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Junos CLI Reference
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sham-link-remote address {
    ipsec-sa name;
    metric metric;

Hierarchy Level

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[edit logical-systems logical-system-name routing-instances routing-instance-name protocols ospf area area-id],
[edit routing-instances routing-instance-name protocols ospf area area-id]


Configure the remote endpoint of a sham link.

You can create an intra-area link or sham link between two provider edge (PE) routing devices so that the VPN backbone is preferred over the back-door link. A back-door link is a backup link that connects customer edge (CE) devices in case the VPN backbone is unavailable. When such a backup link is available and the CE devices are in the same OSPF area, the default behavior is to prefer this backup link over the VPN backbone. This is ecause the backup link is considered an intra-area link, while the VPN backbone is always considered an inter-area link. Intra-area links are always preferred over inter-area links.

The sham link is an unnumbered point-to-point intra-area link between PE devices. When the VPN backbone has a sham intra-area link, this sham link can be preferred over the backup link if the sham link has a lower OSPF metric than the backup link.

The sham link is advertised using Type 1 link-state advertisements (LSAs). Sham links are valid only for routing instances and OSPFv2.

Each sham link is identified by the combination of a local endpoint address and a remote endpoint address.



Address for the remote end point of the sham link.


Configure an interface as a demand circuit.

ipsec-sa name

Apply the named IPsec authentication to the OSPF interface or virtual link or to an OSPFv2 remote sham link.

metric metric

Specify the cost of an OSPF interface. The cost is a routing metric that is used in the link-state calculation. To set the cost of routes exported into OSPF, configure the appropriate routing policy. Range is 1 through 65,535. By default, the cost of an OSPF route is calculated by dividing the reference-bandwidth value by the bandwidth of the physical interface. Any specific value you configure for the metric overrides the default behavior of using the reference-bandwidth value to calculate the cost of the route for that interface.

The remaining statements are explained separately. See CLI Explorer.

Required Privilege Level

routing—To view this statement in the configuration.

routing-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced before Junos OS Release 7.4.

Support for ipsec-sa statement added in Junos OS Release 8.3.
