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Retrieve Passwords for Infrastructure Components

CSO uses an algorithm to automatically generate a dynamic password for the following infrastructure components:

  • Cassandra or Streaming Cassandra

  • Keystone

  • MariaDB

  • RabbitMQ

  • Icinga

  • Prometheus

  • ArangoDB

  • Elasticsearch

  • ZooKeeper

The automatically generated passwords for each infrastructure component and the cspadmin user password for the administration portal are displayed on the console after you finish answering the questions in the Setup Assistance.

You can access the administration portal by navigating to NAT IP address using a Web browser. The default username is cspadmin. The default password is shown after running ./ script while provisioning the VMs as mentioned in Provision VMs on Contrail Service Orchestration Servers.

To enhance password security, the length and pattern of each password are different and the password is encrypted. The passwords in the log file are masked.

To retrieve passwords for all infrastructure components, perform the following steps:

  1. Log in to the startupserver1 VM as root user.

  2. Navigate to the CSO directory in the startupserver1 VM.

    For example:

  3. Run the following command to retrieve the dynamic passwords that were generated during installation.


You can’t retrieve the cspadmin user password. You can reset the password from the CSO Installer webpage or from the CLI.

To reset the cspadmin user password from the CSO Installer webpage:

  1. Click Forget Password? on the login page of the CSO Installer webpage.

    A verification code is sent to the registered e-mail ID.

  2. Type the verification code in the password field on the CSO Installer webpage, and then follow the instructions to reset the password.

For details, see Resetting Your Password