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PTP Passive Port Performance Monitoring on PTX10004 and PTX10008 Devices

The Precision Time Protocol (PTP) passive port performance monitoring feature can be enabled on stateful ports (as per G.8275.1 Annex G) for PTX10004 and PTX10008 platform with LC1201 and LC1202 line-cards.

The PTP passive port performance monitoring feature:

  • is used to monitor the PTP performance at a passive port. The passive port state is defined in ITU-T-G.8275.1 specifications.
  • supports not-master and measure-only per PTP port attributes for stateful ports.

  • can be configured on a maximum of four ports (including one active member port).

  • supports configurable delay request rates of passive ports.

  • supports PTP passive port minor alarms when performance metrics exceed the configured thresholds.

  • is supported on LAG interfaces on PTP selected active interface. The source port is same for the primary or secondary links because the port-numbers belong to the aggregated Ethernet (AE) interface.

The following alarm is supported for PTP performance monitoring:

Alarms Reason Type Raise Condition Clear Condition



PTP phase difference measurement exceeds configured threshold for the monitored port Minor Interface Alarm

Alarm is raised when the measured phase-difference of the monitored interface exceeds configured threshold over 15 minutes interval and the configuration set protocols ptp performance-monitor passive-port is enabled.

Alarm is cleared when the measured phase difference at the monitored interface is below the configured threshold over 15 minutes interval and the configuration set protocols ptp performance-monitor passive-port is deativated.


• Two-step clock in master mode is not supported in PTP FPGA mode.

• PTP with MACSec encryption is not supported.

Configuring PTP Passive Port Performance Monitoring

To quickly configure this example, copy the following commands, paste them into a text file, remove any line breaks, change any details necessary to match your network configuration, and then copy and paste the commands into the CLI at the [edit] hierarchy level.

  1. Configure set protocols ptp performance-monitor passive-port to enable the PTP passive port performance monitoring feature.

  2. Configure set protocols ptp performance-monitor passive-port delay-request-rate <delay-request-value> to set the delay request rate for port monitoring.

    This configuration is used for raising PTP performance alarm when the measured phase error exceeds the threshold over 15 minutes interval.

    The default value is -4 and the value ranges from -4 to +4. For example,
  3. To configure PTP passive port performance monitoring for stateful interfaces, use set protocols ptp stateful interface <interface-number> passive-port-monitor command. It sets the interface port to monitor-mode. The port is now monitored when it moves to passive state. This command is supported only for multicast mode.

    For example,
  4. Use set protocols ptp stateful interface interface-name passive-port-monitor maximum-phase-offset-threshold <offset-threshold-value> to set the interface PTP passive port performance monitoring maximum phase offset threshold. This configuration is used for raising PTP performance alarm when the measured phase error exceeds the threshold over 15 minutes interval. The value is defined in nano seconds and range from 0 to 100000000. The default value is 100ms.

    For example,
  5. Use set protocols ptp stateful interface interface–-name not–master to configure not-master per PTP port attribute for stateful ports. This ensures the port is never placed in timeTransmitter state but can be placed in passive or member state. This configuration is independent of passive-port-monitoring feature and is supported only for multicast mode. For example:

  6. Use set protocols ptp stateful interface interface–-name passive-port-monitor measure-only to configure the stateful port as measure-only. This ensures the port is never placed in timeTransmitter or member state but can be placed in passive state. This configuration is independent of the not-master configuration and supported only for multicast mode.


Check the results of the configuration using the show ptp global-information, show ptp passive-port-monitor-status and show ptp port commands. For example:

  • show ptp global-information output with PTP passive port performance monitoring enabled:

  • show ptp passive-port-monitor status command output with PTP passive port performance monitoring enabled and configured as not-master.

  • show ptp port command output with measure-only and not-master configured on the stateful port with PTP passive port performance monitoring enabled.