Introduction to Network as Code, Part 1 of 3

Understanding the concepts and benefits of network as code
CTOs, are you taking advantage of network automation? Watch the first video in this three-part series to learn how network as code can reduce the complexity of network management.
You’ll learn
The definition and benefits of infrastructure as code
How infrastructure as code compares to network as code
The advantage of network as code
Who is this for?

Guest speakers

Experience More
0:02 (mysterious intro music)
0:08 >> Hi, welcome to this video series
0:11 on the introduction of Network as Code
0:14 to our CTO advisor audience.
0:16 I have with me Ned Bellavance.
0:18 Ned is going to introduce his self in a sec,
0:21 but I wanted to preview the series.
0:23 Video one, we're going to do an introduction
0:26 to Network as Code.
0:27 Basic concepts.
0:28 What is Network as Code?
0:30 How is that related to Infrastructure as Code?
0:33 What are some of the benefits?
0:35 What problem are we trying to solve?
0:39 Video two, we're going to talk
0:40 about implementing Network as Code.
0:42 We're going to dive in to some of the tools,
0:44 technologies, Infrastructure as Code,
0:47 a little bit more configuration management
0:50 with Network as Code.
0:52 Then the third video, we're going to do advanced topics.
0:56 Talking through network test and validation,
0:59 network monitoring and analytics with Network as Code.
1:03 And then finally, security and compliance
1:05 with Network as Code.
1:08 Ned, can you go ahead and introduce yourself
1:11 to our audience?
1:13 >> Yeah, absolutely.
1:14 Thanks, Keith.
1:15 Hi, I am Ned Bellavance from
1:19 I've been working in IT for over 20 years now
1:22 and a large portion of that has been with data center
1:25 and cloud technologies.
1:27 And it was probably about a decade ago
1:29 that I really started working with Infrastructure as Code
1:32 which I think is, you know, important to this conversation
1:35 as we talk about Network as Code
1:37 'cause it borrows a lot of the same concepts
1:39 and terminology.
What is Infrastructure as Code
1:41 >> So before we get into Network as Code,
1:43 I love that you preference this with Infrastructure as Code.
1:47 Let's define the two.
1:48 What is Infrastructure as Code?
1:52 >> It's simply the process of defining your infrastructure,
1:56 your architecture, using some type of code,
2:01 some sort of machine readable language.
2:04 Rather than clicking around in a UI,
2:07 you're using either imperative commands
2:10 at the command line that you have all scripted out
2:12 or you could use a more declarative approach
2:15 and then have something interpret your configuration
2:18 or your code and make it so,
2:20 in whatever the target environment is.
2:23 But it does require
2:24 that whatever infrastructure you're provisioning
2:27 is able to be interacted with programmatically,
2:31 especially over some sort of API, a REST-based API.
Most Popular Versions
2:36 >> So I think the most popular version of this,
2:40 we're going to give the cloud most popular version of this
2:42 which is AWS CloudFormations.
2:45 I can take, you know, some code,
2:48 some JSON, and say what I want to build
2:51 and deploy that in AWS consistently.
2:55 However, if I don't use AWS or I want to do this on-prem
3:01 or across cloud, the more popular platform
3:05 is probably, I think the most popular platform
3:06 is safe to say is Terraform at this point.
3:09 >> It's certainly the one that I've come to know
3:11 and enjoy quite a lot.
3:14 And I actually got my start with Terraform
3:16 because I had some frustrations with CloudFormation.
3:20 That was my first real introduction
3:22 to using Infrastructure as Code on AWS.
3:25 And there were a lot of shortcomings
3:27 in the way that you could build out
3:29 a CloudFormation template
3:30 and do things like make it reusable
3:32 across multiple environments
3:34 or create multiple instances of the same thing.
3:37 And it just didn't have good constructs for that.
3:39 It wasn't really a programming language per se.
3:42 It was more of a configuration file.
3:44 And so I discovered Terraform in that process
3:47 and then quickly realized that Terraform could work
3:49 across not just AWS,
3:51 but all the other different public cloud providers.
3:54 And really, anything that you write a provider for,
3:57 it can interact with.
3:58 So it became very popular with me,
4:00 but it's just a good implementation
4:03 of some of the key concepts
4:04 that make up any Infrastructure as Code product
4:07 and it brings the same benefits
4:08 that any of those other products would.
4:11 >> And we typically see these tools and movements
4:14 or operating models such as DevOps,
4:18 SREs use these to build or manage systems at scale.
4:22 So these are the tools that is, you know,
4:26 you're not buying DevOps when you buy
4:29 a Infrastructure as Code solution,
4:31 but it's a tool and a methodology that we use
4:35 to implement DevOps types of operating models, correct?
4:40 >> Yeah, certainly.
4:41 The real thing is to take a step back and go,
4:44 what is the benefit to the business
4:46 of me introducing something
4:48 like Infrastructure as Code into the environment?
4:51 How is that making things better for the stakeholders?
4:55 And armed with that, you got to figure out,
4:57 what are the things we're trying to do?
4:59 Are we trying to make our environment more stable?
5:01 Are we trying to automate the provisioning
5:04 of environments so that we can test out new features?
5:07 Once you know kind of what the end goal is,
5:10 now you can select the tooling
5:12 and solutions that allow you to actualize that benefit.
5:16 And Infrastructure as Code is often one of those things
5:18 where before every environment was manually provisioned,
5:22 your development didn't match your staging,
5:25 didn't match your production.
5:26 When you tried to do code progression
5:29 from those environments,
5:30 something that worked perfectly in staging
5:32 now breaks in production
5:34 because of an infrastructure problem.
5:36 So in that case, you're trying to solve for consistency
5:39 'cause consistency allows you to accelerate
5:41 your software development,
5:42 which then, in turn, hopefully helps you sell more widgets
5:45 or gain more customers or whatever it is
5:48 the business is actually focused on.
5:50 >> In the most simplest, you know, form of this type
5:53 of benefit is when we talk
5:54 about fat fingering the configuration,
5:57 when we have to build the same, you know.
5:58 I'm a Windows admin so I have to think about this
6:01 in the Windows context is when we build a Windows server,
6:06 the two different people will build it differently.
6:10 The same image, even if they're taking it
6:12 from an image file,
6:13 they may build a server differently than any given time.
6:19 Not just two different people, the same person.
6:21 I may not build this server
6:22 the same way I built it yesterday or the next day.
6:25 I may have found new practices, new best practices,
6:29 to build a server.
6:32 And Infrastructure as Code is the most simplest construct,
6:37 is a way to be consistent
6:38 and for me to track how I change building servers,
6:42 et cetera, et cetera.
6:43 So even if you're not talking about code repositories
6:47 and all these other abstracted benefits
6:52 of Infrastructure as Code,
6:53 it's just a really great practice.
6:55 And I think it's the accepted norm now.
6:58 >> It's the consistency, it's the reusability.
7:01 And I'll be honest, Keith.
7:02 In the same document,
7:03 I will spell the same word three different ways
7:06 because sometimes, I just do that.
7:09 I'm inconsistent, I'm a human being.
7:11 And if that's the way you're building servers, then yeah,
7:13 you're going to have three differently configured servers.
7:16 If that's the way you're provisioning
7:18 your network environments,
7:19 you're going to have four different network switches
7:21 that should all be basically identical,
7:24 but you've accidentally configured them slightly different
7:27 in a way that might not be immediately obvious,
7:30 but six months down the line,
7:32 ends up breaking something on your network.
7:34 So being able to apply that consistency
7:36 and rigor to your infrastructure
7:39 just makes it that much more robust.
7:41 >> So would it be safe to say that Network as Code
7:46 is a subset of Infrastructure as Code?
7:50 >> I think that would be a fair approximation.
7:52 Networking brings its own challenges with it, right?
7:56 Because that was not traditionally the approach
7:59 to configuring network gear.
8:00 The traditional approach was,
8:02 I'm going to connect into each switch in each router
8:05 and I'm going to run a series of commands against it.
8:08 And I had all kinds of hacks back in the day.
8:10 I had a Excel spreadsheet
8:12 that would have the commands in it
8:14 and then I would merge the commands into like a big body
8:17 and dump that out to a text file
8:19 and then copy and paste it, right?
8:20 Like there were ways to automate
8:23 your networking configuration,
8:25 but it was very, you know, duct tape and spit together.
8:28 It was not a a cohesive thing
8:31 and it wasn't something that you could easily transfer
8:34 to someone else to take over management.
8:37 Everything was very bespoke.
8:39 And I think network automation and Network as Code,
8:42 the idea is to get away from that,
8:44 but you still need to interact with these network devices
8:48 in the traditional way because a lot of them
8:51 don't have an API front end
8:53 that you can make REST calls against, right?
8:56 They're expecting you to connect via SSH
8:59 and start issuing commands.
9:01 And that's not how a lot
9:03 of the Infrastructure as Code products work.
9:06 So you need something in the middle
9:07 that does some kind of interpretation
9:09 of the way that Infrastructure as Code wants to work
9:13 versus the way that the device wants to work.
Network Automation
9:15 >> So let's talk about network automation a little bit.
9:20 You know, we know the disadvantages
9:23 of manually configuring the network.
9:26 It is, you know, we introduce authentication,
9:31 centralized authentication, into network switches.
9:34 So we know who logged into a switch.
9:36 We may not necessarily know
9:38 who changed the configuration of a switch
9:40 or what configuration changes were made.
9:43 We can't, you know, revert back to a known good state
9:46 because what's a known good state
9:48 of 1,800 different switches?
9:51 Like we don't know that.
9:53 There's no centralized management of it.
9:55 There's been tools in the past that's kind of helped us
9:58 do configuration management,
10:01 but not in a way that's, in my opinion,
10:07 that smooth the needle.
10:09 So let's talk about some of the benefits
10:11 of automation and some of the motivations you've seen
10:14 for people to automate the network specifically.
10:18 >> I mean one of the the primary motivations
10:21 is just removing that manual aspect
10:24 of going to each switch and pushing a configuration to it,
10:27 then going to the next one.
10:29 That's fine when you're a small medium business
10:31 and you've got 20 switches in your environment.
10:34 When you've got 100 switches or 500 switches
10:39 in your environment, all of which need to be configured
10:42 in very specific ways to work with each other,
10:44 that becomes untenable for the manual process.
10:49 The other portion of automation
10:50 is you usually do introduce some sort of control plane.
10:53 And that control plane has a holistic view
10:58 of your networking environment
11:00 that no one switch or router has.
11:03 So that has the additional benefit of being able to see
11:06 what is the possible impact of a change
11:10 that I'm proposing to the environment
11:12 before that change is applied
11:14 because it has that more holistic view.
11:16 And typically, because you're managing things in code,
11:21 or at least the automation platform is,
11:24 a rollback actually is possible
11:27 because it is aware of what the previous version
11:29 of the code looked like.
11:31 And if something goes wrong, it can move back
11:35 to that previous version of the code
11:37 and apply it through some sort of out of band management
11:40 to those network devices.
11:42 So I think the biggest benefits of automation
11:45 is removing that manual process,
11:47 making things consistent, making rollback possible,
11:51 and being able to preview the changes
11:54 or the impact of your changes
11:56 prior to them actually being applied.
11:59 >> All right, Ned, thanks a lot
12:01 for helping me dissect the introduction
12:05 of Network as Code from a concept perspective.
12:08 In the second video, we're going to talk
12:10 about implementing Network as Code.
12:12 And then in the third video, we're going to talk
12:14 about advanced topics and networking code.
12:17 That's going to be the meaty one.
12:19 So if you think you already have a handle
12:22 on the industry and the concepts,
12:24 you can go ahead and skip on to that,
12:26 but I guarantee you,
12:27 you're going to enjoy the second video in the series.