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Overview of Policers

date_range 24-Nov-23

A switch polices traffic by limiting the input or output transmission rate of a class of traffic according to user-defined criteria. Policing (or rate-limiting) traffic allows you to control the maximum rate of traffic sent or received on an interface and to provide multiple priority levels or classes of service.

Policing is also an important component of firewall filters. You can achieve policing by including policers in firewall filter configurations.

Policer Overview

You use policers to apply limits to traffic flow and set consequences for packets that exceed these limits—usually applying a higher loss priority—so that if packets encounter downstream congestion, they can be discarded first. Policers apply only to unicast packets.

Policers provide two functions: metering and marking. A policer meters (measures) each packet against traffic rates and burst sizes that you configure. It then passes the packet and the metering result to the marker, which assigns a packet loss priority that corresponds to the metering result. Figure 1 illustrates this process.


A policer restricts traffic at the configured transmission rate per PFE. In QFX10016, QFX10002, QFX10002-60C, and QFX10008 switches, when aggregated ethernet (AE) interface bundles span multiple PFEs, the overall transmission rate of the policer for the subscriber could exceed the configured transmission rate of the policer (depending on the number of PFEs involved).

As an example:

  • Policer with bandwidth-limit 100 mbps configured on an AE interface that has member links xe-1/0/0 (fpc1-pfe0) and xe-1/0/30 (fpc1-pfe1) . Here, the two member links belong to FPC1, but are on different PFEs. When the policer is applied to the AE interface, this will result in a total bandwidth of 200 Mbps as policer is configured for two PFEs.

  • Policer with bandwidth-limit 100 mbps configured on an AE interface that has member links xe-1/0/0 (fpc1-pfe0), et-2/0/1 (fpc2-pfe1) and xe-2/0/18:0 (fpc2-pfe2) . Here, one member link belongs to FPC1 and PFE0 on this FPC. Thes rest two member links belong to FPC2, but different PFEs. When the policer is applied to the AE interface, this will result in a total bandwidth of 300 Mbps as policer is configured for three PFEs.

  • Policer with bandwidth-limit 100 mbps configured on an AE interface that has member links xe-1/0/0 and xe-1/0/1 on a single PFE (fpc1-pfe0) . Here, the member links belong to FPC1 and to the same PFE. When the policer is applied to the AE interface, this will result in a total bandwidth of 100 Mbps as policer is configured on a per PFE basis.

Figure 1: Flow of Tricolor Marking Policer OperationFlow of Tricolor Marking Policer Operation

After you name and configure a policer, you can use it by specifying it as an action in one or more firewall filters.

Policer Types

A switch supports three types of policers:

  • Single-rate two-color marker—A two-color policer (or “policer” when used without qualification) meters the traffic stream and classifies packets into two categories of packet loss priority (PLP) according to a configured bandwidth and burst-size limit. You can mark packets that exceed the bandwidth and burst-size limit with a specified PLP or simply discard them.

    You can specify this type of policer in an ingress or egress firewall.


    A two-color policer is most useful for metering traffic at the port (physical interface) level.

  • Single-rate three-color marker—This type of policer is defined in RFC 2697, A Single Rate Three Color Marker, as part of an assured forwarding (AF) per-hop-behavior (PHB) classification system for a Differentiated Services (DiffServ) environment. This type of policer meters traffic based on one rate—the configured committed information rate (CIR) as well as the committed burst size (CBS) and the excess burst size (EBS). The CIR specifies the average rate at which bits are admitted to the switch. The CBS specifies the usual burst size in bytes and the EBS specifies the maximum burst size in bytes. The EBS must be greater than or equal to the CBS, and neither can be 0.

    You can specify this type of policer in an ingress or egress firewall.


    A single-rate three-color marker (TCM) is most useful when a service is structured according to packet length and not peak arrival rate.

  • Two-rate three-color marker—This type of policer is defined in RFC 2698, A Two Rate Three Color Marker, as part of an assured forwarding per-hop-behavior classification system for a Differentiated Services environment. This type of policer meters traffic based on two rates—the CIR and peak information rate (PIR) along with their associated burst sizes, the CBS and peak burst size (PBS). The PIR specifies the maximum rate at which bits are admitted to the network and must be greater than or equal to the CIR.

    You can specify this type of policer in an ingress or egress firewall.


    A two-rate three-color policer is most useful when a service is structured according to arrival rates and not necessarily packet length.

See Table 1 for information about how metering results are applied for each of these policer types.

Policer Actions

Policer actions are implicit or explicit and vary by policer type. Implicit means that Junos OS assigns the loss priority automatically. Table 1 describes the policer actions.

Table 1: Policer Actions



Implicit Action

Configurable Action

Single-rate two-color

Green (conforming)

Assign low loss priority


Red (nonconforming)



Single-rate three-color

Green (conforming)

Assign low loss priority


Yellow (above the CIR and CBS)

Assign medium-high loss priority


Red (above the EBS)

Assign high loss priority


Two-rate three-color

Green (conforming)

Assign low loss priority


Yellow (above the CIR and CBS)

Assign medium-high loss priority


Red (above the PIR and PBS)

Assign high loss priority



If you specify a policer in an egress firewall filter, the only supported action is discard.

Policer Colors

Single-rate and two-rate three-color policers can operate in two modes:

  • Color-blind—In color-blind mode, the three-color policer assumes that all packets examined have not been previously marked or metered. In other words, the three-color policer is “blind” to any previous coloring a packet might have had.

  • Color-aware—In color-aware mode, the three-color policer assumes that all packets examined have been previously marked or metered. In other words, the three-color policer is “aware” of the previous coloring a packet might have had. In color-aware mode, the three-color policer can increase the PLP of a packet but cannot decrease it. For example, if a color-aware three-color policer meters a packet with a medium PLP marking, it can raise the PLP level to high but cannot reduce the PLP level to low.

Filter-Specific Policers

You can configure policers to be filter-specific, which means that Junos OS creates only one policer instance regardless of how many times the policer is referenced. When you do this on some QFX switches, rate limiting is applied in aggregate, so if you configure a policer to discard traffic that exceeds 1 Gbps and reference that policer in three different terms, the total bandwidth allowed by the filter is 1 Gbps. However, the behavior of a filter-specific policer is affected by how the firewall filter terms that reference the policer are stored in TCAM. If you create a filter-specific policer and reference it in multiple firewall filter terms, the policer allows more traffic than expected if the terms are stored in different TCAM slices. For example, if you configure a policer to discard traffic that exceeds 1 Gbps and reference that policer in three different terms that are stored in three separate memory slices, the total bandwidth allowed by the filter is 3 Gbps, not 1 Gbps. (This behavior does not occur in QFX10000 switches.)

To prevent this unexpected behavior from occurring, use the information about TCAM slices presented in Planning the Number of Firewall Filters to Create to organize your configuration file so that all the firewall filter terms that reference a given filter-specific policer are stored in the same TCAM slice.

Suggested Naming Convention for Policers

We recommend that you use the naming convention policertypeTCM#-color type when configuring three-color policers and policer# when configuring two-color policers. TCM stands for three-color marker. Because policers can be numerous and must be applied correctly to work, a simple naming convention makes it easier to apply the policers properly. For example, the first single-rate, color-aware three-color policer configured would be named srTCM1-ca. The second two-rate, color-blind three-color configured would be named trTCM2-cb. The elements of this naming convention are explained below:

  • sr (single-rate)

  • tr (two-rate)

  • TCM (tricolor marking)

  • 1 or 2 (number of marker)

  • ca (color-aware)

  • cb (color-blind)

Policer Counters

On some QFX switches, each policer that you configure includes an implicit counter that counts the number of packets that exceed the rate limits that are specified for the policer. If you use the same policer in multiple terms—either within the same filter or in different filters—the implicit counter counts all the packets that are policed in all of these terms and provides the total amount. (This does not apply to QFX10000 switches.) If you want to obtain separate packet counts for each term on an affected switch, use these options:

  • Configure a unique policer for each term.

  • Configure only one policer, but use a unique, explicit counter in each term.

Policer Algorithms

Policing uses the token-bucket algorithm, which enforces a limit on average bandwidth while allowing bursts up to a specified maximum value. It offers more flexibility than the leaky bucket algorithm in allowing a certain amount of bursty traffic before it starts discarding packets.


In an environment of light bursty traffic, QFX5200 might not replicate all multicast packets to two or more downstream interfaces. This occurs only at a line rate burst—if traffic is consistent, the issue does not occur. In addition, the issue occurs only when packet size increases beyond 6k in a one gigabit traffic flow.

How Many Policers Are Supported?

QFX10000 switches support 8K policers (all policer types). QFX5100 and QFX5200 switches support 1535 ingress policers and 1024 egress policers (assuming one policer per firewall filter term). QFX5110 switches support 6144 ingress policers and 1024 egress policers (assuming one policer per firewall filter term).

QFX3500 and QFX3600 standalone switches and QFabric Node devices support the following numbers of policers (assuming one policer per firewall filter term):

  • Two-color policers used in ingress firewall filters: 767

  • Three-color policers used in ingress firewall filters: 767

  • Two-color policers used in egress firewall filters: 1022

  • Three-color policers used in egress firewall filters: 512

Policers Can Limit Egress Firewall Filters

On some switches, the number of egress policers you configure can affect the total number of allowed egress firewall filters. Every policer has two implicit counters that take up two entries in a 1024-entry TCAM. These are used for counters, including counters that are configured as action modifiers in firewall filter terms. (Policers consume two entries because one is used for green packets and one is used for nongreen packets regardless of policer type.) If the TCAM becomes full, you are unable to commit any more egress firewall filters that have terms with counters. For example, if you configure and commit 512 egress policers (two-color, three-color, or a combination of both policer types), all of the memory entries for counters get used up. If later in your configuration file you insert additional egress firewall filters with terms that also include counters, none of the terms in those filters are committed because there is no available memory space for the counters.

Here are some additional examples:

  • Assume that you configure egress filters that include a total of 512 policers and no counters. Later in your configuration file you include another egress filter with 10 terms, 1 of which has a counter action modifier. None of the terms in this filter are committed because there is not enough TCAM space for the counter.

  • Assume that you configure egress filters that include a total of 500 policers, so 1000 TCAM entries are occupied. Later in your configuration file you include the following two egress filters:

    • Filter A with 20 terms and 20 counters. All the terms in this filter are committed because there is enough TCAM space for all the counters.

    • Filter B comes after Filter A and has five terms and five counters. None of the terms in this filter are committed because there is not enough memory space for all the counters. (Five TCAM entries are required but only four are available.)

You can prevent this problem by ensuring that egress firewall filter terms with counter actions are placed earlier in your configuration file than terms that include policers. In this circumstance, Junos OS commits policers even if there is not enough TCAM space for the implicit counters. For example, assume the following:

  • You have 1024 egress firewall filter terms with counter actions.

  • Later in your configuration file you have an egress filter with 10 terms. None of the terms have counters but one has a policer action modifier.

You can successfully commit the filter with 10 terms even though there is not enough TCAM space for the implicit counters of the policer. The policer is committed without the counters.
