802.3ad (EX and QFX Series)
Syntax (EX Series)
802.3ad { aex; (backup | primary); lacp { force-up; port-priority } }
Syntax (NFX, OCX, and QFX Series)
802.3ad ae{x; lacp { force-up; (primary | backup); } port-priority; }
Hierarchy Level (EX Series)
[edit interfaces interface-name ether-options]
Hierarchy Level (NFX, OCX, and QFX Series)
[edit interfaces interface-name ether-options]
Specify the aggregated Ethernet logical interface number.
The port-priority statement is not supported on QFabric systems.
The force-up statement is not supported on QFX10002 switches.
aex—Name of the LAG. Aggregated Ethernet logical interface number.
backup—Designate the interface as the backup interface for link-protection mode.
primary—Designate the interface as the primary interface for link-protection mode.
The remaining statements are described separately. See CLI Explorer.
Required Privilege Level
interface—To view this statement in the configuration.interface-control—To add this statement to the configuration.
Release Information
Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 9.0.