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Diagnosing, Examining, and Correcting Optical Interface Problems

Connectivity Services Director enables you to manage the optical functionality provided by 100-Gigabit Ethernet PIC that can be installed in MX Series and PTX Series routers. A topological network view is implemented, which enables you the user to visualize optical sites, links and services and a site view that provides status, configuration, alarms and fault management, and performance monitoring functionalities on the optical interfaces. FCAPS (fault, configuration, accounting, performance, and security) is a categorical model of the working objectives of network management.

The fault management capability in Connectivity Services Director shows you information about the health of your network and changing conditions of your equipment. Use this diagnosis and detection mechanism to identify problems with the equipment, pinpoint security attacks, or to analyze trends and categories of errors. This feature includes fault-monitoring details in the dashboard, monitoring pages, and in a dedicated page that displays the alarms, events, and system logging messages that are generated. These charts and messages provide essential and cohesive information about system conditions, any discrepancies and malfunctioning, and protocols or components that need to be examined and debugged for better efficiency and working capacity.

You can assess the performance of your network, not only at a point in time, but also over a period of time. This feature enables you to determine trending and network-health parameters; for example, whether service-level agreements (SLAs) have been violated. The fault management data includes SNMP traps and syslogs received from PTX Series routers. Junos Space platform is integrated with OpenNMS, which is a network management application platform that provides solutions for enterprises and carriers, to receive SNMP Traps. Connectivity Services Director uses OpenNMS for SNMP trap collection and correlation.

Activity on a network device consists of a series of events. Optical interfaces generate SNMP traps when certain types of events are persistent, or when the condition causing the event crosses a threshold, SNMP sends a notification, also called a trap to Connectivity Services Director. Connectivity Services Director correlates traps, describing a condition, into an alarm . You can use the Fault Management page monitor to sort alarms, view an alarm in depth, and to assign a disposition to an alarm.

Alarms include Clear and Set alarms. All alarms are listed under OTN category and can be critical, major, or minor severity levels. Three main categories of alarms—Optical, OTU, and ODU—are displayed.

Threshold-crossing alarms (TCAs) are alarms that are activated when a certain configurable threshold—near-end measurement threshold or far-end measurement threshold—is crossed and remains so until the end of the 15-minute interval and the 24-hour interval for parameters such as optical channel transport unit (OTU) and optical data unit (ODU). A near-end measurement is associated with ingress data frames and a far-end measurement is associated with egress data frames. Monitoring the performance of links provides for end-to-end Ethernet service assurance over any path for either a single link or multiple links spanning networks composed of multiple LANs. The link performance metrics enable operators to offer binding service-level agreements (SLAs) and generate new revenues from rate- and performance-guaranteed service packages that are tailored to the specific needs of their customers.

Optical Alarms, 24 Hour Threshold-Crossing Alarms (TCA), and 15 Minute Threshold-Crossing Alarms (TCA)

The following are the different optical alarms that are generated:

  • AvgPowerAlarm—Average Power Alarm

  • BiasCurrentHighAlarm—Bias Current High Alarm

  • BiasCurrentLowAlarm—Bias Current Low Alarm

  • ChromaticDispHighWarning—Chromatic Dispersion High Warning

  • ChromaticDispLowWarning—Chromatic Dispersion Low Warning

  • LOS—Loss Of Signal

  • LossofACPowerAlarm—Loss of Alternating Current (AC) Power Alarm

  • ModuleTempHighWarning—Module Temperature High Warning

  • ModuleTempLowWarning—Module Temperature Low Warning

  • OSNRLowWarning—Optical Signal to Noise Ratio (OSNR) Low Warning

  • PowerHighAlarm—Power High Alarm

  • PowerLowAlarm—Power Low Alarm

  • QLowWarning—Q Factor Low Warning

  • RxCarrierFreqHigh—Receive Carrier Frequency High

  • RxCarrierFreqLow—Receive Carrier Frequency Low

  • RxLossAvgPowerAlarm—Receive Loss Average Power Alarm

  • RxPLLLockAlarm—Receive Phase Lock Loop Alarm

  • RxPowerHighAlarm—Receive Power High Alarm

  • RxPowerHighWarning—Receive Power High Warning

  • RxPowerLowAlarm—Receive Power Low Alarm

  • RxPowerLowWarning—Receive Power Low Warning

  • TemperatureHighAlarm—Temperature High Alarm

  • TemperaturelowAlarm—Temperature Low Alarm

  • TxPLLLockAlarm—Transmit Phase Loop Lock Alarm

  • TxPowerHighWarning—Transmit Power High Warning

  • TxPowerLowWarning—Transmit Power Low Warning

  • WavelenthLockErr—Wavelength Lock Error

The following are the threshold-crossing alarms generated when threshold is exceeded over the last 15 minutes for optical interfaces:

  • 24HourModuleTempHighThreshAlert—24 Hour Module Temperature High Threshold Alert

  • 24HourModuleTempLowThreshAlert—24 Hour Module Temperature Low Threshold Alert

  • 24HourRxPowerHighThreshAlert—24 Hour Receive Power High Threshold Alert

  • 24HourRxPowerLowThreshAlert—24 Hour Receive Power Low Threshold Alert

  • 24HourTxPowerHighThreshAlert—24 Hour Transmit Power High Threshold Alert

  • 24HourTxPowerLowThreshAlert—24 Hour Transmit Power Low Threshold Alert

The following are the threshold-crossing alarms generated when threshold is exceeded over the last 24 hours for optical interfaces:

  • RxPowerHighThreshAlert—15 Minute Receive Power High Threshold Alert

  • ModuleTempHighThreshAlert—15 Minute Module Temperature High Threshold Alert

  • RxPowerLowThreshAlert—15 Minute Receive Power Low Threshold Alert

  • TxPowerHighThreshAlert—15 Minute Transmit Power High Threshold Alert

  • TxPowerLowThreshAlert—15 Minute Transmit Power Low Threshold Alert

  • ModuleTempLowThreshAlert—15 Minute Module Temp Low Threshold Alert

OTU Alarms, 24 Hour Threshold-Crossing Alarms (TCA), and 15 Minute Threshold-Crossing Alarms (TCA)

The following are the different OTU alarms that are generated:

  • OtnLofAlarm—Loss of Frame Alarm

  • OtnLomAlarm—Loss of Multi-frame Alarm

  • OtnLosAlarm—Loss of Signal Alarm

  • OtnNoAlarm—OTN No Alarm

  • OtuBdiAlarm—OTU Backward Error Indication Alarm

  • OtuBiaeAlarm—OTU Backward Incoming Alignment Error Alarm

  • OtuDegAlarm—OTU Degradation Alarm

  • OtuFecExcessiveErrsAlarm—OTU Forward Error Correction (FEC) Excessive Errors Alarm

  • OtuIaeAlarm—OTU Incoming Alignment Error Alarm

  • OtuSsfAlarm—OTU Server Signal Fail Alarm

  • OtuTimAlarm—OTU Trace Identifier Mismatch Alarm

  • OtuTsfAlarm—OTU Trail Signal Fail Alarm

The following are the threshold-crossing alarms generated when threshold is exceeded over the last 15 minutes for OTU attributes:

  • 24HourThreshBBETCA—24 Hour Background Block Error Threshold Alert

  • 24HourThreshBip8TCA—24 Hour Bit Interleaved Parity (BIP-8) Threshold Alert

  • 24HourThreshESTCA—24 Hour Errored Seconds Threshold Alert

  • 24HourThreshPreFECBERTCA—24 Hour Pre-Forward Error Correction Threshold Alert

  • 24HourThreshSESTCA—24 Hour Severely Errored Seconds Threshold Alert

  • 24HourThreshUASTCA—24 Hour Unavailable Second Threshold Alert

The following are the threshold-crossing alarms generated when threshold is exceeded over the last 24 hours for OTU attributes:

  • 15MinThreshBBETCA—15 Minute Background Block Error Threshold Alert

  • 15MinThreshBip8TCA—15 Minute Bit Interleaved Parity (BIP-8) Threshold Alert

  • 15MinThreshESTCA—15 Minute Errored Seconds Threshold Alert

  • 15MinThreshPreFECBERTCA—15 Minute Pre-Forward Error Correction Threshold Alert

  • 15MinThreshSESTCA—15 Minute Severely Errored Seconds Threshold Alert

  • 15MinThreshUASTCA—15 Minute Unavailable Second Threshold Alert

  • 15MinThUnCorrectedWordsTCA—15 Minute UnCorrected Codewords Threshold Alert

ODU Alarms, 24 Hour Threshold-Crossing Alarms (TCA), and 15 Minute Threshold-Crossing Alarms (TCA)

The ODU tables cover both the Path and TCM layers but TCM layers are currently not supported. The following are the different ODU alarms that are generated:

  • PtmAlarm—Payload Type Mismatch Alarm

  • TcmAisAlarm—Alarm Indication Signal Alarm

  • TcmBdiAlarm—Backward Error Indication Alarm

  • TcmCSFAlarm—CSFAlarm

  • TcmDegAlarm—Degradation Alarm

  • TcmIaeAlarm—Incoming Alignment Error Alarm

  • TcmLckAlarm—Locked Alarm

  • TcmLTCAlarm—Loss of tandem Connection Alarm

  • TcmOciAlarm—Open Connection Indication Alarm

  • TcmSSfAlarm—Server Signal Fail Alarm

  • TcmTimAlarm—Trace Identifier Mismatch Alarm

  • TcmTSfAlarm—Trail Signal Fail Alarm

  • OdukTcmNoAlarm—OTN No Alarm

The following are the threshold-crossing alarms generated when threshold is exceeded over the last 15 minutes for ODU attributes:

  • Tcm15MinThreshBBETCA—15 Minute Background Block Error Threshold Alert

  • Tcm15MinThreshBip8TCA—15 Minute Bit Interleaved Parity (BIP-8)

  • Threshold Alert Tcm15MinThreshESTCA—15 Minute Errored Seconds Threshold Alert

  • Tcm15MinThreshSESTCA—15 Minute Severely Errored Seconds

  • Threshold Alert Tcm15MinThreshUASTCA—15 Minute Unavailable Second Threshold Alert

The following are the threshold-crossing alarms generated when threshold is exceeded over the last 24 hours for ODU attributes:

  • Tcm24HourThreshBBETCA—24 Hour Background Block Error Threshold Alert

  • Tcm24HourThreshBip8TCA—24 Hour Bit Interleaved Parity (BIP-8) Threshold Alert

  • Tcm24HourThreshESTCA—24 Hour Errored Seconds Threshold Alert

  • Tcm24HourThreshSESTCA—24 Hour Severely Errored Seconds Threshold Alert

  • Tcm24HourThreshUASTCA—24 Hour Unavailable Second Threshold Alert