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Create Stage Widget

Create Stage Widget from Widgets View

Stage widgets contain outputs from IBA probe stages.

  1. From the blueprint, navigate to Analytics > Widgets and click Create Widget.
  2. Select Stage from the Type drop-down list and enter a name.
  3. Select a probe and a stage, then customize the output as needed.
  4. Click Create to create the widget and return to the table view.

    Creating a large widget may take some time. You can monitor the status under the Active Tasks section at the bottom of the screen.

Create Stage Widget from Probes View

You can create a widget from the details view of a probe.

  1. From the blueprint, navigate to Analytics > Probes and select a probe.
  2. Select a stage within the probe and click the Create dashboard widget button (right-side). The stage is preselected for you in the dialog that appears.
  3. Configure the parameters as needed.
  4. Click Create to create the widget and return to the detail view of the probe. The widget appears in the widgets table view (Analytics > Widgets) and when you create or update an analytics dashboard, the new widget appears as an option.