Juniper Networks — Fast Lane Productivity — The NOW Way to Network

The NOW Way to Network AI & ML
The Juniper Networks — Fast Lane Productivity — The NOW Way to Network

Juniper Networks — Fast Lane Productivity — The NOW Way to Network

Need a network that can match your enterprise’s speed? Juniper’s AI-Native Networking Platform could make your business so much more productive. It’s self-configuring, self-detecting, and self-healing, using the industry’s best AIOps to automate the little things so you can look at the big picture.

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You’ll learn

  • How to reduce trouble tickets by up to 90%

  • How to let your team become strategic and think long term

  • How to become truly agile

Who is this for?

Network Professionals Business Leaders


0:00 Welcome to The Now Way to Network...

0:02 They switched to Juniper's AI-Native Network.

0:05 Now everyone's so productive,

0:07 they're operating at a higher gear...

0:09 Now their network is self-configuring,

0:10 self-detecting and self-healing.

0:13 So their IT team deals with up to 90%

0:15 fewer network trouble tickets.

0:17 [Sonic boom]

0:18 Whoa, what was that?

0:19 Just the sound barrier.

0:21 That's The Now Way to Network at work—

0:23 with real AI—

0:25 putting you in the fast lane.

0:26 (♪♪)

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