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Virtual Chassis User Guide for Switches
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Understanding Mixed EX Series and QFX Series Virtual Chassis

date_range 24-Nov-23

This topic describes the requirements for a mixed Virtual Chassis.

A mixed Virtual Chassis includes two or more types of EX Series switches, two or more types of QFX Series switches, or a supported combination of EX and QFX Series switches, where architectural differences require the Virtual Chassis to be configured into mixed mode for the switches to interoperate.

A Virtual Chassis composed of all the same type of switch can usually operate as a non-mixed Virtual Chassis, which does not require you to set mixed mode. However, the following Virtual Chassis that include different models of the same product must operate in mixed mode due to architecture differences between the different models:

  • An EX4300 Virtual Chassis composed of EX4300 multigigabit model (EX4300-48MP) switches mixed with any other EX4300 model switches


    An EX4300 Virtual Chassis operates as a non-mixed Virtual Chassis if it is composed of only EX4300 multigigabit model switches, or composed of any combination of any other EX4300 switches (excluding the multigigabit models).

The following combinations of different switch types can be interconnected into a Virtual Chassis that does not require you to set mixed mode because the switches can run the same software image when in a Virtual Chassis:

  • An EX Series Virtual Chassis composed of only EX4500 and EX4550 switches

  • An EX2300 Virtual Chassis composed of any models of EX2300 and EX2300 multigigabit switches


    Junos OS releases prior to 18.4R1 support forming an EX2300 Virtual Chassis using only EX2300 multigigabit switches or only EX2300 switches that are not multigigabit model switches. Starting in Junos OS Release 18.4R1, EX2300, EX2300-C, and EX2300 multigigabit switches can all be combined in the same non-mixed Virtual Chassis.

  • An EX4400 Virtual Chassis composed of any models of EX4400 and EX4400 multigigabit switches

  • A QFX Series Virtual Chassis composed of only QFX3500 and QFX3600 switches

  • A QFX5110 Virtual Chassis composed of QFX5110 and supported QFX5100 switches

QFX5200, QFX5120, EX4650, EX4400, EX3400, EX3300, EX2300, and EX2200 switches cannot be mixed with any other models of switches in a Virtual Chassis.

Mixed and Non-mixed EX Series and QFX Series Virtual Chassis Summary

Table 1 provides a high-level overview of the EX Series and QFX Series switches allowed in the Routing Engine and line-card roles of supported mixed and non-mixed Virtual Chassis configurations. Any supported mixed or non-mixed combination of switches can be configured as a nonprovisioned or preprovisioned Virtual Chassis.

Table 1: Virtual Chassis Summary


Allowed Routing Engine Members

Allowed Line Card Members




QFX5120-48Y or QFX5120-48T or QFX5120-32C (2 switches of the same model only)

None, only 2 members of the same model switch are supported in any QFX5120 Virtual Chassis, and both must be in Routing Engine role


QFX5110QFX5100 (with a “-qfx-5e-” Junos OS image)





EX4100 EX4100


None if only 2 members in the Virtual Chassis (both must be in Routing Engine role), or only other EX4650 switches otherwise.

Starting in Junos OS Release 20.1R1, you can interconnect up to four EX4650 switches in an EX4650 Virtual Chassis. You should configure two member switches into the primary and backup Routing Engine roles, and the remaining member switches into the linecard role.



EX4400 (including multigigabit and any other models) EX4400 (including multigigabit and any other models)

EX4300 multigigabit models (EX4300-48MP) only

EX4300 multigigabit models (EX4300-48MP) only

EX4300 (any models except multigigabit models)

EX4300 (any models except multigigabit models)











(Prior to Junos OS Release 18.4R1) EX2300 multigigabit models (EX2300-24MP and EX2300-48MP) only, or EX2300 and EX2300-C (excluding multigigabit models) only

(Prior to Junos OS Release 18.4R1) EX2300 multigigabit models (EX2300-24MP and EX2300-48MP) only, or EX2300 and EX2300-C (excluding multigigabit models) only

(Starting with Junos OS Release 18.4R1) EX2300, EX2300-C, and EX2300 multigigabit models (EX2300-24MP and EX2300-48MP) (any models in any combination)

(Starting with Junos OS Release 18.4R1) EX2300, EX2300-C, and EX2300 multigigabit models (EX2300-24MP and EX2300-48MP) (any models in any combination))





QFX5100QFX3600QFX3500EX4300 (any models except multigigabit models)


QFX3600QFX3500EX4300 (any models except multigigabit models)


EX4600EX4300 (any models except multigigabit models)

EX4300 multigigabit models (EX4300-48MP)

EX4300 (any models including multigigabit models)

EX4200, EX4500, EX4550 (any of these switches in any mixed combination)

EX4200, EX4500, EX4550 (any of these switches in any mixed combination)

Understanding the Routing Engine Role in a Virtual Chassis With Different Types of Switches

When you have different types of switches in a Virtual Chassis, the combination of switches you are interconnecting determines which switches should be in the primary Routing Engine role. We also recommend always configuring the same type of switch into the primary and backup Routing Engine roles, to ensure that the switch operating as the primary remains the same type of switch in the event of a switchover.

  • In a Virtual Chassis with QFX5110 and QFX5100 switches, which is considered to be a non-mixed QFX5110 Virtual Chassis, we recommend using QFX5110 switches in the primary or backup Routing Engine roles, and you can use QFX5110 or supported QFX5100 switches for the remaining members in line-card role.

  • In a mixed Virtual Chassis with QFX5100 switches combined with QFX3600, QFX3500, or EX4300 switches, you should use QFX5100 switches in the primary Routing Engine role, and you can use QFX5100, QFX3600, QFX3500, or EX4300 switches in the line-card role.

  • In a mixed Virtual Chassis with QFX3600 or QFX3500 switches with EX4300 switches, you should use QFX3500 or QFX3600 switches in the Routing Engine role, and you can use QFX3600, QFX3500, or EX4300 switches in the line-card role.

  • In a mixed EX4300 and EX4600 Virtual Chassis, EX4600 switches automatically assume the primary and backup Routing Engine roles, and you can use EX4300 or EX4600 switches in the line-card role. (EX4600 switches can be in a mixed Virtual Chassis with any EX4300 model switches except multigigabit models.)

  • In a mixed EX4300 Virtual Chassis with EX4300 multigigabit model (EX4300-48MP) switches and any other models of EX4300 switches, you must use EX4300 multigigabit models in the Routing Engine role, and you can use any EX4300 switches in the line-card role.

  • In a mixed Virtual Chassis that includes any combination of EX4200 switches, EX4500 switches, and EX4550 switches, any switch can be configured in any role.

In most mixed Virtual Chassis, you must configure your Virtual Chassis to ensure a switch that supports operating as a primary Routing Engine assumes the primary Routing Engine role. Without user configuration, any switch might assume the primary or backup Routing Engine role, with the exception of EX4300 switches in an EX4600 or QFX Series Virtual Chassis, which can never assume the Routing Engine role.

Understanding QFX5100 and QFX5110 Switches in a Virtual Chassis

Up to ten QFX5100 and QFX5110 switches can be interconnected using Virtual Chassis ports (VCPs) to form a QFX5110 Virtual Chassis, which is considered to be a non-mixed Virtual Chassis because both types of switches can run the same software image, and you do not need to configure mixed mode. A QFX5110 Virtual Chassis can contain QFX5110 and supported QFX5100 switches in any combination, but we recommend that only QFX5110 switches be in the primary and backup Routing Engine roles, and QFX5100 switches only be configured into line-card role.


A QFX5110 Virtual Chassis with QFX5100 switches can only be set up using QFX5110 and QFX5100 switches running the same Junos OS image that includes “-qfx-5e-” in the Junos OS software package filename downloaded from the Software Center. QFX5100 switches running a Junos OS image filename that includes “-qfx-5-” must first be upgraded to the “-qfx-5e-” image to join a QFX5110 Virtual Chassis. (See Upgrading a QFX5100 Switch with a USB Device to Join a QFX5110 Virtual Chassis or Virtual Chassis Fabric.)

QFX5100 switches can also be interconnected into a mixed Virtual Chassis with QFX3500, QFX3600, and EX4300 switches. See the next section for more information on a mixed QFX5100 Virtual Chassis.

Understanding EX4300, QFX3500, QFX3600, and QFX5100 Switches in a Mixed Virtual Chassis

A combination of up to ten EX4300 (excluding multigigabit models), QFX3500, QFX3600, and QFX5100 switches can be interconnected using VCPs to form a mixed QFX Series Virtual Chassis.

In a mixed QFX Series Virtual Chassis that includes QFX5100 switches, only QFX5100 switches should be configured into the Routing Engine role, and the remaining members can be any combination of EX4300, QFX3500, QFX3600, or QFX5100 switches configured into line-card role.

QFX3500 and QFX3600 switches can be interconnected using VCPs to form a Virtual Chassis that is non-mixed; you do not need to configure mixed mode for a Virtual Chassis composed of only QFX3500 and QFX3600 switches. QFX3500 and QFX3600 switches can also be in a mixed QFX Series Virtual Chassis with EX4300 switches. In this combination, only QFX3500 or QFX3600 switches should be configured into the Routing Engine role, and the remaining members can be QFX3500, QFX3600, or EX4300 switches configured into line-card role.

EX4300 switches (excluding multigigabit models) can also be interconnected into a mixed Virtual Chassis with EX4600 switches. See the next section for information on mixed EX4300 and EX4600 Virtual Chassis.

Understanding Mixed EX4300 and EX4600 Virtual Chassis

Any EX4300 switches (except for multigigabit models) and EX4600 switches can be interconnected into a Virtual Chassis.

In a mixed EX4300 and EX4600 Virtual Chassis:

  • You can interconnect up to ten member switches.

  • An EX4600 switch automatically assumes the primary Routing Engine role.

  • EX4300 switches cannot assume the Routing Engine role.

EX4600 switches cannot be in a mixed Virtual Chassis with any other type of switch besides EX4300 switches that are not multigigabit model switches.

Understanding EX4300 Multigigabit and Other EX4300 Model Switches in a Mixed EX4300 Virtual Chassis

You can combine EX4300 multigigabit model (EX4300-48MP) switches with other EX4300 switches into a mixed EX4300 Virtual Chassis.


If an EX4300 Virtual Chassis has only EX4300 multigigabit model switches, or only a combination of other models of EX4300 switches, the Virtual Chassis is a non-mixed Virtual Chassis and you should not configure mixed mode.

In a mixed EX4300 Virtual Chassis:

  • You can interconnect up to ten member switches.

  • You must include the ieee-clause-82 option when setting mixed mode on the EX4300 switches in the Virtual Chassis that are not multigigabit model switches. This option sets a special port mode (IEEE Clause 82) on the Virtual Chassis ports (VCPs) that enables them to communicate when interconnected with VCPs on EX4300 multigigabit switches. See Configuring an EX2300, EX3400, or EX4300 Virtual Chassis for details.

  • Only EX4300 multigigabit model switches can be in the Routing Engine role.

  • EX4300 switches that are not multigigabit model switches must be configured into line-card role.

EX4300 multigigabit switches cannot be in a mixed Virtual Chassis with any other type of switch besides other EX4300 switches.


If you remove a non-multigigabit model EX4300 switch from a mixed EX4300 Virtual Chassis with multigigabit model members, you must disable ieee-clause-82 port mode on the removed switch if you want to reconfigure it as a standalone switch or use it in any other type of mixed Virtual Chassis or any non-mixed Virtual Chassis. Otherwise, the VCPs will not connect with other members in the new Virtual Chassis. See Removing or Replacing a Member Switch of a Virtual Chassis Configuration for more details.

Understanding EX4200, EX4500, and EX4550 Switches in a Mixed Virtual Chassis

EX4200 switches, EX4500 switches, and EX4550 switches can be interconnected into a Virtual Chassis to form a mixed EX4200 and EX4500 Virtual Chassis, mixed EX4200 and EX4550 Virtual Chassis, mixed EX4500 and EX4550 Virtual Chassis, or mixed EX4200, EX4500, and EX4550 Virtual Chassis. The mixed Virtual Chassis supports up to 10 member switches regardless of whether the switches are EX4200 switches, EX4500 switches, or EX4550 switches. Any model of EX4200, EX4500, or EX4550 switch can be interconnected into the same mixed Virtual Chassis. The primary-role election process that decides member switch roles in a mixed Virtual Chassis is identical to the primary-role election process in a non-mixed Virtual Chassis, so any member switch in a mixed Virtual Chassis can assume the primary, backup, or line-card role.

EX4200 switches, EX4500 switches, and EX4550 switches cannot be interconnected into a Virtual Chassis with any other switches.
