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Release Notes: Junos OS Release 24.2R1
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Open Issues

date_range 23-Jul-24

Learn about open issues in this release for QFX Series switches.

For the most complete and latest information about known Junos OS defects, use the Juniper Networks online Junos Problem Report Search application.

General Routing

  • When TISSU upgrades from Junos OS Release 22.4 release and later, the box comes up as backup Routing Engine.PR1703229

  • 4x25G channelized interfaces does not come up after swapping the optics hot. PR1719758

  • An issue with SOFT OIR occurs, which is used for internal debugging purposes. PR1757704

  • In a QFX51200-48YM-8C Virtual Chassis setup, after a a mastership switch over fan tray of line card might not be displayed in the show chassis hardware and show chassis environment commands. There is no functional impact. PR1758400

  • On QFX5210 devices, the dcpfe process generates core file at __kernel_vsyscall, tvp_watchdog, and dcbcm_driver_read32,soc_dcbcm_ipoll_check,cp u_sched_update_timers. PR1790234

Routing Protocols

  • On Junos platforms and Junos Evolved platforms, if a BGP peer goes down and stays down, the system might take an extremely long time to complete removing the BGP routes. The issue is observed when a BGP peer sends many routes, only a small number of routes are selected as the active routes in the routing information base (RIB, also known as the routing table), and if the BGP delete job gets only a small part of the CPU time because other work in the routing process is utilizing the CPU.PR1695062
