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Upgrading the Conductor

SSR software version 6.3.0 and newer allows a Conductor to manage routers running image-based software, manage routers running older, package-based software, and initiate image-based upgrades to those routers.

Image-based installations provide many benefits over the earlier RPM package-based installation/upgrade process, including upgrade speed, stability, efficiency, and ease of use. This section describes the process for upgrading a Conductor, allowing it to manage both package-based and image-based routers.


Before upgrading a conductor, it is recommended to export the running configuration.

For systems with both primary and secondary conductors, it is a best practice to upgrade only one conductor at a time.

Upgrade using the GUI

Use the following procedures to upgrade a Conductor from the GUI.

  1. Select Conductor under Authority.
  2. In the Node: Conductor panel, select the Manage SSR Software icon (the arrow within a circle). This icon displays green when upgrades are available.
  3. In the Upgrade SSR window, use the drop down to select the SSR version for the upgrade.
  4. Click Proceed.

The Upgrade screen displays the Raw Log with the upgrade progress. Once the upgrade is complete, the Conductor is restarted and the GUI is refreshed.

Upgrading Using the CLI

Use the request system software upgrade command and the associated arguments to perform upgrades. All of the upgrade features are available from the command line as well as the GUI.

admin@conductor-node-1.Conductor# request system software upgrade
usage: upgrade [{router <router> | resource-group <resource-group>}] [simultaneous] [skip-package-transfer] [skip-pre-check]
[skip-health-check] [cohort-id <cohort-id>] [force] [node <node>] version <version>
keyword arguments:
cohort-id Assign a cohort ID to the operation.
force Skip confirmation prompt.
node The name of the node
resource-group The name of the resource group
router The router on which to upgrade SSR software (default: Conductor)
simultaneous Upgrade both nodes in an HA router at the same time to maximize speed but interrupt service. Only valid when targeting a router.
skip-health-check Skip the post upgrade health check, which reverts to the previous version upon failure.
skip-package-transfer Don't transfer any packages installed on top of the current SSR ISO to the new SSR ISO. Only valid for
image based systems.
skip-pre-check Skip the pre upgrade health check, which prevents the upgrade from starting upon failure.
version The targeted upgrade version.

see also:
request system software downgrade Downgrade to a new version of the SSR.
request system software download Download a new version of the SSR.
request system software health-check Perform a health check of an SSR.
request system software revert Revert to a previous version of the SSR.
*admin@conductor-node-1.Conductor# request system software upgrade

Image-based and Package-based Installation Status

The image-based and package-based status is visible under Install Type in the PCLI using show assets.

Image Based

admin@t106-dut1.Conductor# show assets
Mon 2024-09-09 18:14:18 UTC
Retrieving assets...

=========== =========== ===================== ================== ============== ================ ================ ========
Router Node Asset Id SSR Version Install Type Status Time in Status Errors
=========== =========== ===================== ================== ============== ================ ================ ========
Conductor t106-dut1 t106-dut1.novalocal 6.3.0-107.r1.el7 Image Synchronized 34m 44s 0
t106-dut2 t106-dut2.novalocal 6.3.0-107.r1.el7 Image Synchronized 21m 19s 0

Package Based

admin@conductor-east-1.RTR_EAST_CONDUCTOR# show assets
Mon 2024-09-09 18:15:20 UTC
✔ Retrieving assets...

==================== ================== ===================== ====================== ============== ============== ================ ========
Router Node Asset Id SSR Version Install Type Status Time in Status Errors
==================== ================== ===================== ====================== ============== ============== ================ ========
RTR_EAST_COMBO combo-east-1 t212-dut3.novalocal 6.3.0-107.r1.el7 Package Synchronized 3d 23h 18m 58s 0
combo-east-2 t212-dut4.novalocal 6.3.0-107.r1.el7 Package Synchronized 4d 2h 40m 27s 0
RTR_EAST_CONDUCTOR conductor-east-1 t212-dut1.novalocal 6.3.0-107.r1.el7 Package Synchronized 4d 2h 42m 57s 0
conductor-east-2 t212-dut2.novalocal 6.3.0-107.r1.el7 Package Synchronized 4d 2h 43m 14s 0

Completed in 0.04 seconds

High Availability Upgrades

In a high availability configuration, the default behavior is to perform a sequenced self-upgrade from the CLI. Executing the request system software upgrade router <conductor-router-name> from an HA conductor launches a sequenced self upgrade, one node at a time. In a situation where you prefer to upgrade each node manually, you can target each node directly using request system software upgrade router <conductor-router-name> node <conductor-node-name>. When the upgrade is complete on the first node, you may run the command on the second node.

Other HA Considerations

  • If an HA pair is discovered to have a mismatched software state (image-based and package-based) an Alarm is reported. The software state must be the same for both nodes.
  • Failure of a router to complete the conversion generates a user visible event and records the reasons for the failure on the conductor.
  • Router conversion success generates an event recording the transition on the router.
  • The image-based and package-based status is visible in the PCLI using show assets.

Plugin Support

The conversion/upgrade process preserves the currently installed plugin packages. In cases where the plugin has version dependencies, the plugin is upgraded.