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Example: Configuring a Dynamic Service VLAN Interface Set of Subscribers in a Dynamic Profile

Interface sets enable you to provide hierarchical scheduling to a group of subscriber interfaces. In this example, by using the $junos-svlan-interface-set-name internal dynamic variable when specifying the interface set name, you can locally generate an interface set name for use by SVLAN interfaces based on the outer tag of the dual-tagged VLAN. The format of the generated variable is physical_interface_name - outer_VLAN_tag.


Dynamic SVLAN traffic shaping is supported only on Juniper Networks MX Series 3D Universal Edge Routers running Junos OS Release 11.4R2 or later.

Before you begin, configure the subscriber interfaces that you intend to include in the interface set. You can find general configuration instructions for the supported dynamic interface configuration in the Junos OS Subscriber Management, Release 12.2 as follows:


Interface sets enable you to provide hierarchical scheduling to a group of subscriber interfaces. By using the $junos-svlan-interface-set-name internal dynamic variable when specifying the interface set name, you can locally generate an interface set name for use by SVLAN interfaces based on the outer tag of the dual-tagged VLAN. The format of the generated variable is physical_interface_name - outer_VLAN_tag.

This example includes the following statements:

  • interface-set—Configures the name of the scheduler for dynamic CoS. In this example, you use the $junos-svlan-interface-set-name variable to obtain the locally generated interface set name for use by SVLAN interfaces based on the outer tag of the dual-tagged VLAN.
  • output-traffic-control-profile—Applies an output traffic scheduling and shaping profile to the interface set.
  • output-traffic-control-profile-remaining—Applies an output traffic scheduling and shaping profile for remaining traffic to the interface set.


CLI Quick Configuration

To quickly configure this example, copy the following commands, paste them into a text file, remove any line breaks, change any details necessary to match your network configuration, and then copy and paste the commands into the CLI at the [edit] hierarchy level.

[edit]set dynamic-profiles profile-dhcp-ipdemux interfaces interface-set $junos-svlan-interface-set-name interface $junos-interface-ifd-name unit $junos-underlying-interface-unitset dynamic-profiles profile-dhcp-ipdemux interfaces $junos-interface-ifd-name unit $junos-underlying-interface-unitset class-of-service traffic-control-profiles tcp1 scheduler-map schedMapset class-of-service traffic-control-profiles tcp1 shaping-rate 50mset class-of-service traffic-control-profiles tcp1 guaranteed-rate 200kset class-of-service traffic-control-profiles tcp3 scheduler-map ss1q0q1set class-of-service traffic-control-profiles tcp3 shaping-rate 20mset class-of-service traffic-control-profiles tcp3 guaranteed-rate 5mset class-of-service interfaces interface-set ae0-111 output-traffic-control-profile tcp1set class-of-service interfaces interface-set ae0-111 output-traffic-control-profile-remaining tcp3

Step-by-Step Procedure

To configure an SVLAN interface set of subscriber interfaces:

  1. Access the dynamic profile you want to modify for interface sets.
    [edit]user@host# edit dynamic-profiles profile-dhcp-ipdemux
  2. Access the dynamic profile interface configuration.
    [edit dynamic-profiles profile-dhcp-ipdemux]user@host# edit interfaces
  3. Configure the SVLAN interface set in the dynamic profile.

    The interface set is created dynamically when the subscriber logs in.

    [edit dynamic-profiles profile-dhcp-ipdemux interfaces]user@host# edit interface-set $junos–svlan-interface-set-name
  4. Include dynamic IP demux interface creation within the dynamic interface set.
    [edit dynamic-profiles profile-dhcp-ipdemux interfaces interface-set $junos-svlan-interface-set-name]user@host# set interface $junos-interface-ifd-name unit $junos-underlying-interface-unit
  5. Access the SVLAN interface set name that you expect $junos-svlan-interface-set-name to generate. For example, to specify the expected interface set name for aggregated Ethernet interface ae0 and outer VLAN tag 111, include ae0-111 for the interface-set-name variable.
    [edit class-of-service interfaces]user@host# edit interface-set ae0-111
  6. Apply traffic shaping and queuing parameters to the SVLAN interface set.

    Tip: You must configure the interface set in the static [edit class-of-service] hierarchy, not in the [edit dynamic-profiles] hierarchy.

    [edit class-of-service interfaces interface-set ae0-111]user@host# set output-traffic-control-profile tcp1
  7. Apply traffic shaping and queuing parameters to any remaining traffic on the SVLAN interface set.
    [edit class-of-service interfaces interface-set ae0-111]user@host# set output-traffic-control-profile-remaining tcp3


From configuration mode, confirm your configuration by entering the show dynamic-profiles command and the show class-of-service command. If the output does not display the intended configuration, repeat the instructions in this example to correct the configuration.

user@host# show dynamic-profilesdynamic-profiles {profile-dhcp-ipdemux {interfaces {interface-set "$junos-svlan-interface-set-name" {interface "$junos-interface-ifd-name" {unit "$junos-underlying-interface-unit";}}"$junos-interface-ifd-name" {unit "$junos-underlying-interface-unit";}}}}
user@host# show class-of-serviceclass-of-service {traffic-control-profiles {tcp1 {scheduler-map schedMap;shaping-rate 50m;guaranteed-rate 200k;}tcp3 {inactive: scheduler-map ss1q0q1;shaping-rate 20m;guaranteed-rate 5m;}}interfaces {interface-set ae0-111 {output-traffic-control-profile tcp1;output-traffic-control-profile-remaining tcp3;}}}


To confirm that the configuration is correct, perform these tasks:

Verifying the Interfaces that are Included in the Interface Set


Verify the interfaces that are included in the interface set.


Displaying Information for Active Subscribers


Display information for active subscribers.


user@host> show subscribers detail

Published: 2012-11-29