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Getting Started with MC-LAG

date_range 22-Nov-23

Configuring ICCP for MC-LAG

For multichassis link aggregation (MC-LAG), you must configure Inter-Control Center Communications Protocol (ICCP) to exchange information between two MC-LAG peers.

To enable ICCP, include the iccp statement at the [edit protocols] hierarchy level:

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[edit protocols]
iccp {
    authentication-key string;
    local-ip-addr ipv4-address;
    peer ip-address{
        authentication-key string;
        liveness-detection {
            detection-time {
                threshold milliseconds;
            minimum-interval milliseconds;
            minimum-receive-interval milliseconds;
            multiplier number;
            transmit-interval {
                minimum-interval milliseconds;
                threshold milliseconds;
            version (1 | automatic);
        local-ip-addr ipv4-address;
        redundancy-group-id-list [ redundancy-groups ];
        session-establishment-hold-time value;
    session-establishment-hold-time value;

The local-ip-address statement sets the source address. This could be a specified address or interface address. The session-establishment-hold-time statement determines whether a chassis takes over as the primary at the ICCP session.

The authentication-key statement is provided by TCP Message Digest 5 (md5) option for an ICCP TCP session. The redundancy-group-id-list statement specifies the redundancy groups between ICCP peers and the liveness-detection hierarchy configures Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) protocol options.


ICCP is based on TCP and it uses IP routes to reach the MC-LAG peer. To ensure that the ICCP session is as resilient as possible, we recommend that you configure alternative routes between the ICCP end-point IP addresses. Alternatively, configure a LAG interface that has two or more interfaces between the MC-LAG pairs to prevent session failure when there are no alternative routes.

For Inter-Control Center Communications Protocol (ICCP) in a multichassis link aggregation group (MC-LAG) configured in an active-active bridge domain, you must ensure that you configure the same peer IP address hosting the MC-LAG by including the peer ip-address statement at the [edit protocols iccp] hierarchy level and the multi-chassis-protection peer ip-address statement at the [edit interfaces interface-name] hierarchy level. Multichassis protection reduces the configuration at the logical interface level for MX Series routers with multichassis aggregated Ethernet (MC-AE) interfaces. If the ICCP is UP and the interchassis data link (ICL) comes UP, the router configured as standby will bring up the MC-AE interfaces shared with the peer active-active node specified by the peer statement.

For example, the following statements illustrate how the same peer IP address can be configured for both the ICCP peer and multichassis protection link:

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set interfaces ae1 unit 0 multi-chassis-protection interface ae0 
set protocols iccp peer redundancy-group-id-list 1  

Although you can commit an MC-LAG configuration with various parameters defined for it, you can configure multichassis protection between two peers without configuring the ICCP peer address. You can also configure multiple ICCP peers and commit such a configuration.
