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Managing the EVPN-VXLAN Fabric

Up to this point in the configuration of the EVPN-VXLAN fabric, we have used a topology with three virtual networks and one access layer switch that simulates an access closet. Use this section to add a second access switch and a new virtual network.

These configuration examples use the same devices you configured in the How to Configure a Campus Network using EVPN Multihoming configuration example.

Add an Access Layer Switch



Use this section to add a new access layer switch (Access Switch 2) to the network that is multihomed to the same collapsed core switches. Figure 1 shows the physical topology with Access Switch 2.

Figure 1: EVPN-VXLAN Topology with Access Switch 2EVPN-VXLAN Topology with Access Switch 2


This section shows the step-by-step configuration procedures to add a new access Switch (Access Switch 2) to your network.

Collapsed Core 1 Configuration

Step-by-Step Procedure
  1. Specify the interface to include in the aggregated Ethernet bundle.

  2. Configure the aggregated Ethernet interface to the new access layer switch and increase the ethernet device-count to two to support the additional aggregated Ethernet interface.

Collapsed Core 2 Configuration

Step-by-Step Procedure
  1. Specify the interface to include in the aggregated Ethernet bundle.

  2. Configure the aggregated Ethernet interface to the new access layer switch and increase the ethernet device-count to two to support the additional aggregated Ethernet interface.

  3. (Optional) Enable IGMP snooping to constrain the flooding of IPv4 multicast traffic on the VLANs.

Access Switch 2 Configuration

Step-by-Step Procedure
  1. Configure the physical LAG interface.

  2. Configure the LAG interface to the new access layer switch.

  3. (Optional) Enable IGMP snooping to constrain the flooding of IPv4 multicast traffic on the VLANs.