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request chassis routing-engine hard-disk-test


request chassis routing-engine hard-disk-test

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 12.1 for XRE200 External Routing Engines.


Run a Hard Disk Drive (HDD) memory and diagnostics monitoring test for an XRE200 External Routing Engine. The test provides output that is helpful in monitoring the status of the hard disk memory on the XRE200 External Routing Engine.

Required Privilege Level


List of Sample Output

request chassis routing-engine hard-disk-test

Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the request chassis routing-engine hard-disk-test command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: request chassis routing-engine hard-disk-test Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

RAID device path

The device path to the RAID.

This output is generally only useful for customer support personnel.

Firmware Version

The firmware version of the RAID.

This output is generally only useful for customer support personnel.

RAID controller s/n

The serial number of the RAID controller.

This output is generally only useful for customer support personnel.


The RAID chip identification number.

This output is generally only useful for customer support personnel.

RAID policy

The RAID policy status.

SAFE is the only RAID policy used by an XRE200 External Routing Engine.

This output is generally only useful for customer support personnel.

Drive0 model

The model number of the HDD module in HDD slot 0.

This output is generally only useful for customer support personnel.

Drive1 model

The model number of the HDD module in HDD slot 1.

This output is generally only useful for customer support personnel.

Drive0 s/n

The serial number of the HDD module in HDD slot 0.

This output is generally only useful for customer support personnel.

Drive1 s/n

The serial number of the HDD module in HDD slot 1.

This output is generally only useful for customer support personnel.

Drive0 capacity

The memory capacity of the HDD module in HDD slot 0, in gigabytes.

Drive1 capacity

The memory capacity of the HDD module in HDD slot 1, in gigabytes.


The RAID status of the HDD module in HDD slot 0.

Outputs include:

  • On-line—The HDD module is online.
  • Off-line—The HDD module is offline.

    If the status is Off-line, verify that the HDD module is securely seated in its slot. If the HDD module is securely seated and you cannot identify the reason for this status, contact Juniper Networks customer support (JTAC).

  • Unknown—HDD module RAID status is unknown.

    If the status is Unknown, wait a few minutes then retry the test. If the status remains Unknown after the second test, contact Juniper Networks customer support (JTAC).


The RAID status of the HDD module in HDD slot 1.

Outputs include:

  • On-line—HDD module is online.
  • Off-line—HDD module is offline.

    If the status is Off-line, verify that the HDD module is securely seated in its slot. If the HDD module is securely seated and you cannot identify the reason for this status, contact Juniper Networks customer support (JTAC).

  • Unknown—HDD module RAID status is unknown.

    If the status is Unknown, wait a few minutes then retry the test. If the status remains Unknown after the second test, contact Juniper Networks customer support (JTAC).

Number of partitions

The number of RAID memory partitions.

Size of Partitions

The size of each partition, in gigabytes.

RAID Status

The RAID status.

Outputs include:

  • Healthy—RAID is healthy.
  • Degraded—RAID has detected a problem with at least one HDD module.

    If Degraded appears in the RAID Status field, contact customer support.

  • Unknown—RAID status is unknown.

    If the status is Unknown, wait a few minutes then retry the test. If the status remains Unknown after the second test, contact Juniper Networks customer support (JTAC).

  • Rebuilding—The RAID is rebuilding.

    The output includes a drive number and a percentage complete indication.

    The RAID rebuilding process can take up to 40 minutes. Wait several minutes after the process has finished and then retry the test.

  • Verifying—The RAID is rebuilt and being verified by the system.

    The output includes a drive number and a percentage complete indication.

    The RAID verification process can take up to 40 minutes. Wait several minutes after the process has finished and then retry the test.

Sample Output

request chassis routing-engine hard-disk-test

user@switch> request chassis routing-engine hard-disk-test
RAID device path: /dev/ad4
Firmware Version: 11594
RAID controller s/n: 12345678
RAID Chip ID: 123
RAID policy: SAFE

Drive0 model: WDC WD123AAJS-4567A0
Drive1 model: WDC WD345JD-18MSA1
Drive0 s/n:      WD-WCAT30214999
Drive1 s/n:      WD-WMAM9DTK4111
Drive0 capacity: 74(GB)
Drive1 capacity: 74(GB)

Drive0: On-line
Drive1: On-line
Number of partitions: 1
Size of Partitions:
    Partition 0: 74(GB)
RAID Status: Healthy

Published: 2012-12-07