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Example: Channelized STM1 IQ Interface Configuration

Figure 1: Channelized STM1 IQ Interface Example

Channelized STM1 IQ Interface

This example shows how to configure a channelized STM1 IQ interface on M-series or T-series routing platforms. Figure 1 shows the breakdown of one channelized STM1 IQ interface into a variety of channels and the conversion of the second interface into a clear channel STM1.

For the first interface, you must first convert the STM1 interface into a channelized Administrative Unit 4 (AU-4) interface with the no-partition and interface-type cau-4 statements at the [edit interfaces cstm1-fpc/pic/port] hierarchy level. You must specify KLM or ITU-T AU-4 formatting with the vtmapping statement at the [edit interfaces cau4-fpc/pic/port sonet-options] hierarchy level. From the channelized AU-4 interface, you can create E1 channels or channelized E1 channels. The channelized E1 channels can be further broken into DS0 time slots.

To create E1 channels, include the partition statement at the [edit interfaces cau4-fpc/pic/port] hierarchy level with the interface-type e1 option. To create channelized E1 channels, include the partition statement at the [edit interfaces cau4-fpc/pic/port] hierarchy level with the interface-type ce1 option.

After you have established a channelized E1 channel, you can split it into a maximum of 31 NxDS0 channels. To create the desired number of NxDS0 channels, include the partition statement with the timeslots and interface-type ds options at the [edit interfaces ce1-fpc/pic/port:channel] hierarchy level. Time slot 1 is reserved in an NxDS0-based channelized E1 channel, so you can use time slots 2 through 32.
To create an NxDS0 channel group, include a range of time slots after the
timeslots option.

You can also create fractional E1 interfaces on a channelized STM1 IQ interface. To configure a fractional E1 interface, include the partition statement at the [edit interfaces cau4-fpc/pic/port] hierarchy level and select the interface-type e1 option. After you commit this part of the configuration, a clear channel E1 interface is established. You can configure standard E1 options on this interface. To fractionalize the E1 interface, include the timeslots statement at the [edit interfaces e1-fpc/pic/port e1-options] hierarchy level. Time slot 1 is reserved in a fractional E1 channel, so you can use time slots 2 through 32.

In the second interface shown in Figure 1, you convert the channelized STM1 IQ interface into a clear channel STM1 interface. To configure, include the no-partition and interface-type so statements at the [edit interfaces cstm1-fpc/pic/port] hierarchy level.

[edit]interfaces {cau4-0/0/0 {partition 1-10 interface-type e1; # Creates interfaces e1-0/0/0:1 through :10.partition 11 interface-type ce1; # Creates a single channelized E1 interface:sonet-options {                    # e1-0/0/0:11.vtmapping itu-t; # This selects ITU-T as the VT mapping frame format.}}cstm1-0/0/0 {no-partition interface-type cau4; # Creates a channelized AU-4 interface:}              # cau4-0/0/0.e1-0/0/0:1 {        # Channel e1-0/0/0:1 is a fractional E1 interface.encapsulation ppp;e1-options {timeslots 2-21; # Setting time slots on an E1 channel makes a fractional E1.}unit 0 {family inet {address;}}}e1-0/0/0:2 { # Channels e1-0/0/0:2 through :10 are standard E1 interfaces.encapsulation ppp;unit 0 {family inet {address;}}}...e1-0/0/0:10 {encapsulation ppp;unit 0 {family inet {address;}}}ce1-0/0/0:11 { # Channel ce1-0/0/0:11 is a channelized E1 interface.partition 1 timeslots 2-11 interface-type ds; # These statementspartition 2 timeslots 12-21 interface-type ds; # create channel groups.partition 3 timeslots 22-31 interface-type ds;partition 4 timeslots 32 interface-type ds; # This statement creates a single NXDS0 channel.}ds-0/0/0:11:1 { # This channel group contains 10 DS0s.unit 0 {family inet {address;}}}ds-0/0/0:11:2 { # This channel group contains 10 DS0s.unit 0 {family inet {address;}}}ds-0/0/0:11:3 { # This channel group contains 10 DS0s.unit 0 {family inet {address;}}}ds-0/0/0:11:4 { # Channel ds-0/0/0:11:4 is a standard DS0 interface.unit 0 {family inet {address;}}}}

Figure 2 shows a visual representation of the E1-to-STM1 SDH mapping method used by Juniper Networks in its channelized STM1 IQ interface.

Figure 2: Channelized STM1 IQ Interface SDH Mapping Method

Channelized STM1 IQ Interface SDH
Mapping Method

Verifying Your Work

To verify correct operation of a channelized STM1 IQ interface, use the following commands:

  • show interfaces
  • show interfaces controller
  • show interfaces interval (for channelized STM1, E1, and channelized E1 channels)

To view the interface names of the physical channelized STM1 IQ interface and the channels configured on this interface, use the show interfaces controller command:

user@router> show interfaces controller cstm1-0/0/0
Controller                                                           Admin Link
cstm1-0/0/0                                                          up    up
cau4-0/0/0                                                           up    up
    e1-0/0/0:1                                                       up    up
    e1-0/0/0:2                                                       up    up
    e1-0/0/0:3                                                       up    up
    e1-0/0/0:4                                                       up    up
    e1-0/0/0:5                                                       up    up
    e1-0/0/0:6                                                       up    up
    e1-0/0/0:7                                                       up    up
    e1-0/0/0:8                                                       up    up
    e1-0/0/0:9                                                       up    up
    e1-0/0/0:10                                                      up    up
    ce1-0/0/0:11                                                     up    up
        ds-0/0/0:11:1                                                up    up
        ds-0/0/0:11:2                                                up    up
        ds-0/0/0:11:3                                                up    up
        ds-0/0/0:11:4                                                up    up

To view information about the physical channelized interface, include the cstm1-fpc/pic/port option with the show interfaces command:

user@router> show interfaces cstm1-0/0/0
Physical interface: cstm1-0/0/0, Enabled, Physical link is Up
  Interface index: 146, SNMP ifIndex: 35
  Link-level type: Controller, Clocking: Internal, SDH mode, Speed: OC3,
Loopback: None, Parent: None
  Device flags   : Present Running
  Interface flags: Point-To-Point SNMP-Traps
  Link flags     : None
  Last flapped   : 2003-02-06 15:01:56 PST (07:15:06 ago)
  SDH   alarms   : None
  SDH   defects  : None

To view information about the channelized AU-4 channel, include the cau4-fpc/pic/port option with the show interfaces command:

user@router> show interfaces cau4-0/0/0
Physical interface: cau4-0/0/0, Enabled, Physical link is Up
  Interface index: 147, SNMP ifIndex: 36
  Link-level type: Controller, Clocking: Internal, SDH mode, Speed: OC3,
Loopback: None, Parent: cstm1-0/0/0 Interface index 146
  Device flags   : Present Running
  Interface flags: Point-To-Point SNMP-Traps
  Link flags     : None
  Last flapped   : 2003-02-06 19:36:31 PST (02:40:42 ago)
  SDH   alarms   : None
  SDH   defects  : None

To view information about an E1 channel, include the e1-fpc/pic/port:channel option with the show interfaces command. In this case, the fractional E1 appears as channel e1-0/0/0:1 and the normal E1 appears as channel e1-0/0/0:2.

user@router> show interfaces e1-0/0/0:1
Physical interface: e1-0/0/0:1, Enabled, Physical link is Up
  Interface index: 148, SNMP ifIndex: 33
  Link-level type: PPP, MTU: 1504, Clocking: Internal,  Speed: 1280kbps ,
# Because the fractional E1 uses 20 time slots, 20 x 64 Kbps = 1280 Kbps.
Loopback: None, FCS: 16, Framing: G704,
  Parent: cau4-0/0/0 Interface index 147
  Device flags   : Present Running
  Interface flags: Point-To-Point SNMP-Traps
  Link flags     : Keepalives
  Keepalive settings: Interval 10 seconds, Up-count 1, Down-count 3
  Keepalive: Input: 1055 (00:00:03 ago), Output: 1059 (00:00:06 ago)
  LCP state: Opened
  NCP state: inet: Opened, inet6: Not-configured, iso: Not-configured, 
mpls: Not-configured
  CHAP state: Not-configured
  Last flapped   : Never
  Input rate     : 16 bps (0 pps)
  Output rate    : 16 bps (0 pps)
  DS1   alarms   : None
  DS1   defects  : None
  SDH   alarms   : None
  SDH   defects  : None
  Logical interface e1-0/0/0:1.0 (Index 67) (SNMP ifIndex 169) 
    Flags: Point-To-Point SNMP-Traps Encapsulation: PPP
    Bandwidth: 0
    Protocol inet, MTU: 1500
      Flags: None
      Addresses, Flags: Is-Preferred Is-Primary
        Destination:, Local:
user@router> show interfaces e1-0/0/0:2
Physical interface: e1-0/0/0:2, Enabled, Physical link is Up
  Interface index: 149, SNMP ifIndex: 34
  Link-level type: PPP, MTU: 1504, Clocking: Internal,  Speed: E1,  
Loopback: None, FCS: 16, Framing: G704,
  Parent: cau4-0/0/0 Interface index 147
  Device flags   : Present Running
  Interface flags: Point-To-Point SNMP-Traps
  Link flags     : Keepalives
  Keepalive settings: Interval 10 seconds, Up-count 1, Down-count 3
  Keepalive: Input: 917 (00:00:05 ago), Output: 915 (00:00:01 ago)
  LCP state: Opened
  NCP state: inet: Opened, inet6: Not-configured, iso: Not-configured, 
mpls: Not-configured
  CHAP state: Not-configured
  Last flapped   : Never
  Input rate     : 16 bps (0 pps)
  Output rate    : 16 bps (0 pps)
  DS1   alarms   : None
  DS1   defects  : None
  SDH   alarms   : None
  SDH   defects  : None
  Logical interface e1-0/0/0:2.0 (Index 68) (SNMP ifIndex 170) 
    Flags: Point-To-Point SNMP-Traps Encapsulation: PPP
    Bandwidth: 0
    Protocol inet, MTU: 1500
      Flags: None
      Addresses, Flags: Is-Preferred Is-Primary
        Destination:, Local:

To view information about a CE1 channel, include the ce1-fpc/pic/port:channel option with the show interfaces command:

user@router> show interfaces ce1-0/0/0:11
Physical interface: ce1-0/0/0:11, Enabled, Physical link is Up
  Interface index: 169, SNMP ifIndex: 288
  Link-level type: Controller, Clocking: Internal, Speed: E1, Loopback: None, Framing: G704, Parent: cau4-0/0/0 Interface index 147
  Device flags   : Present Running
  Interface flags: Point-To-Point SNMP-Traps
  Link flags     : None
  Last flapped   : 2003-02-06 22:05:23 PST (00:13:45 ago)
  DS1   alarms   : None
  DS1   defects  : None
  SDH   alarms   : None
  SDH   defects  : None

To view information about an NxDS0 interface, include the ds-fpc/ pic/port:channel:channel option with the show interfaces command. For channel group ds-0/0/0:11:1, the speed of the link is 640 Kbps because it contains 10 DS0s (64 x 10 = 640). For single DS0 channel ds-0/0/0:11:4, the speed of the link is the standard 64 Kbps.

user@router> show interfaces ds-0/0/0:11:1
Physical interface: ds-0/0/0:11:1, Enabled, Physical link is Up
  Interface index: 170, SNMP ifIndex: 289
  Link-level type: PPP, MTU: 1504, Clocking: Internal, Speed: 640kbps, 
Loopback: Illegal, FCS: 16,
  Parent: ce1-0/0/0:11 Interface index 169
  Device flags   : Present Running
  Interface flags: Point-To-Point SNMP-Traps
  Link flags     : Keepalives
  Keepalive settings: Interval 10 seconds, Up-count 1, Down-count 3
  Keepalive: Input: 0 (never), Output: 0 (never)
  LCP state: Conf-req-sent
  NCP state: inet: Down, inet6: Not-configured, iso: Not-configured, mpls: Not-configured
  CHAP state: Not-configured
  Last flapped   : Never
  Input rate     : 0 bps (0 pps)
  Output rate    : 0 bps (0 pps)
  DS0 BERT configuration:
    BERT time period: 10 seconds, Elapsed: 0 seconds
    Induced Error rate: 10e-0, Algorithm: 2^15 - 1, O.151, Pseudorandom (9)
  Logical interface ds-0/0/0:11:1.0 (Index 77) (SNMP ifIndex 290) 
    Flags: Hardware-Down Point-To-Point SNMP-Traps Encapsulation: PPP
    Bandwidth: 0
    Protocol inet, MTU: 1500
      Flags: Protocol-Down
      Addresses, Flags: Dest-route-down Is-Preferred Is-Primary
        Destination:, Local:
user@router>  show interfaces ds-0/0/0:11:4
Physical interface: ds-0/0/0:11:4, Enabled, Physical link is Up
  Interface index: 173, SNMP ifIndex: 295
  Link-level type: PPP, MTU: 1504, Clocking: Internal, Speed: 64kbps, Loopback: Illegal, FCS: 16,
  Parent: ce1-0/0/0:11 Interface index 169
  Device flags   : Present Running
  Interface flags: Point-To-Point SNMP-Traps
  Link flags     : Keepalives
  Keepalive settings: Interval 10 seconds, Up-count 1, Down-count 3
  Keepalive: Input: 0 (never), Output: 0 (never)
  LCP state: Conf-req-sent
  NCP state: inet: Down, inet6: Not-configured, iso: Not-configured, mpls: Not-configured
  CHAP state: Not-configured
  Last flapped   : Never
  Input rate     : 0 bps (0 pps)
  Output rate    : 0 bps (0 pps)
  DS0 BERT configuration:
    BERT time period: 10 seconds, Elapsed: 0 seconds
    Induced Error rate: 10e-0, Algorithm: 2^15 - 1, O.151, Pseudorandom (9)
  Logical interface ds-0/0/0:11:4.0 (Index 80) (SNMP ifIndex 296)
    Flags: Hardware-Down Point-To-Point SNMP-Traps Encapsulation: PPP
    Bandwidth: 0
    Protocol inet, MTU: 1500
      Flags: Protocol-Down
      Addresses, Flags: Dest-route-down Is-Preferred Is-Primary
        Destination:, Local:

Published: 2012-11-28