tca tca-identifier (enable-tca | no-enable-tca) (threshold number | threshold-24hrs number)
Hierarchy Level
[edit interfaces interface-name optics-options]
[edit interfaces interface-name otn-options]
TCAs can give the management system an early indication as to the state of the associated entity when it crosses a certain threshold. TCAs can be set for both minimum and maximum values for gauges and only maximum values for counters. The timely detection of TCAs is essential to proactively manage the interface. TCAs are not an indication of a fault, but rather an indication that the entity may be close to a fault. You can choose which TCAs you want monitored by enabling the TCA. You can either keep the default threshold settings or change the settings.
Enable threshold crossing alerts (TCAs) for the following:
Optical channel data unit (ODU)
Optical channel transport unit (OTU)
Laser power
Laser temperature
By default, TCAs are not enabled.
tca-identifier —At the otn-options hierarchy level, it can be one of the following:
—ODU background block error threshold-crossing defect triggerodu-tca-bbe-fe
—ODU far-end background block error threshold-crossing defect triggerodu-tca-es
—ODU errored seconds threshold-crossing defect triggerodu-tca-es-fe
—ODU far-end errored seconds threshold-crossing defect triggerodu-tca-ses
—ODU severely errored seconds threshold-crossing defect triggerodu-tca-ses-fe
—ODU far-end severely errored seconds threshold-crossing defect triggerodu-tca-uas
—ODU unavailable seconds threshold-crossing defect triggerodu-tca-uas-fe
—ODU far-end unavailable seconds threshold-crossing defect triggerotu-tca-bbe
—OTU background block error threshold-crossing defect triggerotu-tca-bbe-fe
—OTU far-end background block error threshold-crossing defect triggerotu-tca-es
—OTU errored seconds threshold-crossing defect triggerotu-tca-es-fe
—OTU far-end errored seconds threshold-crossing defect triggerotu-tca-fec-ber
—OTU forward error correction bit error rate threshold-crossing defect triggerotu-tca-ses
—OTU severely errored seconds threshold-crossing defect triggerotu-tca-ses-fe
—OTU far-end severely errored seconds threshold-crossing defect triggerotu-tca-uas
—OTU unavailable seconds threshold-crossing defect triggerotu-tca-uas-fe
—OTU far-end unavailable seconds threshold-crossing defect trigger
tca-identifier —At the optics-options hierarchy level, it can be one of the following:
—Carrier frequency high threshold setting triggercarrier-frequency-offset-low-tca
—Carrier frequency low threshold setting triggerfec-ber
—Optics Errored Seconds Threshold crossing defect triggerfec-corrected-errors-high-tca
—FEC Corrected Error High Threshold crossing defect triggerfec-ucorrected-words-high-tca
—FEC Uncorrected Words High Threshold crossing defect triggerlaser-frequency-error-high-tca
—Laser frequency error high TCAlaser-frequency-error-low-tca
—Laser frequency error low TCApam-histogram-high-tca
—PAM Histogram high TCAresidual-isi-high-tca
—Residual ISI high TCAresidual-isi-low-tca
—Residual ISI low TCArx-power-high-tca
—Rx power high threshold setting triggerrx-power-low-tca
—Rx power low threshold setting triggersnr-low-tca
—SNR low TCAtec-current-high-tca
—TEC Current high TCAtec-current-low-tca
—TEC Current low TCAtemperature-high-tca
—Temperature high threshold setting triggertemperature-low-tca
—Temperature low threshold setting triggertx-power-high-tca
—Tx power high threshold setting triggertx-power-low-tca
—Tx power low threshold setting trigger
enable-tca | no-enable-tca—To enable or disable the threshold crossing alert.
threshold | threshold-24hrs:
threshold number—Set the 15-minute interval threshold.
threshold-24hrs number—Set the 24-hour interval threshold.
Required Privilege Level
interface—To view this statement in the configuration.
interface-control—To add this statement to the configuration.
Release Information
Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 14.2.