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Script Bundles Overview

Scripts are configuration and diagnostic automation tools provided by the Junos operating system (Junos OS). They help reduce network downtime and configuration complexity, automate common tasks, and reduce the time required to resolve problems. Junos OS scripts are of three types: commit, operation (op), and event scripts. For more information about scripts, see Scripts Overview.

Junos Space Network Management Platform allows you to group multiple op and commit scripts into a script bundle. To create a script bundle, you must first import the scripts that you want to include in the script bundle into Junos Space Platform (see Importing Scripts to Junos Space). The script bundles that you create are displayed on the Script Bundles page on the Junos Space UI. Script bundles can be staged and executed on devices. You can also modify and delete script bundles.

Based on the roles assigned to your username, Junos Space Platform enables or disables different tasks. For more information about the roles that you need to be assigned to perform tasks on script bundles, see Device Images and Scripts Overview.

You can execute the following tasks from the Script Bundles page:

  • Create a script bundle.

  • View details about a script bundle.

  • Modify a script bundle.

  • Delete script bundles.

  • Execute script bundles on devices.

  • Stage a script bundle on devices.

  • View device association of scripts in script bundles.

  • Enable scripts in a script bundle on devices.

  • Disable scripts in a script bundle on devices.

  • Tag and untag script bundles, view script bundles that are tagged, and delete private tags.