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System Log Messages Overview

JUNOS software generates system log messages (also called syslog messages) to record events that occur on the device, including the following:

The JUNOS system logging utility is similar to the UNIX syslogd utility. Each system log message identifies the software process that generated the message and briefly describes the operation or error that occurred.

Reboot requests are recorded to the system log files, which you can view with the show log command. Also, you can view the names of any processes running on your system with the show system processes command.

System Log Message Destinations

You can send system logging information to one or more destinations. The destinations can be one or more files, one or more remote hosts, the terminals of one or more users if they are logged in, and the system console.

System Log Facilities and Severity Levels

When specifying the destination for system log messages, you can specify the class (facility) of messages to log and the minimum severity level (level) of the message for each location.

Each system log message belongs to a facility, which is a group of messages that are either generated by the same software process or concern a similar condition or activity.

Table 164 lists the system logging facilities, and Table 165 lists the system logging severity levels. For more information about system log messages, see the JUNOS System Log Messages Reference.

Table 164: System Logging Facilities




Any facility


Any authorization attempt


Any change to the configuration


Cron scheduling process


Various system processes


Commands executed in the CLI


Messages generated by the JUNOS kernel


Messages from random user processes

Table 165: System Logging Severity Levels

Severity Level (from Highest to Lowest Severity)



System panic or other conditions that cause the routing platform to stop functioning.


Conditions that must be corrected immediately, such as a corrupted system database.


Critical conditions, such as hard drive errors.


Standard error conditions that generally have less serious consequences than errors in the emergency, alert, and critical levels.


Conditions that warrant monitoring.


Conditions that are not error conditions but are of interest or might warrant special handling.


Informational messages. This is the default.


Software debugging messages.

Control and Data Plane Logs

JUNOS software generates separate log messages to record events that occur on the system’s control and data planes.

Regular Expressions

On the J-Web View Events page, you can use regular expressions to filter and display a set of messages for viewing. JUNOS supports POSIX Standard 1003.2 for extended (modern) UNIX regular expressions.

Table 166 specifies some of the commonly used regular expression operators and the terms matched by them. A term can match either a single alphanumeric character or a set of characters enclosed in square brackets, parentheses, or braces. For information about how to use regular expression to filter sytem log messages, see Filtering System Log Messages.

Note: On the J-Web View Events page, the regular expression matching is case-sensitive.

Table 166: Common Regular Expression Operators and the Terms They Match

Regular Expression Operator

Matching Terms

. (period)

One instance of any character except the space.

For example, .in matches messages with win or windows.

* (asterisk)

Zero or more instances of the immediately preceding term.

For example, tre* matches messages with tree, tread or trough.

+ (plus sign)

One or more instances of the immediately preceding term.

For example, tre+ matches messages with tree or tread but not trough.

? (question mark)

Zero or one instance of the immediately preceding term.

For example, colou?r matches messages with or color or colour.

| (pipe)

One of the terms that appear on either side of the pipe operator.

For example, gre|ay matches messages with either grey or gray.

! (exclamation point)

Any string except the one specified by the expression, when the exclamation point appears at the start of the expression. Use of the exclamation point is specific to JUNOS.

^ (caret)

The start of a line, when the caret appears outside square brackets.

For example, ^T matches messages with This line and not with On this line.

$ (dollar sign)

Strings at the end of a line.

For example, :$ matches messages with the following: and not with 2:00.

[] (paired square brackets)

One instance of one of the enclosed alphanumeric characters. To indicate a range of characters, use a hyphen (-) to separate the beginning and ending characters of the range.

For example, [0-9] matches messages with any number.

() (paired parentheses)

One instance of the evaluated value of the enclosed term. Parentheses are used to indicate the order of evaluation in the regular expression.

For example, dev(/|ice) matches messages with dev/ or device.

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