Ken Dellovo, Product Manager, Juniper Networks

EP. 2 AI for IT: Slash Your OpEx by Up to 85%

AI For IT Wins 2023
Ken Dellovo Headshot
Graphic image reading “AI for ITTM Wins: Beat Wi-Fi Resourcing Challenges with Mist AITM” with headshots of Peter Fetterolf, CTO ACG Research, and Jeff Aaron, VP Product Marketing, Juniper Networks.

ACG Research’s TCO analysis reveals the benefits of Juniper Networks Mist AI.

Want to find out how AI can help you defeat resourcing challenges? Watch this webinar outlining the recent total cost of ownership (TCO) analysis of Juniper Mist AI completed by ACG Research, as well as key differentiators of the platform in real-world use cases.

Ready to take the next step to enhance your network while cutting costs? Check out our live demo to see how Juniper Mist AI can help you enhance user experiences, improve productivity, and increase scalability. By signing up, you could qualify for a free AP and trial of Mist!

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You’ll learn

  • How AI-driven Wi-Fi quickly resolves network issues and minimizes mean time to innocence (MTTI)

  • How Mist’s AI assistant diagnoses and fixes network anomalies to accelerate mean time to repair (MTTR)

Who is this for?

Network Professionals


Ken Dellovo Headshot
Ken Dellovo
Product Manager, Juniper Networks

Guest speakers

Peter Fetterolf Headshot
Peter Fetterolf
Ph.d., CTO ACG Business Analytics
Jeff Aaron Headshot
Jeff Aaron
VP Enterprise Marketing, Juniper Networks


0:07 good afternoon good morning good evening wherever you are in the world thank you for joining today's presentation with

0:14 Juniper Networks AI for it wins beat Wi-Fi resource challenging challenges

0:20 with mist AI my name is kend delovo product marketing manager with Juniper's

0:25 AI driven Enterprise thank you so much for joining us we're going to get started here in just another minute or

0:32 so we'll let folks get logged in we have an exciting

0:38 agenda for you all today we're going to review the recently completed TCO

0:45 analysis completed by ACG research of the missed AI Wireless solution you know

0:52 here at Juniper Networks and also here from our vice

0:57 president of Enterprise you know networking on key differentiators in real world use cases of our M

1:07 platform we are coming to you live today so feel free to Leverage The Q&A

1:13 function in your dashboard we'll do our best to get to any questions you may

1:18 have during the presentation and hopefully reserve some time at the end

1:23 of today's presentation for a little Q&A so just a couple of housekeeping

1:29 notes before we dive into introductions you're going to want to stay tuned for the end of today's

1:36 presentation uh for your chance to see how you can win a free Juniper access

1:43 point so at the end of today's presentation uh we'll have all the information available for you to be able

1:49 to get your hands on a free AP which is really exciting as well as a copy of the

1:55 TCO analysis on the missed AI solution for Jun Juniper Wi-Fi from ACG research

2:03 uh we'll also have an opportunity for you to access that so with that being said I think

2:09 we're a couple minutes in I want to take an opportunity to introduce today's speakers we're very lucky uh to be able

2:16 to have uh Dr Peter federov uh Dr federov is a seasoned expert in Network

2:22 Technology and economic analysis with his over 30 years experience in the networking industry as an archit of the

2:31 business analytics engine which was used today to do the tcco analysis he focuses

2:36 on financial modeling and white papers utilizing the platform for simulating and uh doing Cutting Edge Technologies

2:43 such as 5G networks sdw nfv and cloud services for diverse stakeholders he's

2:49 got a strong academic background including a PhD in systems engineering from the University of Pennsylvania he's

2:56 held key positions at Cisco Lucent and other notable organizations showcasing his extensive expertise in

3:02 economic modeling business strategy and network engineering thank you for being with us

3:09 Peter thank you thank you Ken excellent we also have today uh excited to be

3:14 joined by Jeff Aaron uh the vice president of uh Enterprise marketing at Juniper Networks he leads the global

3:21 promotion of the company's Innovative AI driven Enterprise portfolio a full stack of wired Wireless SD win indoor location

3:29 security and cloud-based Knack uh he also has over 24 years experience in high-tech marketing Jeff has had key

3:36 positions at Miss systems pernix data Silver Peak and other industry leaders

3:41 his background includes advising Fortune 100 companies in it design and planning as a senior consultant at ernston Young

3:48 and he holds a BFA from Duke University with majors in computer science and economics thanks for joining us today

3:53 Jeff oh my pleasure thanks for having us Kenny excellent great so let's Jump Right In uh so you know why don't we

4:01 start with with you Jeff um before we get into the TCO analysis you know it'd

4:06 be great I think if you could you know touch upon you know how we got to this you know stage in you know Wi-Fi

4:12 Evolution and I think it'll really help the audience better understand you know a complete TCO analysis by understanding

4:18 how we got to where we are and truthfully where we're going yeah no I I think that's a a great

4:25 place to start for those you know not familiar with kind of the evolution of

4:31 Wi-Fi uh it's gone through a pretty massive transformation really in in the

4:36 last few years to to be honest um and it's interesting it reminds me of a

4:43 Thomas Freedman book um I don't know how many folks have have been out there and read it but it's called thank you for being late right and it's a great

4:50 example of where sometimes you kind of just need to start from scratch and you

4:55 kind of just need to look at the technology at your disposal and see does that better help you um attain a goal

5:02 that otherwise wasn't wasn't achievable and by that in the wireless space you know what I mean is in the past you know

5:09 the first and you know you can argue second generation of of Wireless moving from fat APS to controllers was a great

5:16 Evolution at the time um and it was great enabling you to better manage network connectivity and roll out of

5:23 services and and things like that um but it wasn't primarily good at managing

5:28 actual user experiences right it just wasn't collecting enough data it wasn't doing it in real time it didn't have the

5:35 ability to process that data to actually tell you what's happening at every individual client at any given minute so

5:42 that you can actually manage their user experience um and that's fundamentally different from managing a network

5:47 experience right the classic example is you know you're on an airplane or you're in a hotel and you're connecting to

5:53 Wi-Fi and it shows it's passing traffic but you can't get your email right that's the difference between a user

5:59 experience and a network experience you know up is not the same as good and the industry had to had to transition and

6:05 while that thank you for being late reference comes in is if you look at the early generation of of Wireless you know

6:11 both one and two It All Happened prior to 2007 right the iPhone didn't exist in

6:17 2007 AWS as a business service didn't exist in 2007 gpus didn't exist for AI

6:24 you know generative AI certainly didn't exist that really came about in the last couple of years so there's a whole post

6:29 of Technology a revolution that that happened really in the last you know 5

6:35 to 10 years that the existing Wireless architecture just were not able to take advantage of um and thus you know when

6:42 um the founders that missed the company I came from were actually at Cisco prior you know they had just deployed a big

6:48 Network at a fortune 5 and the CIO slapped them on the back and said this is awesome how do I know on Monday when

6:54 my users show up they're having a good experience and that was the aha moment right where they actually said said we

7:00 couldn't do this prior with controllers and actually Bob Friday invented the controller at airspace but we can now

7:07 right we do have microservices Cloud we do have ai we do have better visibility to user experiences and so that's where

7:13 the thank you from being late comes in they said but we can't do the existing architectures we have to start from

7:19 scratch and this is what we're going to do so that's a little bit of the transition you know that that you know um that we're seeing or you know in the

7:26 wireless space so so next slide Kenny um so so they they kind of said you know if if we're going to do this um you know

7:33 what are the key elements that need to take place in Wireless that leads to better operational experiences and better end user experiences which you

7:40 know Peter is going to help quantify so one is you do actually need visibility and assurances all the way down to the

7:46 individual client right and so for example you know they actually rewrote the control plan in Mac to collect

7:52 over50 user States every two seconds and move that into the cloud right you just that's visibility just could not do

7:59 prior and you can now and that lets you understand you know to again to the individual client to the groups of

8:05 clients to the to the office you know are all my users roaming in whatever

8:11 parameter you want to set up two seconds or less right are they getting at least 30 megabits throughput right um is my

8:18 capacity right what they need all the key criteria you need for delivering a Wi-Fi experience you can now set up

8:24 customizable service levels and measure and automate that so that that's huge that just didn't exist PR right secondly

8:30 is the Advent of AI Ops AI driven Ops we used to call it AI for it at Miss now I think the more common turn is is ai ai

8:37 Ops right but the ability to collect all this data and do event correlation so you can figure out is it a wireless

8:43 problem is it a wire problem is it an sdwan problem because everyone blames the wireless so we call it meantime to

8:49 innocence to get to the root cause of the problem is it really the wireless if so what is the problem if not is it the

8:55 wir or when or or application you know let's go focus on on that um so that plus things like proactive

9:01 automation self-driving support so the network really drives itself right the third area is you can't do it without a

9:08 microservices cloud behind you right um if you're collecting all this data you need something with elastic scale to go

9:13 handle that with the resiliency built in with microservices so that if a a a

9:19 event happens or a feature comes out you can roll it out in hours not days right so for example several years ago the

9:25 crack um uh vulnerability came out in Wireless right when the microsurface is cloud you can update that again

9:32 literally minutes across your entire network it's it's a SAS environment it's like Salesforce you just show up and there's a new version out there that

9:37 fixes it and the old controller model that takes months if not years right to

9:43 schedule a downtime to find an open window to actually go and do it in fact today some Cisco Rubik controllers still

9:49 are not updated for crack just because the real pain in the ass um and so uh that's the example of microsurfaces

9:55 cloud agility and the last thing they worked in is this notion of of um personal personalization of your Wi-Fi

10:03 primarily using location and things like B right so if someone shows up in a store being able to open an app and

10:09 greet them or if they're on in a hospital like the VA be able to give them directions of where they want to go

10:14 right so that was the the fourth area that you can now integrate with you know you know Wi-Fi just for better scale

10:20 around personalization um and asset location and so again that's where you've seen this whole shift and you

10:27 know the fact that the entire network now can be you know apid driven um again

10:32 changes the world from CLI to more automation to more devops model of

10:38 control um uh as well as just better insight and that's why you're seeing top retailers

10:44 top you like the Gap switching over you're

10:51 seeing top educational institutions like MIT and dartman switching over you're seeing top you know Healthcare Providers

10:56 like the VA they're all realiz realizing that to get the better operator and user experiences they need to switch um you

11:02 know the top question we get is you know how do you quantify this what are the benefits and so that's why I worked with ACG and and you know Peter's team to to

11:09 figure out you know um what are the the cost savings that come from AI Ops and so with that you know Peter maybe I'll

11:14 hand it over to you and you can kind of talk through the model that that that you guys did and some of the results you saw sure sounds good thanks a lot um

11:23 yeah just just as as a little background uh uh about five years ago uh ACG we

11:30 decided to build a platform in the cloud for doing economic simulation because we

11:36 did we we realized that the Excel models and the approaches we've been using today were really starting to break down

11:43 as we got into more complex uh uh networks and more complex environments Kenny can you go to the the next slide

11:50 please so this this gives you an idea of of how we do things so we build these

11:55 models on the front end with what we call our model designer which is a visual way to build the models and then

12:01 we have this engine in the cloud that does economic simulation provides a lot of output and I think the key benefit

12:08 here is that we can build fairly complex models relatively easily and then they have a lot of credibility uh in the

12:15 marketplace and we work with a lot of Enterprises service providers and vendors uh Kenny can you move on uh to

12:22 the next slide say okay so now let's talk about what we did with with uh with mist AI so we we've been working with

12:29 juniper for quite some time on on uh on on many different products and with with

12:35 M AI I think uh as we're as we're building uh uh the benefit they're

12:41 really a couple uh key areas so the first is you know when you're rolling

12:46 out networks and deploying them um you know the uh the Mist Ai and automation

12:53 zero touch provisioning Etc really provides a lot of benefits on the roll

12:58 out really reduces the amount of time and effort but then I think the more important part is life cycle management

13:05 because roll out is just like a one-time kind of cost kind of capex cost but life cycle is ongoing um and and as as a as

13:15 we just talked about you know since you know since M AI has so much insight into

13:21 the end user experience so much information and then the AI op AI Ops

13:27 capability to kind of integrate that information and make decisions what

13:32 we've gotten is we've got some real life data uh you know from the field really showing 80 to 90% reductions in some of

13:41 the key uh capabilities in life cycle management for example you know just trouble tickets instead of you know a a

13:48 customer raising a problem and saying here here's a here you know in the enter a trouble ticket they go to tier one

13:54 then tier two ex to tier tier one to tier two and and you know this whole thing can take hours if not days a lot

14:02 of these remediations are done before the user even notices that there's a

14:07 problem so so and that that's that's that's a key thing is basically really reducing you know you know faults and

14:16 also performance so it doesn't necessarily have to be a fault the network is out it can just be bad

14:22 performance um okay Kenny can you move on to the next slide okay so in terms of

14:28 uh in our modeling uh we look at you know we look at kind of the cost of the network and the C Opex and power and all

14:35 that kind of stuff but the key thing here in this analysis is looking at what's required to you know roll these

14:42 networks out and and and operate them and so these are some of the categories of of Labor you know that we're looking

14:49 at here uh on on the left so you know not only the knock which is Network

14:54 Operating Center fault management but also onsite if if people have to actually go on site and and make changes

15:02 um and and if you look at all these things you know reduce time to deployment improved Network Health

15:07 faster software upgrades improved chain management as well as just all the basic

15:13 benefits of fault management Performance Management this is what leads to our reduced Opex and this is the stuff that

15:19 we we put into the model um Kenny can you move on to the next slide okay so uh

15:26 So within the model um the model is very flexible and just you know so people know uh we do have a a contract with

15:33 juniper you know to work directly with customers on their Network so if there

15:39 is a a particular uh customized Network for a particular customer we can support

15:45 that process and do a custom model but for the white paper which is the one we're going to have a link to uh we just

15:51 made some assumptions so uh in terms of you know we looked at small branches and

15:56 and by the way this was actually based on the real customer um so small custom

16:01 branches micro branches you know like you know uh medium sites and large corporate sites and you can see the

16:08 number of APs per site um Kenny can you move on okay so now this is just

16:13 basically the high level results I I also should note that within our Bae tool we have a dashboard with lots and

16:21 lots of different information of inventory devices of Ft labor hours of

16:27 all kinds of detail but but you know for the purpose of the paper in this presentation these are kind of the high level summar so you can see that some

16:34 the really big one is is is the Fault um management as well as Performance

16:39 Management and the reason for that this is a fiveyear Opex so as you go on you

16:45 know year over year you know if you get these big reductions and you know you have basically the AI and all the data

16:53 solving problems before they occur you know that's what really leads to uh to

16:59 these uh big big reductions um and uh Kenny you can move on uh so anyway that

17:06 that's kind of a high level summary so what I what I'd like to leave it at is that we we do have a a white paper uh

17:13 going into more of the details here so you can get that either with the QR code or uh with the download that's number

17:20 one number two is like I mentioned before we can do um uh support Juniper

17:27 in doing anal is for specific customers and looking at their specific situations

17:33 because every situation is different network sizes are different approaches are different um and so we have ability

17:40 to customize these models so anyway I I'll I'll I'll leave it there Peter can

17:46 I just ask you know as um you know as someone who's looking to you know communicate the value the the overall

17:53 TCO someone who's in a technical role you know to someone who's more in a financial procurement role you know did

17:59 you are you able to boil it down to like a specific number like as to like what the OPC savings are over that you know

18:06 FYE cumulative period yeah yeah actually you know I forgot to put that number in the deck

18:11 here but it's in the paper I it was some somewhere in the 80% but but typ typically yes we do and and that's one

18:18 thing that comes out of our tool as well we we have basically TCO savings Opex savings and capex savings over the

18:25 period uh that we're looking at yeah so we can boil to a specific number uh but

18:30 then we can also break it down you know by the activities like we show below great and um you know to you know not to

18:39 put you on the spot Peter but um we're going to since you know since we have you you know when you look at the the

18:48 capital expenditures you know for you know these types of things because I think you know this is a big shift you

18:54 know that we're seeing you know across multiple Industries is this shift from capex to op Opex um can you talk a

19:01 little bit about you know you know the up upfront costs of you know the investments in you know in in in

19:09 Wireless and you know how that you know uh the ROI you know begins to show you

19:14 know in that three and five year period yeah so I mean I you're making it

19:20 well typically um in in many cases if if you if you if you look over longer

19:26 periods of time the Opex tend to dominate uh over the capex because capex

19:31 is sort of typically a one-time thing and then doing some Replacements and upgrades whereas Opex is is is is is

19:39 ongoing uh one of the things that we do do in our analysis is also look at Roi

19:46 uh in terms of you know if you're making an investment you know what is you know

19:51 what is my return there in terms of the savings um uh however in many cases also

19:57 you know as some of these networks are up for refresh or they're going to be end of life so it really depends on the

20:03 particular organization in some cases an organization might just say hey you know what I I'm just going to replace all

20:09 this stuff because my my costs are just too high my network performance isn't isn't good enough I I need to make a

20:16 replacement and we can look at like what's the ROI on making that replacement but in many cases you guys

20:22 just replace stuff anyway because it's going into life or there's other problems or other issues or you're

20:29 rolling out to new environments or there are mergers and Acquisitions which require putting different pieces

20:35 together so like I said every every situation is a little bit different um but yes we do all that kind of analysis

20:42 yeah and uh you know maybe I'm not so subtly you know doing it but you know I think you know sometimes you know when

20:48 we see customers and we talk to customers you know some of the upfront costs you know might be higher you know than you maybe some of the competitors

20:54 but you know once you start to open up the hood and you really understand the transform AAL nature you know that can

20:59 be delivered you know to the business you start to see you know quite a bit you know of a of a Roi you over that you

21:07 know over the duration of of the um of the contract so you know Peter you thank you you very much um so for those of you

21:14 that would like to see the in-depth details of the report um you know you have QR code uh you know here you can

21:19 scan that can take you to where you can download it um we'll also put it in the chat you know for those of you that would just like to you know click on the

21:26 link uh and uh go from there and again we are coming to you live so if you have any questions you know feel free to put

21:32 those in the chat I do see a couple of those there I'm going to save some time at the end you know Jee if we could you

21:37 know you know come back to you you know a little bit and you know obviously you this technology uh you know has existed

21:43 you know for for some time now and I'm I'm sure you know you've seen uh some real world examples can you talk about

21:48 you know how uh you know some of our customers across Industries have implemented this

21:55 technology Jeff you're on mute

22:00 thank you for telling me that um yeah no I appreciate that and also I'll also you know maybe take a step back and talk

22:06 about um some of the technologies that enable it and how these guys are doing it right um so you know if you look at

22:13 the ACG paper there's I think you know which Peter uh mentioned there's there's various ways of cost savings right um

22:20 there's just capex where you know if you're getting rid of on-prem controllers and and moving to the cloud

22:27 you know those are those are huge savings um you know also if you're you know integrating Wi-Fi and ble there's

22:33 huge savings so there's a variety of of capex benefits you know that that just come from a new AI driven and and

22:38 cloud-based architecture um on the Opex side you know it it spans the whole life cycle of

22:45 of deployment of of of the the wireless network itself right so it starts with deployment um whether it's just

22:51 simplified configuration with ztp ztp or the fact you can just scan an access point and download all the configur

22:57 figuration you need um which could be templatized where we've had some customers that um you know Fortune 5

23:04 retailer that says they're able to deploy in one night what used to take them a year and a half to do right so

23:09 that that's an example of some of just the deployment um moving to kind of day one where you know just something as

23:14 simple as having you know location services tell you when I sent my my um

23:20 my team out to go deploy the access points are they facing the right direction and are they in the right spot

23:26 right so tools like that generally provide enormous cost savings when it comes to to to deployment and then

23:32 there's operational you know operational savings right um we mentioned you know the ability to to track all that data

23:38 into event correlation and figure out was it a wireless problem was it a wire problem was it an sdan problem um that's

23:45 huge right um you know you know how hard it is to to track down wireless problems and if you you realize out of the gate

23:51 is not a wireless problem you're you're going to focus your resources uh in a different area um if it is a wireless

23:57 problem you know leveraging tools like Dynamic pcap right where while a problem

24:02 is happening or right right before it's about to happen you can actually start to do a packet capture in the cloud

24:07 right so again you don't have to send people on site to go try to recreate a problem which they may not be able to

24:13 recreate right all the data is right there in the cloud so you know that's another example of Automation and and AI

24:19 really providing you know Opex benefits there um all the way to the Holy Grail of just an AI J assistant right

24:26 something that can actually just literally you show up in the morning and say you're having these problems in your wireless network associated with um you

24:33 know power or coverage this is how you go fix it or in the wi

24:47 World fix it to just drivve it optimize so that um problems are fixed before

24:53 users even know they exist right so these are some of the things that went into this analysis that ACG did to ultimately get to their numbers where

25:00 you know you see some of these um you know operational and and CeX savings so translating to Real World um you know

25:06 you have folks like the gap for example that eliminated 85% of their truck rolls to their stores right I mean that's

25:13 substantial you know that's time and and and money as well as sustainability you know you know that's that's carbon emissions um that that that that that

25:20 they're solving and it's it's not it's not chump change and so that's that's a big example there um our service now you

25:26 know they had a goal eliminating 100% of all inbound trle tickets right um and

25:31 we're pretty darn close to helping them achieve that we're over 90 95% but

25:37 basically if the network um is able to either self-optimize or immediately

25:42 notify um it or or the help desk the the minute and SLE service level expectation

25:49 Falls below a certain number so they can go fix it um the users don't even know it exists so that actually means that

25:54 there's no inbound trouble tickets which is which is pretty substantive right um

26:00 and in many instances you know Dartmouth had aim number um and their help death

26:06 is actually staffed by grad students right who have actually no networking experience or no Wireless experience right so you now are bringing in um you

26:12 know Simplicity and and new intelligence to these environments um that otherwise could couldn't be achieved um you got

26:19 Chick-fil-A right you know um Wireless is absolutely key to what they're doing in fact during covid they had to move

26:24 all their operations Outdoors right and so the only way they could operate um was in their drive-throughs and and

26:29 wireless was absolutely critical and and now if you talk to these guys they say you know we never get a call from our

26:36 our stores ever right if you ask them you know this is probably the the single biggest technology we've ever deployed in our restaurants um and that's not you

26:43 know hyperbole um to um more human connection

26:49 stories right um You got the Orlando VA that has a dementia War where they have

26:55 um uh dementia patients that actually have wearable wristbands with B on them and if they're walking towards a door

27:01 without a nurse they're going to lock the door it automatically locks the door right so that's a problem called patient alotment in the healthc care space which

27:08 we're we're helping them solve in a in a coste effective way um to the last example I'll give is you know one where

27:14 I literally heard about this one three weeks ago when I saw these guys in person um there's Ashlin School District

27:20 right um they're based in in Oregon I believe um Rural Oregon and they have a

27:25 student uh a new student that has a life-threatening illness and she needs

27:30 100% um connectivity all the time um for her medical devices and they said they

27:37 would not have taken on the student um the responsibility let alone for 12 years you know why why why she has to go

27:43 through school for for 12 years if they did not have the Assurance of an AI driv Network behind them to uh you know give

27:49 them the the the Comfort level that they're meeting you know the user expectations the user experiences and

27:55 you know God forbid if something goes wrong um it it could be fixed like immediately um so those again are some

28:01 of the real world examples that translate into real dollars um that that came forth in the uh the ACG report

28:08 that's amazing I had not heard that story yet um so thanks for sharing um do you see in the Q&A uh what about service

28:15 provider uh do you have any you know service provider examples yeah for sure um so obviously service providers are

28:21 are a huge route to market for us um you know whether it's tier one SPS um like

28:26 you know DT the just announced their whole sdx service which is being built on you know Jenifer AI driven um to a

28:33 more Regional um msps like Granite telecommunications who uh I know Kenny

28:38 you've been working with quite a bit um and so uh you know some of the benefits they get are are very similar right you

28:44 know operational savings you know they're not chasing their tail they're not sending their resources out to to

28:49 waste time and money um as well as they're able to offer value added Services right you know location

28:54 services better analytics on top of what they offer so it's again helping them um

29:00 not just improve their operational costs um but also move out of you know

29:05 connectivity into real value added experiences um with an AI Jen Network and so that certainly is a a a big area

29:11 that we focus on great so I think we do have a couple

29:17 minutes you know available uh to answer some of these you know questions you know here um you know I this first one

29:25 here is a little bit um off the uh subject a little bit but I think it's

29:30 important you know from Brian um what's your take I assume junipers take uh on

29:36 Wifi 6C as it relates you know to to wireless um Jeff I think that one's

29:41 probably directed towards you yeah no Wi-fi 60 is it's the future of Wireless right um there's obviously certain

29:48 environments where we're seeing stronger uptake you know especially high density environments um but more to that point

29:54 you know most people that are doing a refresh are just you know going with wi 56 right now right so um you it

30:00 definitely is a is a strong uh surgence um I think it's going to cause more um

30:07 churn than some of the previous components because there's just so much value opening up just a completely new Spectrum um of availability and so um

30:15 yeah it's it's definitely definitely big um you know I think the one thing that was keeping in at Bay a little bit was

30:21 um client uh support for it and with Apple's last announcement uh was a

30:27 couple weeks ago where now they added 6C um I think that was probably the watershed moment that um you're you're

30:33 just definitely going to just start to see this you know take over and and uh you know be the primary mode uh of

30:40 technology for Wi-Fi in the not so distant future yeah and uh you know I'm sure it was no I'm sure it was no

30:47 coincidence that you know with the you know announcement of our cloud-based Knack solution we're going to see you know increased you know scale with Wi-Fi

30:54 60 with you know uh you know this new Spectrum you know and the ability to add

30:59 you know even more applications and and and devices uh you know to the network uh so you know can you you know can you

31:06 talk a little bit about um you know that uh addition um to the you know missed

31:11 environment and yeah I mean um the cloud Knack is not necessarily associated with Wi-Fi 6E but um you know again it's just

31:18 shows the need that there's so many devices out there and and many increasing and so many complexities

31:23 around um access Assurance um that that that space was

31:30 was was right for disrup disruption in fact back to my original slide you know thank you for coming late um you know

31:37 for being late you know we we actually saw exactly what happened to wireless is happening with Knack right Knack is a

31:43 solution that's 15 years old you know clear past ice they're a a

31:52 a collaboration of different Acquisitions kind of lumped together they're on Prem difficult to scale exactly all the same things with

31:58 wireless controllers right and so what we did is we acquired a company a few years ago called Whit San and we merged

32:05 it with our Ai and Cloud just to move all that to the cloud and be AI driven right so it's literally just you know

32:10 one single point for all your operations and all your management so it adds even more cost savings to a an Roi model um

32:18 you know what we' like to say is you know Peter in this report focus a lot on wireless Roi but we also have other reports that show full stack Roi right

32:25 when you now have wired Wireless sesy W Knack all working together to talk to each other um and to self-drive or to

32:33 you know um point out issues um and even work with you know applications like zoom and teams that's really darn

32:39 powerful in terms of you know lowering meantime to repair um and uh you know and and and getting your resources

32:45 focused on more strategic initiatives and so um yeah there's there's definitely numbers around that as well which which I think are

32:52 are even more compelling than than just Wireless alone Peter yeah and also I should

32:58 mention that we did do a report uh last year on full stack um so so that's out

33:04 there the most recent one was just focused on on wireless and I think even you guys had an angle on it for uh msps

33:11 too so that ties it other corre question um um um Kenny around you know what are

33:16 we doing for MSP so that's also a great report to also make available to these guys because I think it's uh it's equally important yeah yeah there were

33:23 two reports one on full stack focused on Enterprise the other one on full stack

33:29 focused on MSP I believe it's called the financial benefits of M AI in an

33:34 Enterprise or or manage services environment if uh if you head to and use the search function

33:40 you can find it there um you know Peter uh you know I think you you kind of addressed this obviously uh in your

33:46 presentation but you know I think you know there's an opportunity to just sort of summarize um you know question here

33:52 from s uh what are the key drivers behind the Opex savings in this yeah so

33:59 just in in summary really the very key drivers are are reducing that life cycle

34:04 cost specifically around the fault management and the Performance Management I mean there's a lot of other

34:10 benefits as well but if you look at what's really driving the Opex savings

34:16 that that's the key thing because those are the things that really not not only take a lot of time energy effort dollars

34:24 but they're ongoing you know so they're going on month after month year after

34:29 year and how much um of this is moving from an on-prem environment to the cloud

34:35 with there calculations around that um well well I mean part of the benefit is is looking at you know Cloud

34:42 basically as as well so um but you know I mean but I think in

34:49 general things are moving to the cloud so I I think that's almost a no-brainer to some

34:55 extent great great well I believe that's as much time as we have here we've gone

35:01 a few minutes over um but I want to thank everyone for uh joining us for today's presentation and I know I teased

35:07 it up front um if you're interested in seeing what Juniper Miss can do for your business um well then there's an

35:14 opportunity here to try our Wi-Fi for free so uh scan the QR code here in the bottom right to fill out a form uh and

35:21 someone from our sales team will reach out to you to complete the qualification process you'll be able to receive a free

35:27 AP and a 90day miss subscription uh with this uh Pro promotion so take advantage

35:34 of that that's that's really a great opportunity so um I want to thank uh you

35:39 know both of our speakers you know today for joining us again Dr Peter federov from ACG uh analytics and Jeff Aaron our

35:46 VP of uh Enterprise you marketing thanks for your time today you any last uh

35:51 comments Jeff Peter no uh again uh you know obviously thanks for having us can I you know I always love to to to talk

35:58 about this and and you know I would say doing more with less um from a a cost

36:04 standpoint is as you guys know it's top of mind for everyone so that's why we were excited to work with ACG and and

36:10 put you know pencil to paper and actually try to quantify this to you know as much as we could in a in a you

36:16 know non-specific environment and so we're really excited about that and encourage folks to check it out well said yeah thanks a lot keny I

36:24 appreciate the opportunity yeah no thank you to you both and uh if uh our producer could uh put my email address

36:31 uh in the chat uh k delovo d l o if you have any questions or

36:38 uh you know want uh some additional resources uh that can help you in your process uh feel free to reach out be

36:44 happy to help you where you can on behalf of uh our entire uh Aid driven Enterprise team and Juniper Networks

36:51 again thank you so much for joining today we look forward to helping you you today and into the future have a great

36:56 day everyone

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