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Junos Fusion Provider Edge User Guide
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Configuring Satellite Device Alarm Handling Using an Environment Monitoring Satellite Policy in a Junos Fusion

date_range 24-Nov-23

This topic shows how to configure the alarm levels for link-down events on a satellite device in a Junos Fusion.

To configure system alarm handling in a Junos Fusion using an environment monitoring satellite policy:

  1. Log in to the aggregation device.
  2. Create and name the environment monitoring satellite policy:
    content_copy zoom_out_map
    user@aggregation-device# set policy-options satellite-policies environment-monitoring-policy policy-name

    For example, to create an environment monitoring satellite policy named linkdown-alarm-monitoring-1:

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    user@aggregation-device# set policy-options satellite-policies environment-monitoring-policy linkdown-alarm-monitoring-1
  3. Configure the link-down alarm behavior for the Junos Fusion using one or both of the following methods:
    • Set the default link-down alarm to one setting whenever it is experienced in a Junos Fusion:

      content_copy zoom_out_map
      [edit policy-options satellite-policies environment-monitoring-policy policy-name]
      user@aggregation-device# set alarm linkdown  [ignore | red | yellow]

      For example, to set the default link-down alarm to ignore for linkdown-alarm-monitoring-1:

      content_copy zoom_out_map
      [edit policy-options satellite-policies environment-monitoring-policy linkdown-alarm-monitoring-1]
      user@aggregation-device# set alarm linkdown ignore
    • Set the link-down alarm behavior for a specific satellite device hardware model using terms:

      content_copy zoom_out_map
      [edit policy-options satellite-policies environment-monitoring-policy policy-name]
      user@aggregation-device# set term term-name from product-model model-name alarm linkdown [ignore | red | yellow]

      where term-name is the user-defined name of the term, and model-name defines the product model of the satellite device that uses the satellite policy.

      You can apply environment monitoring satellite policies individually or globally. You can, therefore, create multiple policies using the instructions in this step and apply them to different satellite devices in your Junos Fusion, when needed.

      You can use multiple terms in the same environment monitoring satellite policy.

      For example, if you wanted to configure EX4300 switches acting as satellite devices to send yellow alarms when link-down errors occur while QFX5100 switches acting as satellite devices send red alarms for the same condition:

      content_copy zoom_out_map
      [edit policy-options satellite-policies environment-monitoring-policy linkdown-alarm-monitoring-1]
      user@aggregation-device# set term ex4300-yellow from product-model EX4300* alarm linkdown yellow
      user@aggregation-device# set term qfx5100-red from product-model QFX5100* alarm linkdown red
  4. Associate the environment monitoring satellite policy with a Junos Fusion configuration.
    • To associate an environment monitoring satellite policy for all satellite devices in a Junos Fusion:

      content_copy zoom_out_map
      [edit chassis satellite-management]
      user@aggregation-device# set environment-monitoring-policy policy-name

      For example, to associate an environment monitoring satellite policy named linkdown-alarm-monitoring-1 for all satellite devices in a Junos Fusion:

      content_copy zoom_out_map
      [edit chassis satellite-management]
      user@aggregation-device# set environment-monitoring-policy linkdown-alarm-monitoring-1
    • To associate an environment monitoring satellite policy for select FPC IDs in a Junos Fusion:

      content_copy zoom_out_map
      [edit chassis satellite-management fpc slot-id]
      user@aggregation-device# set environment-monitoring-policy policy-name

      For example, to associate an environment monitoring satellite policy named linkdown-alarm-monitoring-1 for the satellite device associated with FPC ID 101 in a Junos Fusion:

      content_copy zoom_out_map
      [edit chassis satellite-management fpc 101]
      user@aggregation-device# set environment-monitoring-policy linkdown-alarm-monitoring-1

    You can configure a different environment monitoring policy for a single satellite device using the fpc slot-id when an environment monitoring policy for all satellite devices is configured. The environment monitoring policy for the FPC is enabled in cases when both an individual and global environment monitoring policy are configured.

  5. Commit the configuration to both Routing Engines:
    content_copy zoom_out_map
    user@aggregation-device# commit synchronize

    If you want to commit the configuration to the active Routing Engine only:

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    user@aggregation-device# commit