Juniper AI-Native Networking: Right Data

Juniper AI-Native Networking: Right Data

Juniper AI-Native Networking: Right Data

Juniper’s AI-Native Networking Platform assures the right operator and end-user experiences through comprehensive AIOps across the entire network. See how Juniper uses real-time telemetry to train AI algorithms for rapid problem identification.

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You’ll learn

  • Why the right data is key for AIOps and AI for networking

  • How Juniper works with domain experts to solve top challenges with AI

Who is this for?

Network Professionals Business Leaders


0:02 Anyone who's ever been on a glitchy zoom call

0:04 or waited too long for a quick download

0:07 knows there's a difference between a mere network connection

0:10 and an exceptional network experience.

0:14 That was then.

0:15 Now, Juniper's A.I. Native Networking Platform

0:17 assures the right operator and end-user

0:20 experiences through comprehensive AIOps across the entire network.

0:25 But what really sets us apart?

0:27 The Right Data, the Right Real-Time Response and the Right Secure Infrastructure.

0:33 Let's talk about what it means to have the Right Data.

0:35 Rather than asking about connectivity status.

0:38 We ask how users are actually experiencing the network:

0:42 How apps are performing? Where things are slowing down?

0:45 Juniper and Mist have been asking

0:47 those questions and collecting data for over 9 years.

0:50 We extract real time telemetry from network users and devices to train

0:55 AI algorithms across all network domains.

0:58 Wireless

0:58 Wired

0:59 WAN

1:00 Data center and Security

1:02 correlating that data for rapid problem identification.

1:06 Our customer success and data science teams

1:08 collaborate to uncover common customer challenges and develop

1:12 AI primitives to inform and drive our AI toolkits.

1:16 With continuous learning and development, our AI algorithms constantly improve

1:21 to deliver more valuable insights with fewer false positives.

1:25 All of this helps you resolve issues before they impact user experiences.

1:30 And you eliminate up to 90% of networking-related trouble tickets in the process.

1:34 So you can move forward with full confidence

1:37 knowing that the network experiences your end-users demand

1:40 are the exceptional experiences you are delivering.

1:45 [Juniper Networks] [Driven by Experience]

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