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show chassis power (Security)



Display power limits and usage information for the Power Entry Modules (PEMs).



Displays information specific to the chassis.


Shows the chassis fru power on sequence.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show chassis power command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show chassis power Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

PEM number

AC or DC PEM number on the chassis. The following output fields are displayed for the PEM:

  • State—State of the PEM:

    • Online—PEM is present in the slot and online.

    • Empty—PEM is not present in the slot.

    • Present—PEM is present in the slot, but not online.

  • AC Input —State of the AC input power feed with the number of active and expected feeds (1 or 2).

  • Capacity—Actual power input capacity with maximum capacity displayed (in parentheses) in watts.

  • DC Output—DC power output, in watts, for the specified zone, at the specified amps and voltage (A @ V), and load and percentage utilization of the maximum capacity for the zone.


Overall power statistics for the system zone:

  • Zone number:

    • Capacity—Maximum power capacity available for the zone, in watts.

    • Allocated power—Actual capacity allocated for the zone, in watts, with remaining power displayed in parentheses.

    • Actual usage—Actual power usage for the zone, in watts.

  • Total system capacity—Cumulative power capacity of all the zones, in watts.

  • Total remaining capacity—Difference between the total system capacity and cumulative allocated power of all zones, in watts.

Sample Output

show chassis power

When you enter the show chassis power command, the sample output is shown for DC PEM.

show chassis power detail

When you enter the show chassis power detail command, the sample output is shown for DC PEM.

Release Information

Command modified in Junos OS Release 12.1X44-D10.