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Applying CoS Attributes to VLANs Using Access-Line Identifiers

To apply CoS attributes, such as shaping, at the household level, you must set and define the CoS policy for the access-line-identifier (ALI) VLAN interface set using the dynamic profile for the ALI interface set (not the subscriber profile). You can also configure a traffic-control profile and a remaining traffic-control profile for a dynamic interface set.

The following example is a CoS profile for an ALI interface set using a unique-ID based dynamic scheduler map:

Configure a CoS dynamic profile with a simple traffic-control profile that is applied to the dynamic interface set that represents the ALI VLAN.

  1. Configure CoS to support a dynamic interface set in the CoS profile:
  2. Configure the interfaces.
  3. Configure the CoS traffic-control profile.
  4. Specify the interfaces.

The following example is a CoS profile for an ALI set using a unique ID-based dynamic scheduler map: