Monitor Service Instances
Starting in Contrail Insights Release 3.3.7, you can monitor service instances that are created by using the Contrail Command user interface (UI), from the Contrail Insights UI. A service instance is used to launch a VNF or PNF device as part of a service chain. For more information, see Example: Creating a Transparent Service Chain by Using Contrail Command.
Contrail Insights uses Contrail Server Sent Events (SSE) to fetch service instances from
the Contrail API server that are created by using Contrail Command. Contrail Insights
discovers service instances that have port tuples configured and records these service
instances only if the virtual machines are present in the Contrail Insights database. After
the service instances are recorded, the service instance is represented as an instance
aggregate on the Contrail Insights Dashboard with the prefix
Viewing Service Instances on Contrail Insights UI
Monitoring Service Instance Status (Analytics Profile)
After you have navigated to the Aggregate page, you can view and monitor health, risk, and status of all virtual machines of a service instance.
A health and risk profile is added against every instance aggregate when the service instance is created. If any of the virtual machines in the aggregate is marked NOT ACTIVE, then the profile is marked ’at risk’. ’At risk’ represents a PARTIALLY_ACTIVE state. If all the virtual machines in the aggregate are bad, then the profile health is marked 'BAD’. ’BAD’ represents an INACTIVE state.
State—vmm2-vn2 in Paused State image shows the ServiceInstance_si16 instance aggregate is at risk with virtual machine vmm2-vn2 in the paused state.Figure 2: vmm2-vn2 in Paused StateService Instance in the Partially Active State image shows an example of the si16 service instance in Partially Active state in the Contrail Command UI.
Figure 3: Service Instance in the Partially Active State -
State—vm2-vn1 in Paused State image shows the ServiceInstance_si16 instance aggregate is at risk and in bad health with virtual machine vm2-vn1 in the paused state.Figure 4: vm2-vn1 in Paused StateService Instance in the Inactive State image shows an example of the si16 service instance in the Inactive state in the Contrail
Figure 5: Service Instance in the Inactive State
Alarm and Notification
You can setup a notification service for Contrail Insights to forward triggered alarms from the Settings>Notification Settings page. You can create an alarm by selecting Instance as Scope, and selecting ServiceInstance_< service instance name> as the Instance Aggregate.
The triggered alarm notification will then be sent to the configured notification service with information on metric_name, value, and details on the service instance.