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Device Configuration Management in Junos Space Platform

date_range 03-Jun-21

Junos Space Platform maintains an up-to-date database copy of the complete configuration of each managed device. You can view and modify the device configurations from the Junos Space user interface. Because a Junos device configuration is described in terms of an XML schema and Junos Space Platform has access to this schema, Junos Space user interface uses this schema to graphically render the device configuration. With an up-to-date schema, you can view and configure all configuration options as you would modify the configuration from the device CLI.

By default, Junos Space Platform operates in the mode where it considers the network as the system of record (NSOR). In this mode, Junos Space Platform listens to all configuration changes on managed devices and automatically resynchronizes its database copy with the modified device configuration to reflect the changes. You can change this to a mode where Junos Space considers itself as the system of record (SSOR). In this mode, Junos Space Platform does not automatically synchronize its copy of the device configuration with the modified device configuration when it receives information about out-of-band configuration changes made on a managed device. Instead, the device is marked as Device Changed and you can view the changes and decide whether to accept the changes. If you accept the changes, the changes are written into the Junos Space Platform database copy of the device configuration. If you reject the changes, Junos Space Platform removes the configuration from the device. For complete information about NSOR and SSOR modes, see the Devices workspace documentation in the Junos Space Network Management Platform Workspaces User Guide.

The following sections list the device configuration management capabilities of Junos Space Platform:

Modifying the Device Configuration by Using the Schema-Based Configuration Editor

You modify the configuration on a single device by using the Schema-based Configuration Editor. To modify a device configuration on a device, right-click the device listed on the Device Management page (in the Devices workspace) and select Modify Configuration. You can view the following details:

  • Current configuration on the device

  • Tree view of the device’s configuration hierarchy. Click and expand this tree to locate the configuration stanzas of interest. For more information about the configuration options on a device, refer to Junos OS technical documentation.

  • Options to filter the configuration and search for specific configuration options in the tree

  • Details of a configuration node when you click the node in the tree

  • Options to create, edit, delete, and order entries on the list when you navigate within a configuration node

  • Options to view information about individual parameters (blue information icons), add comments about individual parameters (yellow comment icons), and activate or deactivate a configuration option

  • Options to preview, validate, and deploy the configuration to the device

For complete information about modifying and deploying the configuration by using the Schema-based Configuration Editor, see the Devices workspace documentation in the Junos Space Network Management Platform Workspaces User Guide.

Modifying the Device Configuration by Using Device Templates

You may need to create a common configuration change and push it to multiple devices. You can use the Device Templates feature in Junos Space Platform to create and deploy changes from the Junos Space user interface. You first create a template definition to restrict the scope of a device template to a specific device family and Junos OS version. You then create a device template by using the template definition. You can also create and deploy a configuration by using Quick templates (without using a template definition). You can validate the templates, view the configuration in multiple formats, and deploy (or schedule the deployment of) the configuration to multiple devices. For complete information about creating and deploying a configuration to devices by using device templates, see the Device Templates workspace documentation in the Junos Space Network Management Platform Workspaces User Guide.

Viewing Configuration Changes

Junos Space Platform tracks all the configuration changes (from the Schema-Based Configuration Editor, Device Templates feature, Junos Space applications, or the device CLI) made on managed devices. You can view the list of configuration changes on the device in multiple formats from the Junos Space user interface. To view the list of configuration changes, right-click the device and select View Configuration Change Log. Each configuration change log entry includes details such as the timestamp of change, user who made the change, the configuration change in XML format, whether the change was made from Junos Space or out-of-band, and also the name of the application or feature that was used to change the configuration. If you have set up Junos Space Platform as the system of record, out-of-band configuration changes on a device modify the managed status of the device to Device Changed. You can view and resolve such out-of-band changes by selecting the device and selecting Resolve Out-of-band Changes. You can view a list of all out-of-band changes made on the device. You can accept or reject the changes.

For complete information about viewing configuration changes, see the Device Templates workspace documentation in the Junos Space Network Management Platform Workspaces User Guide.

Backing Up and Restoring Device Configuration Files

Junos Space Platform allows you to maintain multiple versions of device configuration files (running, candidate, and backup configuration of managed devices) in the Junos Space Platform database. You can recover device configuration files in case of a system failure and maintain consistent configuration across multiple devices. You can select and back up the configuration from multiple devices from the Configuration Files workspace. A separate configuration file is created in the database for each managed device. For complete information about backing up and restoring device configuration files, see the Configuration Files workspace documentation in the Junos Space Network Management Platform Workspaces User Guide.
