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show ovsdb statistics interface

date_range 19-Nov-23


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show ovsdb statistics interface


Display statistics for Open vSwitch Database (OVSDB)-managed interfaces configured by using the interfaces interface-name statement in the [edit protocols ovsdb] hierarchy.

When an interface is configured as OVSDB-managed, the collection of statistics for that interface begins, and the statistics displayed at any given time reflects the data collected up to that point.



Display statistics for all configured OVSDB-managed interfaces.


Display statistics for the specified interface.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show ovsdb statistics interface command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show ovsdb statistics interface Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Num of rx pkts

Number of packets received by the interface.

Num of tx pkts

Number of packets sent by the interface.

Num of rx bytes

Number of bytes received by the interface.

Num of tx bytes

Number of bytes sent by the interface.

Sample Output

show ovsdb statistics interface

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show ovsdb statistics interface
Interface Name: ge-7/0/9.0
Num of rx pkts: 945                   Num of tx pkts: 113280890
Num of rx bytes: 56700                 Num of tx bytes: 57531319540
Interface Name: ge-7/0/10.0
Num of rx pkts: 459                   Num of tx pkts: 473840856
Num of rx bytes: 84747                 Num of tx bytes: 45830738532
Interface Name: ge-7/0/11.0
Num of rx pkts: 305                   Num of tx pkts: 367483456
Num of rx bytes: 98974                 Num of tx bytes: 33495468092

show ovsdb statistics interface (Specific Interface)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show ovsdb statistics interface ge-7/0/9.0
Interface Name: ge-7/0/9.0
Num of rx pkts: 945                   Num of tx pkts: 113280890
Num of rx bytes: 56700                 Num of tx bytes: 57531319540

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 14.1R2.
