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Operations Overview

In Junos Space Network Management Platform, a device image is a software installation package that enables you to upgrade to or downgrade from one Junos operating system (Junos OS) release to another. Scripts are configuration and diagnostic automation tools provided by Junos OS.

Junos Space Network Management Platform enables you to perform tasks related to scripts and device images simultaneously, by allowing you to group tasks, such as staging device images and staging or executing scripts, into a single operation. This facilitates efficient use and reuse of tasks that are frequently performed.

Based on the roles assigned to your username, Junos Space Network Management Platform enables or disables different tasks. For more information about the roles that you need to be able to perform any tasks on operations, see Device Images and Scripts Overview.

You can perform the following tasks from the Operations page:

  • Create an operation.

  • Modify an operation.

  • Delete operations.

  • Create a copy of an existing operation.

  • Execute (or run) an operation.

  • Export operations.

  • Import an operation.

  • Assign an operation to a domain.

  • View information about operations in four stages of execution (successful, failed, in progress, and scheduled).

  • Tag and untag operations, view operations that are tagged, and delete private tags.