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ATP Appliance Private Mode CLI Commands

Use ATP Appliance in an air gapped environment with no Internet access or insecure network access by enabling Private Mode. When in Private Mode, features that require the Internet are disabled and offline-specific commands and UI pages are enabled.

Private Mode is enabled through the CLI. When operating in Private Mode, the ATP Appliance UI will display text informing administrators that ATP Appliance is in Private Mode.

Note the following about ATP Appliance Private Mode:

  • Software and content updates are manually downloaded and applied.

  • New Private Mode-specific CLI commands are available, as well as UI pages.

  • Several Internet dependent features are unavailable. See ATP Appliance Features Affected by Private Mode.

  • No malware exhaust traffic is allowed out through the management interface. Other traffic can still leave the ATP Appliance device through the exhaust interface if it is configured.

  • If you enable Private Mode on the Core/Central Manager, All-In-One, or Manager of Central Managers, all secondary devices get updated automatically.

Use the following CLI commands for ATP Appliance Private Mode:

Table 1: ATP Appliance Private Mode CLI Commands

CLI Command


set private-mode enable on/off

Enable/Disable Private Mode

set private-mode update copy File-URL

Copy update files from an internal staging server to the ATP Appliance device.

set private-mode update start software/content/win10/win7/osx VERSION

Set the update version and start the update process. Note that the update release can only be set forward and not backward (downgrades are not supported). In Private Mode, all software and content updates must be started manually. This is done to prevent incorrect provisioning of the uploaded update repository files.


You can run the “show private-mode update versions” command explained in this table, to check if the uploaded files have any dependencies that have not been met.

(The repository referred to here and elsewhere is the directory in Core/CM devices where software and content images are copied.)

show private-mode update copy

Check the status of the update.

show private-mode enabled

Display whether or not Private Mode is enabled.

show private-mode update versions

Show the available software and content update repositories that can be chosen for upgrading. This will also show the currently set release and the repository that is used for the update.

set autoupdate software on/off

set autoupdate content on/off

Set “autoupdate” to “on” for software and content to allow connected secondary devices to automatically receive updates from Core devices.

set private-mode update delete

You can delete the update files to free up more disk space.