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show network-access requests pending



Display the status of pending authentication requests.


  • none—Show pending authentication requests.

  • show network-access requests pendingshow network-access requests pendingdetail—Display detailed information about all pending requests.

  • index number—(Optional) Display detailed information about the request specified by this index number. Use the command without options to obtain a list of requests and index numbers.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show network-access requests pending command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show network-access requests pending Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description


Internal number identifying the pending request. Use this number to obtain more information on the record.


Originator of authentication request.


The pending requests are requests and responses that are not yet sent back to the respective clients. The pending requests can be in one of the following states:

  • Processing: This request is being processed by the device. The authentication process has started but is not complete.

  • Waiting on Auth Server: The request is sent to an external authentication server, and the device is waiting for the response.

  • Processed: This request has completed authentication (success or failure). The results are not yet forwarded back to the client.

  • Request cancelled by Admin: This request was cancelled by the Admin. The reply with cancel code is not yet sent back to the client.


The profile determines how the user is authenticated.

Local clients defined with the statement access profile client are authenticated with the password authentication. Clients configured external to the device, on a RADIUS or LDAP server are authenticated with RADIUS or LDAP authentication.

Sample Output

show network-access requests pending

Sample Output

show network-access requests pending detail

Sample Output

show network-access requests pending index 1

Release Information

Command introduced in Release 8.5 of Junos OS.