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show ptp global-information

date_range 07-Dec-24


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show ptp global-information


Show Precision Time Protocol (PTP)–related global information.


This command has no options.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show ptp global-information command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show ptp global-information Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

PTP Global Configuration

Displays if PTP is configured globally.

Domain Number

PTP domain with values from 0 through 127. The default value is 0. Only one PTP domain is supported at any given point in time.

Clock mode

Clock mode is either boundary or ordinary.

Profile Type

IEEE-2008, Enterprise, G.8275.1, G.8275.2.enh, SMPTE-ST 2059-2, AES67, and Combined AES67 and SMPTE-ST 2059-2.

Servo Type

Indicates whether the servo type applied on the platform is the default or the enhanced version.

Priority Level1

Priority value of the clock: 0 through 255. The default is 128. The lower value takes precedence.

Priority Level2

Priority value of the clock: 0 through 255. The default is 128. This value is used to differentiate and prioritize the timeTransmitter clocks when the priority1-value is the same for different timeTransmitter clocks in a network. The lower value takes precedence.

Unicast Negotiation

Method by which the announce, synchronization, and delay-response packet rates are negotiated between the timeTransmitter and the timeReceiver before a PTP session is established. Unicast negotiation is enabled or disabled.

ESMC QL From Clock Class

Denotes whether the conversion from clock class to QL is enabled or disabled.

Clock Class/ESMC QLl

Denotes the user defined clock class to QL conversion.

SNMP Trap Status

Denotes the SNMP trap generation status (Enabled or Disabled).

Master Parameters

Delay Request Timeout

The default value is 30 seconds. The range is from 30 to 300 seconds.


Displays if transparent clock mode is enabled or disabled.


Display the status of the transparent clock operation. The following status is as follows:

  • N/A—Transparent clock is not configured.

  • Active—Transparent clock is configured and working properly.

  • sync-in-progress—This is a temporary state. During startup, all the PHYs are synchronized with each other. This status also occurs when a new PIC is plugged in to the switch and all the PHYs go through the synchronization cycle again.


    Transparent clock operation is disabled during the synchronization of PHYs.

  • Inactive—Transparent clock is configured but not working properly. This indicates a hardware error in PHY timestamping logic.


Displays the status of assisted partial timing support (APTS) on the device.

APTS Domain

Indicates the domain on which APTS is enabled on.

APTS Unicast Negotiation

Displays the status of assisted partial timing support (APTS) unicast negotiation on the device.

Holdover-in-spec Duration

Indicates the time duration in minutes wherein the servo state will be holdover-in-specification after which the holdover time expires and the device moves to holdover-out-specification.

Syntonized transparent-clock-config

Displays if syntonized transparent clock mode is enabled or disabled.

PPM Status

Displays the Passive Port Monitoring (PPM) status (Enabled or Disabled) (only on PTX10004, PTX10008 devices).

PPM Delay Request Interval

PPM delay request interval supporting G.8275.1 specifications. The default value is -4, or (only on PTX10004, PTX10008 devices).

Syntonized transparent-clock-status

Display the status of the syntonized transparent clock operation. The following status is as follows:

  • N/A—Syntonized transparent clock is not configured.

  • Active—Syntonized transparent clock is configured and working properly.

  • sync-in-progress—This is a temporary state. During startup, all the PHYs are synchronized with each other. This status also occurs when a new PIC is plugged into the switch and all the PHYs go through the synchronization cycle again.


    Syntonized transparent clock operation is disabled during the synchronization of PHYs.

  • Inactive—Syntonized transparent clock is configured but not working properly. This indicates a hardware error in PHY timestamping logic.

UTC Leap Seconds

The number of UTC leap seconds is 37 seconds by default. However, you can configure a different value.

Phase adjust threshold

Displays the maximum phase offset in nanoseconds that is adjusted by the G.8275.2 enhanced servo in a phase-aligned state. A higher phase adjust threshold permits a clock to tolerate phase offset changes because of higher network packet delay variation (PDV).


This field is displayed for supported platforms.

Frequency lock threshold

Displays the frequency offset in parts per billion (ppb) that the servo locks with. Locking with a higher frequency lock threshold allows a quicker frequency lock, although at the expense of a higher phase offset per window in the phase-aligned state.


This field is displayed for supported platforms.

Phase lock threshold

Displays he maximum phase offset in nanoseconds with which G.8275.2 enhanced servo enters the phase-aligned state. Phase locking with a higher phase lock threshold leads to the servo and time receiver getting into the phase-aligned state quickly.


This field is displayed for supported platforms.

Sample Output

show ptp global-information (Transparent Clock Configured)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@switch> show ptp global-information
PTP Global Configuration:
Transparent-clock-config : ENABLED
Transparent-clock-status : ACTIVE

show ptp global-information (Syntonized Transparent Clock Configured)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@switch> show ptp global-information
PTP Global Configuration:
Syntonized transparent-clock-config : ENABLED
Syntonized transparent-clock-status : ACTIVE
Syntonized clock-status : LOCKED

show ptp global-information (Default Profile)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@switch> show ptp global-information
PTP Global Configuration:
Domain number           : 0             
Clock mode              : Ordinary      
Profile type            : IEEE-2008    
Priority Level1         : 128           
Priority Level2         : 128           
Path Trace              : Disabled
Unicast Negotiation     : Disabled
ESMC QL From Clock Class: Disabled
Clock Class/ESMC QL     :  -      
SNMP Trap Status        : Disabled
PHY Time Stamping       : Disabled
UTC Leap Seconds        : 37     

show ptp global-information (Enterprise Profile)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@switch> show ptp global-information
PTP Global Configuration:
Domain number           : 0              
Clock mode              : Boundary       
Profile type            : Enterprise      
Priority Level1         : 128            
Priority Level2         : 128            


show ptp global-information (G.8275.1 Profile)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show ptp global-information
PTP Global Configuration:
Domain number           : 0
Clock mode              : Boundary
Profile type            : G.8275.1
Priority Level1         : 128
Priority Level2         : 128
Local Priority          : 128
Path Trace              : Disabled
Unicast Negotiation     : Disabled
ESMC QL From Clock Class: Disabled
Clock Class/ESMC QL     : -
SNMP Trap Status        : Disabled
PHY Time Stamping       : Enabled
UTC Leap Seconds        : 37
Transparent-clock-config : Disabled
Transparent-clock-status : N/A
  Sync Interval         : -
  Delay Request Interval: -4 (16 packets per second) 
  Announce Interval     : -
  Announce Timeout      : 3 
Grant Duration          : -
Master Parameters: 
  Sync Interval         : -4 (16 packets per second) 
  Delay Request Interval: - 
  Announce Interval     : -3 (8 packets per second)
  Delay Request Timeout : -
  Clock Step            : one-step 
  Arbitrary Mode        : FALSE
Number of Slaves        : 1 
Number of Masters       : 0
Number of Stateful      : 0 

show ptp global-information (G.8275.2.enh Profile)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show ptp global-information
PTP Global Configuration:
Domain number           : 44             
Clock mode              : Ordinary       
Profile type            : G.8275.2.ENH
Servo type              : Default   
Priority Level1         : 128            
Priority Level2         : 255            
Local Priority          : 128            
Path Trace              : Disabled 
Unicast Negotiation     : Enabled  
ESMC QL From Clock Class: Disabled 
Clock Class/ESMC QL     :  -       
SNMP Trap Status        : Disabled 
PHY Time Stamping       : Disabled 
UTC Leap Seconds        : 37      
Transparent-clock-config : DISABLED
Transparent-clock-status : N/A     
Slave Parameters:
  Sync Interval         : -6 (64 packets per second - unicast request)
  Delay Request Interval: -6 (64 packets per second - unicast request)
  Announce Interval     : -3 (8 packets per second - unicast request)
  Announce Timeout      : 3   
  Grant Duration        : 300 
Master Parameters:
  Sync Interval               : -6 (64 packets per second)
  Announce Interval           : 0 (1 packet per second)
  Min Announce Interval       : -3 (8 packets per second)
  Max Announce Interval       : 0 (1 packet per second)
  Min Sync Interval           : -7 (128 packets per second)
  Max Sync Interval           : 0 (1 packet per second)
  Min Delay Response Interval : -7 (128 packets per second)
  Max Delay Response Interval : 0 (1 packet per second)
  Delay Request Timeout       : <not applicable>
  Clock Step                  : one-step   
  Arbitrary Mode              : FALSE   

Number of Slaves       : 1  
Number of Masters      : 0  
Number of Stateful     : 0 

show ptp global-information (APTS Configured)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show ptp global-informationPTP Global Configuration:
Domain number           : 24             
Clock mode              : Boundary       
Profile: G.8275.1       
Priority Level1         : 128            
Priority Level2         : 128            
Local Priority          : 128            
Path Trace              : Disabled 
ESMC QL From Clock Class: Enabled 
Clock Class/ESMC QL     : 6 / (QL PRC/SSM 0x2) 
SNMP Trap Status        : Disabled 
PHY Time Stamping       : Enabled  
UTC Leap Seconds        : 37      
Transparent-clock-config : DISABLED
Transparent-clock-status : N/A     
APTS                     : Enabled 
APTS Domain              : 44      
APTS Unicast Negotiation : Enabled
Holdover-in-spec Duration: 240 Minutes

Slave Parameters:
  Sync Interval         : -6 (64 packets per second - unicast request)
  Delay Request Interval: -6 (64 packets per second - unicast request)
  Announce Interval     : 0 (1 packet per second - unicast request)
  Announce Timeout      : 3   
  Grant Duration        : 300           
Master Parameters:
  Sync Interval               : -4 (16 packets per second)
  Announce Interval           : -3 (8 packets per second)
  Delay Request Timeout       : <not applicable>
  Clock Step                  : one-step   
  Arbitrary Mode              : FALSE   
Master Parameters (G.8275.2.enh):
  Min Announce Interval       : -3 (8 packets per second)
  Max Announce Interval       : 0 (1 packets per second)
  Min Sync Interval           : -7 (128 packets per second)
  Max Sync Interval           : 0 (1 packet per second)
  Min Delay Response Interval : -7 (128 packets per second)
  Max Delay Response Interval : 0 (1 packet per second)
Number of Slaves       : 1  
Number of Masters      : 3  
Number of Stateful     : 0  

show ptp global-information (MX10008, ACX7100-32C and ACX7100-48L)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show ptp global-information
PTP Global Configuration:
Domain number           : 44
Clock mode              : Boundary
Profile type            : G.8275.2.ENH
Servo type              : Enhanced
Priority Level1         : 128
Priority Level2         : 128
Local Priority          : 128
Path Trace              : Disabled
Unicast Negotiation     : Enabled
ESMC QL From Clock Class: Disabled
Clock Class/ESMC QL     :  -
SNMP Trap Status        : Disabled
PHY Time Stamping       : Enabled
UTC Leap Seconds        : 37
Transparent-clock-config : DISABLED
Transparent-clock-status : N/A
Phase adjust threshold   : 1100
Frequency lock threshold : 1
Phase lock threshold     : 200
Slave Parameters:
  Sync Interval         : -6 (64 packets per second - unicast request)
  Delay Request Interval: -6 (64 packets per second - unicast request)
  Announce Interval     : 0 (1 packet per second - unicast request)
  Announce Timeout      : 3
  Grant Duration        : 300
Master Parameters:
  Min Announce Interval       : -3 (8 packets per second)
  Max Announce Interval       : 0 (1 packet per second)
  Min Sync Interval           : -7 (128 packets per second)
  Max Sync Interval           : 0 (1 packet per second)
  Min Delay Response Interval : -7 (128 packets per second)
  Max Delay Response Interval : 0 (1 packet per second)
  Delay Request Timeout       : <not applicable>
  Clock Step                  : one-step
  Arbitrary Mode              : FALSE
Number of Slaves       : 1
Number of Masters      : 0
Number of Stateful     : 0

show ptp global-information (SMPTE ST-2059-2 Profile)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show ptp global-information
PTP Global Configuration:
Domain number           : 127
Clock mode              : Boundary
Profile type            : SMPTE ST-2059-2
Priority Level1         : 128
Priority Level2         : 128
Local Priority          : -
Path Trace              : Disabled
Unicast Negotiation     : Disabled
ESMC QL From Clock Class: Disabled
Clock Class/ESMC QL     : -
SNMP Trap Status        : Disabled
PHY Time Stamping       : Disabled
UTC Leap Seconds        : 37
Transparent-clock-config : Disabled
Transparent-clock-status : N/A
  Sync Interval         : -
  Delay Request Interval: -3 (8 packets per second) 
  Announce Interval     : -
  Announce Timeout      : 3 
  Grant Duration        : -
Master Parameters: 
  Sync Interval         : -3 (8 packets per second) 
  Announce Interval     : -2 (4 packets per second)
  Min Announce Interval : -3 (8 packets per second)
  Max Announce Interval : 1 (1 packet every 2 seconds)
  Min Sync Interval     : -7 (128 packets per second)
  Max Sync Interval     : -1 (2 packets per second)
  Min Delay Response Interval : -7 (128 packets per second)
  Max Delay Response Interval : 4 (1 packet every 16 seconds)
  Delay Request Timeout : 30
  Clock Step            : one-step 
  Arbitrary Mode        : FALSE
Number of Slaves       : 1 
Number of Masters      : 1
Number of Stateful     : 0 

show ptp global-information (AES67 Profile)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show ptp global-information
PTP Global Configuration:
Domain number           : 0
Clock mode              : Boundary
Profile type            : AES67
Priority Level1         : 128
Priority Level2         : 128
Local Priority          : -
Path Trace              : Disabled
Unicast Negotiation     : Disabled
ESMC QL From Clock Class: Disabled
Clock Class/ESMC QL     : -
SNMP Trap Status        : Disabled
PHY Time Stamping       : Disabled
UTC Leap Seconds        : 37
Transparent-clock-config : Disabled
Transparent-clock-status : N/A
  Sync Interval         : -
  Delay Request Interval: -3 (8 packets per second) 
  Announce Interval     : -
  Announce Timeout      : 3 
  Grant Duration        : -
Master Parameters: 
  Sync Interval         : -3 (8 packets per second) 
  Announce Interval     : 1 (1 packet every 2 seconds)
  Min Announce Interval : 0 (1 packet per second)
  Max Announce Interval : 4 (1 packet every 16 seconds)
  Min Sync Interval     : -4 (16 packets per second)
  Max Sync Interval     : 1 (1 packet every 2 seconds)
  Min Delay Response Interval : -7 (128 packets per second)
  Max Delay Response Interval : 4 (1 packet every 16 seconds)
  Delay Request Timeout : 30
  Clock Step            : one-step 
  Arbitrary Mode        : FALSE
Number of Slaves       : 1 
Number of Masters      : 1
Number of Stateful     : 0

show ptp global-information (Combined AES67 and SMPTE ST-2059-2 Profile)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show ptp global-information
PTP Global Configuration:
Domain number           : 0
Clock mode              : Boundary
Profile type            : Combined AES67 and SMPTE ST-2059-2
Priority Level1         : 128
Priority Level2         : 128
Local Priority          : -
Path Trace              : Disabled
Unicast Negotiation     : Disabled
ESMC QL From Clock Class: Disabled
Clock Class/ESMC QL     : -
SNMP Trap Status        : Disabled
PHY Time Stamping       : Disabled
UTC Leap Seconds        : 37
Transparent-clock-config : Disabled
Transparent-clock-status : N/A
  Sync Interval         : -
  Delay Request Interval: -3 (8 packets per second) 
  Announce Interval     : -
  Announce Timeout      : 3 
  Grant Duration        : -
Master Parameters: 
  Sync Interval         : -3 (8 packets per second) 
  Announce Interval     : 0 (1 packet per second)
  Min Announce Interval : 0 (1 packet per second)
  Max Announce Interval : 1 (1 packet every 2 seconds)
  Min Sync Interval     : -4 (16 packets per second)
  Max Sync Interval     : -1 (2 packet per second)
  Min Delay Response Interval : -7 (128 packets per second)
  Max Delay Response Interval : 4 (1 packet every 16 seconds)
  Delay Request Timeout : 30
  Clock Step            : one-step 
  Arbitrary Mode        : FALSE
Number of Slaves       : 1 
Number of Masters      : 1
Number of Stateful     : 0

show ptp global-information (PTX10004, PTX10008 Devices)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show ptp global-information
PTP Global Configuration:
Domain number           : 24
Clock mode              : Boundary
Profile type            : G.8275.1
Priority Level1         : 128
Priority Level2         : 128
Local Priority          : 128
Path Trace              : Disabled
Unicast Negotiation     : Disabled
ESMC QL From Clock Class: Disabled
Clock Class/ESMC QL     :  -
SNMP Trap Status        : Disabled
PHY Time Stamping       : Enabled
UTC Leap Seconds        : 37
Transparent-clock-config : DISABLED
Transparent-clock-status : N/A
PPM Status              : ENABLED
PPM Delay Request Interval : -4 (16 packets per second)

Slave Parameters:
  Sync Interval         : <not applicable>
  Delay Request Interval: -4 (16 packets per second)
  Announce Interval     : <not applicable>
  Announce Timeout      : 3
  Grant Duration        : <not applicable>
Master Parameters:
  Sync Interval               : -4 (16 packets per second)
  Announce Interval           : -3 (8 packets per second)
  Delay Request Timeout       : <not applicable>
  Clock Step                  : one-step
  Arbitrary Mode              : FALSE

Number of Slaves       : 0
Number of Masters      : 1
Number of Stateful     : 1

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 14.1X53-D25.

Output showing Syntonized Transparent Clock added in Junos OS Evolved Release 21.1R1.

SMPTE-ST 2059-2, AES67, and Combined AES67, and SMPTE-ST 2059-2 profile types are added in Junos OS Release 21.3 R1.

Frequency lock threshold, phase adjust threshold, and phase lock threshold output fields added in Junos OS Release 23.4R1 for MX10008.

Frequency lock threshold, phase adjust threshold, and phase lock threshold output fields supported for ACX7100-32C, ACX7100-48L, and ACX7024 in Junos OS Evolved Release 24.2R1.

APTS, APTS Domain, APTS Unicast Negotiation, Holdover-in-spec Duration output fields supported for ACX7024 and ACX7024X in Junos OS Evolved Release 24.2R2.
