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Load Balancing for Aggregated Ethernet Interfaces

date_range 20-Dec-24

Load balancing is done on Layer 2 across the member links making the configuration better without congestion and maintaining redundancy. The below topics discuss the overview of load balancing, configuring load balancing based on MAC addresses and on LAG link, understanding the consistency through resilient hashing.

Configuring Load Balancing Based on MAC Addresses

The hash key mechanism for load-balancing uses Layer 2 media access control (MAC) information such as frame source and destination address. To load-balance traffic based on Layer 2 MAC information, include the multiservice statement at the [edit forwarding-options hash-key] or [edit chassis fpc slot number pic PIC number hash-key] hierarchy level:

content_copy zoom_out_map
multiservice {
    payload {
        ip {
            layer-3 (source-ip-only | destination-ip-only);

Use Feature Expolorer to confirm platform and release support for specific features.

Review the Platform-Specific MAC Address Based Loadbalancing Behavior section for notes related to your platform.

To include the destination-address MAC information in the hash key, include the destination-mac option. To include the source-address MAC information in the hash key, include the source-mac option.

  • Any packets that have the same source and destination address will be sent over the same path.

  • You can configure per-packet load balancing to optimize EVPN traffic flows across multiple paths.

  • Aggregated Ethernet member links will now use the physical MAC address as the source MAC address in 802.3ah OAM packets.

Platform-Specific MAC Address Based Loadbalancing Behavior



ACX Series

ACX7000 Series Routers support symmetric hashing. For example, you need to configure both source-mac and destination-mac under "multiservice" options. You cannot use source-mac and destination-mac separately.

Note the following about hashing on ACX7000 Series Routers:

  • Do not support any default hashing. Load balancing does not happen if you do not configure "hash-key" option. Use the [set forwarding-options hash-key family] hierarchy.

  • Load balancing might or might not be symmetrical. Some links might carry more traffic than others. This traffic difference is based on the traffic profile.

  • Do not support weighted hashing.

Example: Configuring Multicast Load Balancing for Use with Aggregated 10-Gigabit Ethernet Interfaces on EX8200 Switches

EX8200 switches support multicast load balancing on link aggregation groups (LAGs). Multicast load balancing evenly distributes Layer 3 routed multicast traffic over the LAGs, You can aggregate up to twelve 10-gigabit Ethernet links to form a 120-gigabit virtual link or LAG. The MAC client can treat this virtual link as if it were a single link to increase bandwidth, provide graceful degradation as link failures occur, and increase availability. On EX8200 switches, multicast load balancing is enabled by default. However, if it is explicitly disabled, you can reenable it. .


An interface with an already configured IP address cannot form part of the LAG.


Only EX8200 standalone switches with 10-gigabit links support multicast load balancing. Virtual Chassis does not support multicast load balancing.

This example shows how to configure a LAG and reenable multicast load balancing:


This example uses the following hardware and software components:

  • Two EX8200 switches, one used as the access switch and one used as the distribution switch

  • Junos OS Release 12.2 or later for EX Series switches

Before you begin:

Overview and Topology

Multicast load balancing uses one of seven hashing algorithms to balance traffic between the individual 10-gigabit links in the LAG. For a description of the hashing algorithms, see multicast-loadbalance. The default hashing algorithm is crc-sgip. You can experiment with the different hashing algorithms until you determine the one that best balances your Layer 3 routed multicast traffic.

When a link larger than 10 gigabits is needed on an EX8200 switch, you can combine up to twelve 10-gigabit links to create more bandwidth. This example uses the link aggregation feature to combine four 10-gigabit links into a 40-gigabit link on the distribution switch. In addition, multicast load balancing is enabled to ensure even distribution of Layer 3 routed multicast traffic on the 40-gigabit link. In the sample topology illustrated in Figure 2, an EX8200 switch in the distribution layer is connected to an EX8200 switch in the access layer.


Link speed is automatically determined based on the size of the LAG configured. For example, if a LAG is composed of four 10-gigabit links, the link speed is 40 gigabits per second).


The default hashing algorithm, crc-sgip, involves a cyclic redundancy check of both the multicast packet source and group IP addresses.

Figure 2: 40-Gigabit LAG Composed of Four 10-Gigabit Links40-Gigabit LAG Composed of Four 10-Gigabit Links

You will configure a LAG on each switch and reenable multicast load balancing. When reenabled, multicast load balancing will automatically take effect on the LAG, and the speed is set to 10 gigabits per second for each link in the LAG. Link speed for the 40-gigabit LAG is automatically set to 40 gigabits per second.



CLI Quick Configuration

To quickly configure this example, copy the following commands, paste them into a text file, remove any line breaks, change any details necessary to match your network configuration, and then copy and paste the commands into the CLI at the [edit] hierarchy level.

content_copy zoom_out_map
set chassis aggregated-devices ethernet device-count 1
set interfaces ae0 aggregated-ether-options minimum-links 1 
set interfaces xe-0/1/0 ether-options 802.3ad ae0 
set interfaces xe-1/1/0 ether-options 802.3ad ae0
set interfaces xe-2/1/0 ether-options 802.3ad ae0
set interfaces xe-3/1/0 ether-options 802.3ad ae0
set chassis multicast-loadbalance hash-mode crc-gip 
Step-by-Step Procedure

To configure a LAG and reenable multicast load balancing:

  1. Specify the number of aggregated Ethernet interfaces to be created:

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit chassis]
    user@switch#  set aggregated-devices ethernet device-count 1
  2. Specify the minimum number of links for the aggregated Ethernet interface (aex), that is, the LAG, to be labeled up:


    By default, only one link needs to be up for the LAG to be labeled up.

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit interfaces]
    user@switch# set ae0 aggregated-ether-options minimum-links 1                     
  3. Specify the four members to be included within the LAG:

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit interfaces]
    user@switch# set xe-0/1/0 ether-options 802.3ad ae0
    user@switch# set xe-1/1/0 ether-options 802.3ad ae0        
    user@switch# set xe-2/1/0 ether-options 802.3ad ae0  
    user@switch# set xe-3/1/0 ether-options 802.3ad ae0               
  4. Reenable multicast load balancing:

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit chassis]
    user@switch#  set  multicast-loadbalance 

    You do not need to set link speed the way you do for LAGs that do not use multicast load balancing. Link speed is automatically set to 40 gigabits per second on a 40-gigabit LAG.

  5. You can optionally change the value of the hash-mode option in the multicast-loadbalance statement to try different algorithms until you find the one that best distributes your Layer 3 routed multicast traffic.

    If you change the hashing algorithm when multicast load balancing is disabled, the new algorithm takes effect after you reenable multicast load balancing.


Check the results of the configuration:

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@switch>  show configuration

	aggregated-devices {
		ethernet {
		     device-count 1;
	multicast-loadbalance {
		hash-mode crc-gip; 

	xe-0/1/0 {
	ether-options {
			802.3ad ae0;
	xe-1/1/0 {
		ether-options {
			802.3ad ae0;
	xe-2/1/0 {
		ether-options {
			802.3ad ae0;
	xe-3/1/0 {
		ether-options {
			802.3ad ae0;
	ae0 {
		aggregated-ether-options {
			minimum-links 1;


To confirm that the configuration is working properly, perform these tasks:

Verifying the Status of a LAG Interface


Verify that a link aggregation group (LAG) (ae0) has been created on the switch.


Verify that the ae0 LAG has been created:

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@switch> show interfaces ae0 terse
content_copy zoom_out_map
Interface             Admin  	Link 	Proto      Local             Remote               

ae0                    up       up

ae0.0                  up       up     inet



The interface name aex indicates that this is a LAG. A stands for aggregated, and E stands for Ethernet. The number differentiates the various LAGs.

Verifying Multicast Load Balancing


Check that traffic is load-balanced equally across paths.


Verify load balancing across the four interfaces:

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@switch> monitor interface traffic           
content_copy zoom_out_map
Bytes=b, Clear=c, Delta=d, Packets=p, Quit=q or ESC, Rate=r, Up=^U, Down=^D
ibmoem02-re1                      Seconds: 3                   Time: 16:06:14

Interface    Link  Input packets        (pps)     Output packets        (pps)
 xe-0/1/0      Up        2058834         (10)          7345862         (19)
 xe-1/1/0      Up        2509289          (9)          6740592         (21)
 xe-2/1/0      Up        8625688         (90)         10558315         (20)
 xe-3/1/0      Up        2374154         (23)         71494375          (9)

The interfaces should be carrying approximately the same amount of traffic.

Dynamic Load Balancing

Load balancing is used to ensure that network traffic is distributed as evenly as possible across members in a given ECMP (Equal-cost multi-path routing) or LAG (Link Aggregation Group). In general, load balancing is classified as either static or dynamic. Static load balancing (SLB) computes hashing solely based on the packet contents (for example, source IP, destination IP, and so on.). The biggest advantage of SLB is that packet ordering is guaranteed as all packets of a given flow take the same path. However, because the SLB mechanism does not consider the path or link load, the network often experiences the following problems:

  • Poor link bandwidth utilization

  • Elephant flow on a single link completely dropping mice flows on it.

Dynamic load balancing (DLB) is an improvement on top of SLB.

For ECMP, you can configure DLB globally, whereas for LAG, you configure it for each aggregated Ethernet interface. You can apply DLB on selected ether-type (Dynamic Load Balancing) (IPv4, IPv6, and MPLS) based on configuration. If you don't configure any ether-type (Dynamic Load Balancing), then DLB is applied to all EtherTypes. Note that you must explicitly configure the DLB mode because there is no default mode.

  • Starting in Junos OS Release 22.3R1-EVO, QFX5130-32CD switches support dynamic load balancing for both ECMP and LAG.

  • Starting in Junos OS Release 19.4R1, QFX5120-32C and QFX5120-48Y switches support dynamic load balancing for both ECMP and LAG. For LAG, DLB must be configured on per aggregated ethernet interface basis.

  • Starting in Junos OS evolved Release 19.4R2, QFX5220 switches support dynamic load balancing (DLB) for ECMP. For ECMP, DLB must be configured globally.

  • You cannot configure both DLB and resilient hashing at the same time. Otherwise, a commit error will be thrown.

  • DLB is applicable only for unicast traffic.

  • DLB is not supported when the LAG is one of the egress ECMP members.

  • DLB is not supported for remote LAG members.

  • DLB is not supported on Virtual Chassis and Virtual Chassis Fabric (VCF).

  • DLB on LAG and HiGig-trunk are not supported at the same time.

  • QFX5220, QFX5230-64CD, and QFX5240 switches do not support DLB on LAG.

Table 2: Platforms That Support Dynamic Load Balancing for ECMP/LAG


DLB Support for ECMP

DLB Support for LAG
















You can use the following DLB modes to load-balance traffic:

  • Per packet mode

    In this mode, DLB is initiated for each packet in the flow. This mode makes sure that the packet always gets assigned to the best-quality member port. However, in this mode, DLB may experience packet reordering problems that can arise due to latency skews.

  • Flowlet mode

    This mode relies on assigning links based on flowlets instead of flows. Real-world application traffic relies on flow control mechanisms of upper-layer transport protocols such as TCP, which throttle the transmission rate. As a result, flowlets are created. You can consider flowlets as multiple bursts of the same flow separated by a period of inactivity between these bursts—this period of inactivity is referred to as the inactivity interval. The inactivity interval serves as the demarcation criteria for identifying new flowlets and is offered as a user-configurable statement under the DLB configuration. In this mode, DLB is initiated per flowlet—that is, for the new flow as well as for the existing flow that has been inactive for a sufficiently long period of time (configured inactivity-interval). The reordering problem of per packet mode is addressed in this mode as all the packets in a flowlet take the same link. If the inactivity-interval value is configured to be higher than the maximum latency skew across all ECMP paths, then you can avoid packet reordering across flowlets while increasing link utilization of all available ECMP links.

  • Assigned flow mode

    You can use assigned flow mode to selectively disable rebalancing for a period of time to isolate problem sources. You cannot use this mode for real-time DLB or predict the egress ports that will be selected using this mode because assigned flow mode does not consider port load and queue size.


Here are some of the important behaviors of DLB:

  • DLB is applicable for incoming EtherTypes only.

  • From a DLB perspective, both Layer 2 and Layer 3 link aggregation group (LAG) bundles are considered the same.

  • The link utilisation will not be optimal if you use dynamic load balancing in asymmetric bundles—that is, on ECMP links with different member capacities.

  • With DLB, no reassignment of flow happens when a new link is added in per packet and assigned flow modes. This can cause suboptimal usage in link flap scenarios where a utilized link may not be utilized after it undergoes a flap if no new flow or flowlets are seen after the flap.


  • DLB considers member bandwidth utilization along with packet content for member selection. As a result, we achieve better link utilization based on real-time link loads.

  • DLB ensures that links hogged by elephant flows are not used by mice flows. Thus, by using DLB, we avoid hash collision drops that occur with SLB. That is, with DLB the links are spread across, and thus the collision and the consequent drop of packets are avoided.

Configuring Dynamic Load Balancing

This topic describes how to configure dynamic load balancing (DLB) in flowlet mode.

Starting in Junos OS Release 19.4R1, QFX5120-32C and QFX5120-48Y switches support dynamic load balancing for both ECMP and LAG. For LAG, DLB must be configured on per aggregated ethernet interface basis.

Starting in Junos OS evolved Release 19.4R2, QFX5220 switches support dynamic load balancing (DLB) for ECMP. For ECMP, DLB must be configured globally.

Configuring DLB for ECMP (Flowlet mode)

To configure dynamic load balancing for ECMP with flowlet mode (QFX5120-32C, QFX5120-48Y, and QFX5220 switches):

  1. Enable dynamic load balancing with flowlet mode:
    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit forwarding-options enhanced-hash-key]
    user@router# set ecmp-dlb flowlet
  2. (Optional) Configure the inactivity-interval value - minimum inactivity interval (in micro seconds) for link re-assignment:
    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit forwarding-options enhanced-hash-key]
    user@router# set ecmp-dlb flowlet inactivity-interval (micro seconds)
  3. (Optional) Configure dynamic load balancing with ether-type:
    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit forwarding-options enhanced-hash-key]
    user@router# set ecmp-dlb ether-type mpls
  4. (Optional) You can view the options configured for dynamic load balancing on ECMP using show forwarding-options enhanced-hash-key command.

Similarly, you can configure DLB for ECMP with Per packet or Assigned flow mode.

Configuring DLB for LAG (Flowlet mode)

Before you begin, create an aggregated ethernet (AE) bundle by configuring a set of router interfaces as aggregated Ethernet and with a specific aggregated ethernet (AE) group identifier.

To configure dynamic load balancing for LAG with flowlet mode (QFX5120-32C and QFX5120-48Y):

  1. Enable dynamic load balancing with flowlet mode:

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit interfaces ae-x aggregated-ether-options]
    user@router# set dlb flowlet
  2. (Optional) Configure the inactivity-interval value - minimum inactivity interval (in micro seconds) for link re-assignment:

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit interfaces ae-x aggregated-ether-options]
    user@router# set dlb flowlet inactivity-interval (micro seconds) 
  3. (Optional) Configure dynamic load balancing with ether-type:

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit forwarding-options enhanced-hash-key]
    user@router# set lag-dlb ether-type mpls
  4. (Optional) You can view the options configured for dynamic load balancing on LAG using show forwarding-options enhanced-hash-key command.

Similarly, you can configure DLB for LAG with Per packet or Assigned flow mode.

Example: Configure Dynamic Load Balancing

This example shows how to configure dynamic load balancing.


This example uses the following hardware and software components:

  • Two QFX5120-32C or QFX5120-48Y switches

  • Junos OS Release 19.4R1 or later running on all devices


Dynamic load balancing (DLB) is an improvement on top of SLB.

For ECMP, you can configure DLB globally, whereas for LAG, you configure it for each aggregated Ethernet interface. You can apply DLB on selected ether-type (Dynamic Load Balancing) such as IPv4, IPv6, and MPLS based on configuration. If you don't configure any ether-type (Dynamic Load Balancing), then DLB is applied to all EtherTypes. Note that you must explicitly configure the DLB mode because there is no default mode.

  • Starting in Junos OS Release 19.4R1, QFX5120-32C and QFX5120-48Y switches support dynamic load balancing on both ECMP and LAG.

  • You cannot configure both DLB and Resilient Hashing at the same time. Otherwise, commit error will be thrown.


In this topology, both R0 and R1 are connected.

Figure 3: Dynamic Load BalancingDynamic Load Balancing

This example shows static configuration. You can also add configuration with dynamic protocols.


CLI Quick Configuration

To quickly configure this example, copy the following commands, paste them into a text file, remove any line breaks, change any details necessary to match your network configuration, and then copy and paste the commands into the CLI at the [edit] hierarchy level.


content_copy zoom_out_map
set interfaces xe-0/0/0 unit 0 family inet address
set interfaces xe-0/0/10 unit 0 family inet address
set interfaces xe-0/0/54:0 unit 0 family inet address
set forwarding-options enhanced-hash-key ecmp-dlb per-packet
set policy-options policy-statement loadbal then load-balance per-packet
set routing-options static route next-hop
set routing-options static route next-hop
set routing-options forwarding-table export loadbal


content_copy zoom_out_map
set interfaces xe-0/0/0 unit 0 family inet address
set interfaces xe-0/0/10 unit 0 family inet address
set interfaces xe-0/0/52:0 unit 0 family inet address

Configure Dynamic Load Balancing for LAG (QFX5120-32C and QFX5120-48Y)

Step-by-Step Procedure

The following example requires you to navigate various levels in the configuration hierarchy. For information about navigating the CLI, see Using the CLI Editor in Configuration Mode.

To configure the R0 router:


Repeat this procedure for the other routers, after modifying the appropriate interface names, addresses, and any other parameters for each router.

  1. Configure Link Aggregation Group (LAG).

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit interfaces]
    user@R0# set interfaces xe-0/0/0 ether-options 802.3ad ae0
    user@R0# set interfaces xe-0/0/10 ether-options 802.3ad ae0
    user@R0# set interfaces ae0 aggregated-ether-options lacp active
    user@R0# set interfaces ae0 unit 0 family inet address
    user@R0# set routing-options static route next-hop

    After configuring LAG, in the verification section, execute the steps in the Verifying Traffic Load before configuring Dynamic Load Balancing Feature on LAG section, to check the configuration or the traffic load before configuring DLB.

  2. Configure Dynamic Load Balancing with per-packet mode for LAG.

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    user@R0# set interfaces ae0 aggregated-ether-options dlb per-packet

    After configuring the DLB, in the verification section, execute the steps in the Verifying Traffic Load after configuring Dynamic Load Balancing Feature on LAG section, to check the configuration or the traffic load before configuring DLB.

Configure Dynamic Load Balancing for ECMP (QFX5120-32C, QFX5120-48Y, and QFX5220 switches)

Step-by-Step Procedure

The following example requires you to navigate various levels in the configuration hierarchy. For information about navigating the CLI, see Using the CLI Editor in Configuration Mode.

To configure the R0 router:


Repeat this procedure for the other routers, after modifying the appropriate interface names, addresses, and any other parameters for each router.

  1. Configure the Gigabit Ethernet interface link connecting from R0 to R1.

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit interfaces]
    user@R0# set interfaces xe-0/0/0 unit 0 family inet address
    user@R0# set interfaces xe-0/0/10 unit 0 family inet address
    user@R0# set interfaces xe-0/0/54:0 unit 0 family inet address
  2. Create the static routes:

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit interfaces]
    user@R0# set routing-options static route next-hop
    user@R0# set routing-options static route next-hop
  3. Apply the load-balancing policy. The dynamic load balancing feature requires the multiple ECMP next hops to be present in the forwarding table.

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit interfaces]
    user@R0# set policy-options policy-statement loadbal then load-balance per-packet
    user@R0# set routing-options forwarding-table export loadbal
  4. Configure Dynamic Load Balancing with per-packet mode for ECMP.

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit interfaces]
    user@R0# set forwarding-options enhanced-hash-key ecmp-dlb per-packet
  5. On R1, configure the Gigabit Ethernet interface link.

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit interfaces]
    user@R2# set interfaces xe-0/0/0 unit 0 family inet address
    user@R2# set interfaces xe-0/0/10 unit 0 family inet address
    user@R2# set interfaces xe-0/0/52:0 unit 0 family inet address


Confirm that the configuration is working properly.

Verify Traffic Load Before Configuring Dynamic Load Balancing Feature on LAG

Verify before the DLB feature is configured on the Link Aggregation Group.


From operational mode, run the show interfaces interface-name | match pps command.

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@R0>show interfaces xe-0/0/0 | match pps 
  Input rate     : 1240 bps (1 pps)
  Output rate    : 1024616 bps (1000 pps) ## all traffic in one link.
user@R0>show interfaces xe-0/0/10 | match pps
  Input rate     : 616 bps (0 pps)
  Output rate    : 1240 bps (1 pps)<<  Output rate    : 1240 bps (1 pps) ## no traffic
Verify Traffic Load After Configuring Dynamic Load Balancing Feature on LAG

Verify that packets received on the R0 are load-balanced.


From operational mode, run the show interfaces interface-name command.

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@R0>show interfaces xe-0/0/0 | match pps 
  Input rate     : 616 bps (0 pps)
  Output rate    : 519096 bps (506 pps)<<  Output rate    : 519096 bps (506 pps) ## load equally shared
user@R0>show interfaces xe-0/0/10 | match pps
  Input rate     : 1232 bps (1 pps)
  Output rate    : 512616 bps (500 pps)<<  Output rate    : 512616 bps (500 pps) ## load equally shared

Dynamic Load balancing with per-packet mode successfully working. After applying dynamic load balancing feature on LAG, the load is equally shared in the network.


Confirm that the configuration is working properly at R0.

Verify Dynamic Load Balancing on R0


Verify that packets received on the R0 are load-balanced.


From operational mode, run the run show route forwarding-table destination destination-address command.

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@R0>show route forwarding-table destination
inet.0: 178 destinations, 178 routes (178 active, 0 holddown, 0 hidden)
+ = Active Route, - = Last Active, * = Both        *[Static/5] 1d 03:35:12
                    >  to via xe-0/0/0.0
                       to via xe-0/0/10.0
user@R0>show route
inet.0: 178 destinations, 178 routes (178 active, 0 holddown, 0 hidden)
+ = Active Route, - = Last Active, * = Both        *[Static/5] 1d 03:35:12
                    >  to via xe-0/0/0.0
                       to via xe-0/0/10.0

Verify Load Balancing on R1


Confirm that the configuration is working properly at R1.


From operational mode, run the show route command.

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@R1>show route
inet.0: 146 destinations, 146 routes (146 active, 0 holddown, 0 hidden)
+ = Active Route, - = Last Active, * = Both        *[Direct/0] 1d 03:37:11
                    >  via xe-0/0/52:0.0

Dynamic Load balancing with per-packet mode successfully working. After applying dynamic load balancing feature on ECMP, the load is equally shared in the network.

Configure Flowset Table Size in DLB Flowlet Mode


Dynamic load balancing (DLB) is a load balancing technique that selects an optimal egress link based on link quality so that traffic flows are evenly distributed. You (the network administrator) can configure DLB in flowlet mode.

In flowlet mode, DLB tracks the flows by recording the last seen timestamp and the egress interface that DLB selected based on the optimal link quality. DLB records this information in the flowset table allocated to each ECMP group. The DLB algorithm maintains a given flow on a particular link until the last seen timestamp exceeds the inactivity timer. When the inactivity timer expires for a particular flow, DLB rechecks whether that link is still optimal for that flow. If the link is no longer optimal, DLB selects a new egress link and updates the flowset table with the new link and the last known timestamp of the flow. If the link continues to be optimal, the flowset table continues to use the same egress link.

You (the network administrator) can increase the flowset table size to change the distribution of the flowset table entries among the ECMP groups. The more entries an ECMP group has in the flowset table, the more flows the ECMP group can accommodate. In environments such as AI-ML data centers that must handle large numbers of flows, it is particularly useful for DLB to use a larger flowset table size. When each ECMP group can accommodate a large number of flows, DLB achieves better flow distribution across the ECMP member links.

The flowset table holds 32,768 total entries, and these entries are divided equally among the DLB ECMP groups. The flowset table size for each ECMP group ranges from 256 through 32,768. Use the following formula to calculate the number of ECMP groups:

content_copy zoom_out_map
32,768/(flowset size) = Number of ECMP groups

By default, the flowset size is 256 entries, so by default there are 128 ECMP groups.


  • Improve load distribution over egress links.

  • Group flows to minimize how many calculations DLB has to make for each flow.

  • Customize flowset table entry allocation for maximum efficiency.

  • Increase the efficiency of flowlet mode.


Be aware of the following when configuring the flowset table size:

  • When you change the flowset size, the scale of ECMP DLB groups also changes. Allocating a flowset table size greater than 256 reduces the number of DLB-capable ECMP groups.

  • When you commit this configuration, traffic can drop during the configuration change.

  • DLB is not supported when a link aggregation group (LAG) is one of the egress members of ECMP.

  • Only underlay fabrics support DLB.

  • QFX5240 switch ports with a speed less than 50 Gbps do not support DLB.

  1. Configure DLB in flowlet mode. See Configuring Dynamic Load Balancing.
  2. Configure the flowset table size.
    content_copy zoom_out_map
    set forwarding-options enhanced-hash-key ecmp-dlb flowlet flowset-table-size value
  3. Verify the configuration was successful.
    content_copy zoom_out_map
    show forwarding-options enhanced-hash-key

Platform Support

See Feature Explorer for platform and release support.

Related Documentation

Reactive Path Rebalancing


Dynamic load balancing (DLB) is an important tool for handling the large data flows (also known as elephant flows) inherent in AI-ML data center fabrics. Reactive path rebalancing is an enhancement to existing DLB features.

In the flowlet mode of DLB, you (the network administrator) configure an inactivity interval. The traffic uses the assigned outgoing (egress) interface until the flow pauses for longer than the inactivity timer. If the outgoing link quality deteriorates gradually, the pause within the flow might not exceed the configured inactivity timer. In this case, classic flowlet mode does not reassign the traffic to a different link, so the traffic cannot utilize a better-quality link. Reactive path rebalancing addresses this limitation by enabling the user to move the traffic to a better-quality link even when flowlet mode is enabled.

The device assigns a quality band to each equal-cost multipath (ECMP) egress member link that is based on the traffic flowing through the link. The quality band depends on the port load and the queue buffer. The port load is the number of egress bytes transmitted. The queue buffer is the number of bytes waiting to be transmitted from the egress port. You can customize these attributes based on the traffic pattern flowing through the ECMP.


  • Scalable solution to link degradation

  • Optimal use of bandwidth for large data flows

  • Avoidance of load balancing inefficiencies due to long-lived flows


Configuration Overview

Quality bands are numbered from 0 through 7, where 0 is the lowest quality and 7 is the highest quality. Based on the member port load and queue size, DLB assigns a quality band value to the member port. The port-to-quality band mapping changes based on instantaneous port load and queue size.

When both of the following conditions are met, reactive path rebalancing reassigns a flow to a higher-quality member link:

  • A better-quality member link is available whose quality band is equal to or greater than the current member's quality band plus the configured reassignment quality delta value. The quality delta is the difference between the two quality bands. Configure the quality delta value using the quality-delta statement.

  • The packet random value that the system generates is lower than the reassignment probability threshold value. Configure the probability threshold value using the prob-threshold statement.

Be aware of the following when using this feature:

  • Reactive path rebalancing is a global configuration and applies to all ECMP DLB configurations in the system.

  • You can configure egress quantization in addition to reactive path rebalancing to control the flow reassignment.

  • Packet reordering can occur when the flow moves from one port to another. Configuring reactive path rebalancing can cause momentary out-of-order issues when the flow is reassigned to the new link.​


In this topology, the device has three ingress ports and two egress ports. Two of the ingress streams are Layer 2 (L2) traffic and one is Layer 3 (L3) traffic. The figure shows the table entries forwarding the traffic to each of the egress ports. All the ingress and egress ports are of the same speed.

Figure 4: Reactive Path Rebalancing Reactive Path Rebalancing

In this topology, reactive path rebalancing works as follows:

  1. Quality delta of 2 is configured.

  2. L2 stream 1 (mac 0x123) enters ingress port et-0/0/0 with a rate of 10 percent. It exits through et-0/0/10. The egress link utilization of et-0/0/10 is 10 percent and the quality band value is 6.

  3. The L3 stream enters port et-0/0/1 with a rate of 50 percent. It exits through et-0/0/11 and selects the optimal link from the ECMP member list. The egress link utilization of et-0/0/11 is 50 percent with a quality band value of 5.

  4. L2 stream 2 (mac 0x223) enters port et-0/0/2 with a rate of 40 percent. It also exits through et-0/0/11. This further degrades the et-0/0/11 link quality band value to 4. Now the difference in the quality band values of both ECMP member links is 2.

  5. The reactive path balancing algorithm now becomes operational because the difference in quality band values for ports et-0/0/10 and et-0/0/11 is equal to or higher than the configured quality delta of 2. The algorithm moves the L3 stream from et-0/0/11 to a better-quality member link, which in this case is et-0/0/10.

  6. After the L3 steam moves to et-0/0/10, the et-0/0/10 link utilization increases to 60 percent with a decrease in quality band value to 5. L2 stream 2 continues to exit through et-0/0/11. The et-0/0/11 link utilization remains at 40 percent with an increase in quality band value to 5.

Configure Reactive Path Rebalancing

  1. Configure DLB in flowlet mode. See Configuring Dynamic Load Balancing.
  2. Configure the required difference (delta) in quality between the current stream member and the member available for reassignment.

    Optimal selection of the quality delta is very important. An incorrect delta can result in continuous reassignment of flow from one link to another.​

    The range of the quality-delta statement is 0 through 8. Set it to 0 to disable reassignment of the flows.

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    set forwarding-options enhanced-hash-key ecmp-dlb flowlet reassignment quality-delta reassign-quality-delta 
  3. Set the probability threshold that reactive path rebalancing uses to reassign the existing flow to a better available member link.

    Note the following when configuring the probability threshold:

    • When quality-delta is configured, prob-threshold defaults to 100.

    • The range of prob-threshold is 0 through 255. Set it to 0 to disable reassignment of the flows.

    • A lower probability threshold value means that flows move to a higher-quality member link at a slower rate. For example, flows move to a higher-quality link more quickly with a probability threshold value of 200 than with a probability threshold value of 50.

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    set forwarding-options enhanced-hash-key ecmp-dlb flowlet reassignment prob-threshold reassign-prob-threshold
  4. Verify the configuration was successful.
    content_copy zoom_out_map
    show forwarding-options enhanced-hash-key​

Platform Support

See Feature Explorer for platform and release support.

Change History Table

Feature support is determined by the platform and release you are using. Use Feature Explorer to determine if a feature is supported on your platform.

Starting in Junos OS evolved Release 19.4R2, QFX5220 switches support dynamic load balancing (DLB) for ECMP. For ECMP, DLB must be configured globally.
Starting in Junos OS Release 19.4R1, QFX5120-32C and QFX5120-48Y switches support dynamic load balancing for both ECMP and LAG. For LAG, DLB must be configured on per aggregated ethernet interface basis.
Starting with Junos OS Release 10.1, you can also configure the load balancing hash key for Layer 2 traffic to use fields in the Layer 3 and Layer 4 headers using the payload statement.