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Modifying Your User Profile in Security Director

Before You Begin

Use the My Profile page to modify some details of your user profile.

User accounts are created by the administrator and the My Profile page lets you modify some details of your user profile.

To modify the user profile:

  1. Select Administration > My Profile or, in the Utility bar, click the arrow next to the username and select My Profile.

    The My Profile page appears.

  2. Modify your user profile according to the guidelines provided in Table 1.
  3. Click OK.

    Your modifications are saved and a confirmation message is displayed.

Table 1: My Profile Settings



Basic Information


Displays your username; this field cannot be modified.

Change Password

Click Change Password to change your password.

The Change Password page appears. Modify the fields according to the guidelines provided in Table 2.

First Name

Modify your first name, which can be a string of alphanumeric characters and some special characters (- _ . @). The maximum length is 32 characters.

Last Name

Modify your last name, which can be a string of alphanumeric characters and some special characters (- _ . @). The maximum length is 32 characters.

E-Mail Address

Modify the e-mail address, which must be in the user@domain format.

X.509 Certificate

Certificate Subject Name

Displays the details of the certificate parameters, if a certificate was previously uploaded for the user.

Click Clear to clear the certificate subject name and the X.509 certificate file.

X.509 Certificate File

Upload an X.509 certificate file (.cer, .crt, or .pem extension), which is used to authenticate the user instead of the username and password.

Object Visibility

Manage objects from all assigned domains

Select this check box to view and manage objects from all domains to which you are assigned.

Table 2: Change Password Settings



Old Password

Enter your existing password.


Enter a password for the user.

The password must be at least six characters long, contain at least one lowercase letter, contain at least one number that is not in the last position, must not contain the username or the username in reverse, and must not have three characters repeated in succession.

The password strength indicator displays the efficiency of the password that you entered.


You cannot proceed to the next step if the password strength indicator shows that the password is weak.

Confirm Password

Reenter the password for confirmation.

Click OK. The password is changed and you are taken to the My Profile page.