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Modifying Applications and Nodes on a Disaster Recovery Setup

date_range 06-May-21

During routine operations of the disaster recovery setup, you may need to make changes to the disaster recovery setup such as upgrading Junos Space Network Management Platform; adding, removing, or upgrading Junos Space applications; adding nodes; and changing disaster recovery settings or disaster recovery procedures when the active site goes down due to a disaster. You need to log in to the Junos Space user interface and initiate Junos Space Platform workflows to modify the applications and nodes.


You must stop the disaster recovery process when you make changes to the disaster recovery setup. Missing transactions at the standby site are collected from the active site when you restart the disaster recovery process after modifying the setup.


We recommend that you install the same set of applications on both sites to ensure that you can use all the applications from the standby site in case of a failover.


When you execute the scripts to install and upgrade Junos Space Platform and Junos Space applications, you must enter only the release version. For example, /var/www/cgi-bin/ 16.1R1.XX and not /var/www/cgi-bin/ 16.1R1.XX.img.

When you execute disaster recovery scripts, ensure that you use only the following special characters to create user names and passwords:

Table 1: Supported Special Characters

Supported Special Characters

















The following sections contain steps to modify the applications or nodes on a disaster recovery setup.

Upgrading the Junos Space Network Management Platform Software

You upgrade Junos Space Platform at both the active and standby sites to upgrade the version of Junos Space Platform on your Junos Space deployment. You can upgrade Junos Space Platform on both sites as follows:

  • Upgrade Junos Space Platform at the standby site before you upgrade Junos Space Platform at the active site. By upgrading the software image on the standby site first, you can verify the software upgrade process without impacting normal operations at the active site. Although you can upgrade the software on the standby site by using scripts, you must manually failover to the standby site to verify the functionality and features of Junos Space Platform from the user interface. By upgrading the software image on the standby site first, you also ensure that the new software and new database schema are first made available on the standby site to enable it to receive new backup files from the active site after upgrading the software on the active site and restarting disaster recovery.

  • Upgrade Junos Space Platform at the active site before you upgrade Junos Space Platform at the standby site. By upgrading and testing Junos Space Platform for a duration that allows no disaster recovery functionality on your Junos Space setup, and using the newer version of Junos Space Platform on the active site first, you ensure that all functionality and features accessible through the user interface work as expected. You can then upgrade the software on the standby site by using scripts or by manually failing over to the standby site and upgrading from the user interface.

You execute the ./ and ./ scripts to upgrade Junos Space Platform Release to later releases. You need to stop the disaster recovery process on both sites before uploading and upgrading the software on both sites, reboot all nodes at both sites, and start the disaster recovery process from the active site.


See Table 1 for information about the usage of supported special characters to create user name and passwords, while executing disaster recovery scripts.

To upgrade Junos Space Platform to a later release:


If you are upgrading Junos Space Platform to Release 18.1 from a version earlier than Release 16.1, you must first upgrade Junos Space Platform to Release 16.1, and then upgrade Junos Space Platform Release 16.1 to Release 17.1 or Release 17.2.

If you are upgrading to Junos Space Platform Release 16.1 from an earlier version, follow the steps listed in the Upgrading to Junos Space Network Management Platform Release 16.1R1 section.


Before you upgrade Junos Space Platform to Release 18.1, ensure that the time on all Junos Space nodes is synchronized. For information about synchronizing time on Junos Space nodes, see Synchronizing Time Across Junos Space Nodes

  1. Log in to the CLI of the Junos Space node at the active site on which the VIP or the eth0:0 interface is configured.

    The Junos Space Settings Menu is displayed.

  2. Enter 6 (if you are using a hardware appliance) or 7 (if you are using a virtual appliance) at the Junos Space Settings Menu prompt to run shell commands.

    The following is a sample output from a virtual appliance:

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    admin@'s password:
    Last login: Mon Aug 17 06:17:58 2015 from
    Welcome to the Junos Space network settings utility.
    Initializing, please wait
    Junos Space Settings Menu
    1> Change Password
    2> Change Network Settings
    3> Change Time Options
    4> Retrieve Logs
    5> Security
    6> Expand VM Drive Size
    7> (Debug) run shell
    A> Apply changes
    Q> Quit
    R> Redraw Menu
    Choice [1-7,AQR]: 7

    You are prompted to enter the administrator password.

  3. Enter the administrator password.
  4. You can start upgrading the software at the active site or the standby site.

    To upgrade the active site first:

    1. Stop the disaster recovery process on both sites. To do so, type jmp-dr stop at the shell prompt of the active site and press Enter.
    2. Go to the Junos Space user interface > Administration workspace > Applications page and upload the software image to the active site. The software image file should be listed on the Upgrade Platform page. Refer to Upgrading Junos Space Network Management Platform in the Junos Space Network Management Platform Workspaces Feature Guide.
    3. Use SCP to copy the software image from the active site to the standby site. To do so, type /var/www/cgi-bin/ software-image-name at the shell prompt at the active site and press Enter.

      The software image is copied from the /var/cache/jboss/jmp/ directory at the active site to the /var/cache/jboss/jmp/payloads/ directory at the standby site.

    4. Go to the Junos Space user interface > Administration workspace > Applications page and upgrade the software at the active site. Refer to Upgrading Junos Space Network Management Platform in the Junos Space Network Management Platform Workspaces Feature Guide.
    5. When the upgrade is complete and all nodes reboot, check the functionality of Junos Space Platform from the user interface.
    6. Upgrade the software on the standby site. To do so, type /var/www/cgi-bin/ software-image-name at the shell prompt at the active site and press Enter.
    7. Verify that the software is upgraded at the standby site as follows:
      • Verify from the log entry in the install.log file located at /var/log/.

      • Execute the rpm -qa | grep jmp- command and verify that the following RPMs are upgraded: Jmp-nma, Jmp-cmp, jmp-ems, and other jmp-related RPMs.

    8. Reboot all nodes at the standby site from the CLI. To do so, type reboot at the shell prompt of each node and press Enter.
    9. Since the standby site cannot be accessed through the user interface, you must manually failover to the standby site to access the user interface. To do so, type jmp-dr manualFailover at the shell prompt of the standby site and press Enter.
    10. Verify the functionality of Junos Space Platform on the standby site.
    11. Manually failover to the original active site. To do so, type jmp-dr manualFailover at the shell prompt of the current standby site and press Enter.
    12. Start the disaster recovery process on both sites from the active site. To do so, type jmp-dr start at the shell prompt and press Enter.

    To upgrade the standby site first:

    1. Since the standby site cannot be accessed through the user interface, you must manually failover to the standby site to access the user interface on the standby site and upgrade the software. To do so, type jmp-dr manualFailover at the shell prompt of the standby site and press Enter.

      The standby site is the new active site. From steps 4.b through 4.j the original active site is referred as the standby site and the original standby site is referred as the active site.

    2. Stop the disaster recovery process on both sites. To do so, type jmp-dr stop at the shell prompt of the active site and press Enter.
    3. Go to the Junos Space user interface > Administration workspace > Applications page and upload the software image to the active site. The software image file should be listed on the Upgrade Platform page. Refer to Upgrading Junos Space Network Management Platform in the Junos Space Network Management Platform Workspaces Feature Guide.
    4. Use SCP to copy the software image from the active site to the standby site. To do so, type /var/www/cgi-bin/ software-image-name at the shell prompt at the active site and press Enter.

      The software image is copied from the /var/cache/jboss/jmp/ directory at the active site to the /var/cache/jboss/jmp/payloads/ directory at the standby site.

    5. Go to the Junos Space user interface > Administration workspace > Applications page and upgrade the software at the active site. Refer to Upgrading Junos Space Network Management Platform in the Junos Space Network Management Platform Workspaces Feature Guide.
    6. When the upgrade is complete and all nodes reboot, check the functionality of Junos Space Platform from the user interface.
    7. Upgrade the software on the standby site. To do so, type /var/www/cgi-bin/ software-image-name at the shell prompt at the active site and press Enter.
    8. Verify that the software is upgraded at the standby site as follows:
      • Verify from the log entry in the install.log file located at /var/log/.

      • Execute the rpm -qa | grep jmp- command and verify that the following RPMs are upgraded: Jmp-nma, Jmp-cmp, jmp-ems, and other jmp-related RPMs.

    9. Reboot all nodes at the standby site from the CLI. To do so, type reboot at the shell prompt of each node and press Enter.
    10. Since the standby site cannot be accessed through the user interface, you must manually failover to the standby site (the original active site at the start of the upgrade process) to access the user interface. To do so, type jmp-dr manualFailover at the shell prompt of the original active site and press Enter.


    11. Verify the functionality of Junos Space Platform on the active site.
    12. Start the disaster recovery process on both sites from the active site. To do so, type jmp-dr start at the shell prompt and press Enter.

Junos Space Platform is upgraded on the active and standby sites.


We recommend that you execute the jmp-dr health command at both sites and verify the output after starting disaster recovery on the upgraded setup.

Upgrading to Junos Space Network Management Platform Release 16.1R1

You can upgrade to Junos Space Network Management Platform Release 16.1R1 only from Junos Space Platform Release 15.2R2. To upgrade to Junos Space Platform Release 16.1R1 from releases prior to Junos Space Platform Release 15.2R2, you must first upgrade Junos Space Platform to Junos Space Platform Release 15.2R2. For more information about upgrading to Junos Space Platform Release 15.2R2, refer to the Junos Space Network Management Platform Release 15.2R2 Release Notes.

In Junos Space Platform Release 16.1R1, CentOS 6.8 is used as the underlying OS. A direct upgrade of the OS from CentOS 5.9 to CentOS 6.8 is not recommended, therefore, a direct upgrade to Junos Space Platform Release 16.1R1 by using the Junos Space Platform UI is not supported. You must follow a multi-step procedure to upgrade to Junos Space Platform Release 16.1R1.

To upgrade to Junos Space Platform Release 16.1R1 on a setup that has disaster recovery configured, you must upgrade both the active and standby sites by following the procedure outlined in Upgrading to Junos Space Network Management Platform Release 16.1R1 and then reconfigure disaster recovery. For more information about configuring disaster recovery, see Configuring the Disaster Recovery Process Between an Active and a Standby Site.

Installing a Junos Space Application

You install a Junos Space application on both sites to add the application to your Junos Space deployment. You execute the ./ and ./ scripts to install an application.


See Table 1 for information about the usage of supported special characters to create user name and passwords, while executing disaster recovery scripts.

To install a Junos Space application on both sites:

  1. Log in to the CLI of the Junos Space node at the active site on which the VIP or the eth0:0 interface is configured.

    The Junos Space Settings Menu is displayed.

  2. Enter 6 (if you are using a hardware appliance) or 7 (if you are using a virtual appliance) at the Junos Space Settings Menu prompt to run shell commands.

    You are prompted to enter the administrator password.

  3. Enter the administrator password.
  4. Stop the disaster recovery process on both sites. To do so, type jmp-dr stop at the shell prompt and press Enter.
  5. Go to the Junos Space user interface > Administration workspace > Applications page to upload the application image to the active site. Refer to the Adding a Junos Space Application workflow in the Junos Space Network Management Platform Workspaces Feature Guide.
  6. Use SCP to copy the application image to the standby site from the active site. To do so, type /var/www/cgi-bin/./ application-image-name at the shell prompt at the active site and press Enter.

    The application image is copied from the /var/cache/jboss/jmp/ directory at the active site to the /var/cache/jboss/jmp/payloads/ directory at the standby site.

  7. Go to the Junos Space user interface > Administration workspace > Applications page to install the application on the active site. Refer to Adding a Junos Space Application in the Junos Space Network Management Platform Workspaces Feature Guide.
  8. Go to the Junos Space user interface > Job Management page to verify that the application is installed on the active site.
  9. Install the application image on the standby site. To do so, type /var/www/cgi-bin/./ application-image-name at the shell prompt at the active site and press Enter.
  10. Verify the following on the standby site:
    • RPMs of the application are installed. To verify, execute the following command: rpm -qa | grep <application-rpm-name>.

    • .ear files of the application are available at /usr/local/jboss/standalone/deployments/.

  11. Start the disaster recovery process on both sites from the active site. To do so, type jmp-dr start at the shell prompt of the VIP node at the active site and press Enter.

The Junos Space application is installed on the active and standby sites.

Upgrading a Junos Space Application

You upgrade a Junos Space application on both sites to upgrade the application on your Junos Space deployment. You execute the ./ and ./ scripts to upgrade a Junos Space application.

To upgrade a Junos Space application on both sites:

  1. Log in to the CLI of the Junos Space node at the active site on which the VIP or the eth0:0 interface is configured.

    The Junos Space Settings Menu is displayed.

  2. Enter 6 (if you are using a hardware appliance) or 7 (if you are using a virtual appliance) at the Junos Space Settings Menu prompt to run shell commands.

    You are prompted to enter the administrator password.

  3. Enter the administrator password.
  4. Stop the disaster recovery process on both sites. To do so, type jmp-dr stop at the shell prompt and press Enter.
  5. Go to the Junos Space user interface > Administration workspace > Applications page to upload the application image to the active site. Refer to the Upgrading a Junos Space Application workflow in the Junos Space Network Management Platform Workspaces Feature Guide.
  6. Use SCP to copy the application image to the standby site from the active site. To do so, type /var/www/cgi-bin/./ application-image-name at the shell prompt at the active site and press Enter.
  7. Go to the Junos Space user interface > Administration workspace > Applications page to upgrade the application on the active site. Refer to Upgrading a Junos Space Application in the Junos Space Network Management Platform Workspaces Feature Guide.
  8. Go to the Junos Space user interface > Job Management page to verify that the application is upgraded on the active site.
  9. Upgrade the application on the standby site. To do so, type /var/www/cgi-bin/./ application-image-name at the shell prompt of the active site and press Enter.
  10. Verify the following on the standby site:
    • RPMs of the application are installed. To verify, execute the following command: rpm -qa | grep <application-rpm-name>.

    • .ear files of the application are available at /usr/local/jboss/standalone/deployments/.

  11. Start the disaster recovery process on both sites from the active site. To do so, type jmp-dr start at the shell prompt of the VIP node at the active site and press Enter.

The Junos Space application is upgraded on the active and standby sites.

Uninstalling a Junos Space Application

You uninstall a Junos Space application from both sites to remove the application from your Junos Space deployment. You execute the ./ script to uninstall an application.

To uninstall a Junos Space application from both sites:

  1. Log in to the CLI of the Junos Space node at the active site on which the VIP or the eth0:0 interface is configured.

    The Junos Space Settings Menu is displayed.

  2. Enter 6 (if you are using a hardware appliance) or 7 (if you are using a virtual appliance) at the Junos Space Settings Menu prompt to run shell commands.

    You are prompted to enter the administrator password.

  3. Enter the administrator password.
  4. Stop the disaster recovery process on both sites. To do so, type jmp-dr stop at the shell prompt and press Enter.
  5. Go to the Junos Space user interface > Administration workspace > Applications page to uninstall the application from the active site. Refer to Uninstalling a Junos Space Application in the Junos Space Network Management Platform Workspaces Feature Guide.
  6. Go to the Junos Space user interface > Job Management page to verify that the application is completely removed from the active site.
  7. Uninstall the application from the standby site. To do so, type /var/www/cgi-bin/./ ear-filename at the shell prompt at the standby site and press Enter.

    You must add the filename without the extension (.ear) as follows:

    /var/www/cgi-bin/ aim

  8. Verify the following on the standby site:
    • All database-related application data is removed.

    • RPMs of the application are removed. To verify, execute the following command: rpm -qa | grep <application-rpm-name>.

    • .ear files related to the application under /usr/local/jboss/standalone/deployments/ are removed.

  9. Start the disaster recovery process on both sites from the active site. To do so, type jmp-dr start at the shell prompt of the VIP node at the active site and press Enter.

The Junos Space application is uninstalled from the active and standby sites.

Adding or Removing a JBoss Node

We recommend that you meet the prerequisites to add a JBoss node or to know the impact of removing a JBoss node from the Junos Space setup. Refer to the Adding a Node to an Existing Junos Space Fabric and Deleting a Node from the Junos Space Fabric topics in the Junos Space Network Management Platform Workspaces Feature Guide. We also recommend that the active site and standby site be symmetric to ensure that the performance of the disaster recovery solution is effective and stable.

You add a JBoss node to improve the performance of your Junos Space setup. You remove a JBoss node if it is faulty and needs to be replaced. You may need to modify the disaster recovery configuration depending on why you added or removed the JBoss node to or from the site. You execute the ./ or ./ script to add or remove a JBoss node to or from the standby site.

To add or remove a JBoss node to or from both sites:

  1. Log in to the CLI of the Junos Space node at the active site on which the VIP or the eth0:0 interface is configured.

    The Junos Space Settings Menu is displayed.

  2. Enter 6 (if you are using a hardware appliance) or 7 (if you are using a virtual appliance) at the Junos Space Settings Menu prompt to run shell commands.

    You are prompted to enter the administrator password.

  3. Enter the administrator password.
  4. Stop the disaster recovery process on both sites. To do so, type jmp-dr stop at the shell prompt and press Enter.
  5. Go to the Junos Space user interface > Administration workspace > Fabric page to add or remove the JBoss node to or from the active site.
    1. To add a JBoss node to the standby site, type /var/www/cgi-bin/./ SpaceNode <name of the node> <node IP addess> <node user name> <node password> at the VIP node of the standby site and press Enter.
    2. To delete a JBoss node from the standby site, type /var/www/cgi-bin/./ <node IP addess> at the VIP node of the standby site and press Enter.
  6. Update the disaster recovery configuration on the active site. To do so, type jmp-dr toolkit config update at the shell prompt of the VIP node at the standby site and press Enter.
  7. Update the disaster recovery configuration on the standby site. To do so, type jmp-dr toolkit config update at the shell prompt of the VIP node at the active site and press Enter.
  8. (Optional) If you added a JBoss node with a different administrator password to a site, type jmp-dr toolkit config update --user core at the shell prompt of the VIP node at the peer site and press Enter.
  9. Start the disaster recovery process on both sites from the active site. To do so, type jmp-dr start at the shell prompt at the active site and press Enter.

The JBoss node is added to or removed from the active and standby sites.

Adding or Removing a Dedicated Junos Space Node

We recommend that you meet the prerequisites to add a Junos Space node or to know the impact of removing a Junos Space node from a Junos Space setup. Refer to the Adding a Node to an Existing Junos Space Fabric and Deleting a Node from the Junos Space Fabric topics in the Junos Space Network Management Platform Workspaces Feature Guide. We also recommend that the active site and standby site be symmetric to ensure that the performance of the disaster recovery solution is efficient and stable.

You add a dedicated Junos Space node to improve the performance of your Junos Space setup. You remove a dedicated Junos Space node if it is faulty and needs to be replaced. You may need to modify the disaster recovery configuration depending on why you added or removed the dedicated Junos Space node to or from the site.

To add or remove a dedicated Junos Space node to or from both sites:

  1. Log in to the CLI of the Junos Space node at the active site on which the VIP or the eth0:0 interface is configured.

    The Junos Space Settings Menu is displayed.

  2. Enter 6 (if you are using a hardware appliance) or 7 (if you are using a virtual appliance) at the Junos Space Settings Menu prompt to run shell commands.

    You are prompted to enter the administrator password.

  3. Enter the administrator password.
  4. Stop the disaster recovery process on both sites. To do so, type jmp-dr stop at the active site shell prompt and press Enter.
  5. Go to the Junos Space user interface > Administration workspace > Fabric page to add or remove the dedicated Junos Space node to or from the active site. Refer to the Adding a Node to an Existing Junos Space Fabric and Deleting a Node from the Junos Space Fabric topics in the Junos Space Network Management Platform Workspaces Feature Guide.
  6. Log in to the CLI of the Junos Space node at the standby site on which the VIP or the eth0:0 interface is configured.

    The Junos Space Settings Menu is displayed.

  7. Enter 6 (if you are using a hardware appliance) or 7 (if you are using a virtual appliance) at the Junos Space Settings Menu prompt to run shell commands.

    You are prompted to enter the administrator password.

  8. Enter the administrator password.
  9. Update the disaster recovery configuration on the standby site. To do so, type jmp-dr toolkit config update at the shell prompt of the VIP node at the standby site and press Enter.
  10. Configure the current standby site as the active site. To do so, type jmp-dr manualFailover at the shell prompt and press Enter. For more information, see Manually Failing Over the Network Management Services to the Standby Site.
  11. Go to the Junos Space user interface > Administration workspace > Fabric page to add or remove the dedicated Junos Space node to or from the standby site.
  12. Update the disaster recovery configuration on the active site. To do so, type jmp-dr toolkit config update at the shell prompt of the VIP node at the active site and press Enter.
  13. Configure the original active site back as the active site. To do so, type jmp-dr manualFailover at the shell prompt and press Enter.
  14. Start the disaster recovery process on both sites from the active site. To do so, type jmp-dr start at the shell prompt and press Enter.

The dedicated Junos Space node is added to or removed from the active and standby sites.
