address-protection { reassign-on-match; }
Hierarchy Level
[edit access], [edit logical-systems logical-system-name routing-instances routing-instance-name access]
Prevent IPv4 addresses and IPv6 prefixes from being assigned to more than one subscriber session when you use AAA to supply IPv4 addresses.
For IPv4:
If enabled, the router checks the following attributes received from external servers:
The router then takes one of the following actions:
If an address matches an address in an address pool, the address is taken from the pool, provided it is available.
If the address is already in use, it is rejected as unavailable.
For IPv6:
If enabled, the router checks the following attributes received from external servers:
The router then takes one of the following actions:
If a prefix matches a prefix in an address pool, the prefix is taken from the pool, provided it is available.
If the prefix is already in use, it is rejected as unavailable.
If the prefix length requested from the external server does not exactly match the pool’s prefix length, the authentication request is denied. If configured, the Acct-Stop message includes the cause for termination.
reassign-on-match | Enable reassignment of an address from an existing subscriber to a new subscriber requesting that address. The address in use must not be part of a locally configured pool and address protection must be enabled. The request from the new subscriber is still rejected, but the existing subscriber is sent a disconnect request to begin the logout process. This enables the new subscriber to renegotiate and be assigned that IP address. If the requested address is in a locally configured pool, the existing subscriber is not disconnected. Note:
This option is not supported for IPv6.
Required Privilege Level
routing—To view this statement in the configuration.
routing-control—To add this statement to the configuration.
Release Information
Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 11.2.
option added in Junos OS Release