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show poe interface


show poe interface<fpc-slot number><interface-name>

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 9.0 for EX Series switches.

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 12.2 for ACX2000 routers.


Display the status of PoE interfaces.


none—Display status of all PoE interfaces on the switch or router.

fpc-slot number—(Optional) (EX6200 or EX8200 switches only) Display the status of the PoE interfaces on the specified line card.

interface-name—(Optional) Display the status of a specific PoE interface on the switch.

Required Privilege Level


List of Sample Output

show poe interface
show poe interface (with LLDP Negotiation)
show poe interface ge-0/0/3
show poe interface fpc-slot 3
show poe interface ge-0/1/7 (ACX2000 Universal Access Routers)

Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show poe interface command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show poe interface Output Fields

Field Name (All Interfaces Output)

Field Name (Single Interface Output)

Field Description


PoE Interface

Interface name.

Admin status

Administrative status

Administrative state of the PoE interface: Enabled or Disabled. If the PoE interface is disabled, it can provide network connectivity, but it cannot provide power to connected devices.

Oper status

Operational status

Operational state of the PoE interface:

  • ON—The interface is currently supplying power to a powered device.
  • OFF—PoE is enabled on the interface, but the interface is not currently supplying power to a powered device.
  • Disabled—PoE is disabled on the interface.

Max power

Power limit on the interface

Maximum power that can be provided by the interface.

An (L) next to the value indicates that the value on the port was negotiated by LLDP.



Interface power priority: either High or Low.

An (L) next to the value indicates that the value on the port was negotiated by LLDP.

Power consumption

Power consumed

Amount of power being used by the interface at the time the command is executed.


Class of power device

IEEE 802.3af (PoE) or IEEE 802.3at (PoE+) class of the powered device. Class 0 is the default class and is used when the class of the powered device is unknown. If no powered device is connected, this field contains not applicable.

PoE Mode

IEEE PoE standard supported by the interface—either 802.3af or 802.3at.

Sample Output

show poe interface

user@switch> show poe interface
Interface Admin        Oper        Max       Priority Power             Class
          status       status      power              consumption
 ge-0/0/0 Enabled      ON          15.4W     Low      7.9W                0
 ge-0/0/1 Enabled      ON          15.4W     Low      3.2W                2
 ge-0/0/2 Enabled      ON          15.4W     Low      3.2W                2
 ge-0/0/3 Enabled      ON          15.4W     Low      3.2W                2
 ge-0/0/4 Enabled      ON          15.4W     Low      3.2W                2
 ge-0/0/5 Enabled      ON          15.4W     Low      3.2W                2
 ge-0/0/6 Enabled      ON          15.4W     Low      3.2W                2
 ge-0/0/7 Enabled      ON          15.4W     Low      3.2W                2

show poe interface (with LLDP Negotiation)

user@switch> show poe interface
Interface    Admin       Oper    Max        Priority       Power          Class
             status      status  power                     consumption    
 ge-0/0/0    Enabled      ON     17.5W(L)   Low(L)         16.2W           4
 ge-0/0/1    Enabled      ON     17.5W(L)   Low(L)         16.0W           4
 ge-0/0/2    Enabled      ON     17.5W(L)   High(L)        16.0W           4
 ge-0/0/3    Enabled      ON     17.5W(L)   Low(L)         16.0W           4
 ge-0/0/4    Enabled      ON     10.1W(L)   Low(L)         10.0W           3
 ge-0/0/5    Enabled      ON     3.5W(L)    High(L)        3.0W            2
(L) LLDP-negotiated value on the port.

show poe interface ge-0/0/3

user@switch> show poe interface ge-0/0/3
PoE interface status:
PoE interface                :  ge-0/0/3
Administrative status        : Enabled
Operational status           :  ON
Power limit on the interface : 7.0W
Priority                     : Low
Power consumed               : 5.3W
Class of power device        :   2
PoE Mode                     : 802.3af

show poe interface fpc-slot 3

user@switch> show poe interface fpc-slot 3
Interface Admin        Oper        Max       Priority Power             Class
          status       status      power              consumption
 ge-3/0/0 Enabled       ON         30.0W     Low      20.3W                 4
 ge-3/0/1 Enabled       ON         30.0W     Low      17.8W                 4
 ge-3/0/2 Enabled       ON         30.0W     High     16.3W                 4
 ge-3/0/3 Enabled       ON         30.0W     High     16.2W                 4
 ge-3/0/4 Enabled       ON         30.0W     Low      25.9W                 4
 ge-3/0/5 Enabled       ON         30.0W     Low      10.1W                 4
 ge-3/0/6 Enabled       ON         30.0W     Low      16.2W                 4
 ge-3/0/7 Enabled       ON         30.0W     Low      6.4W                  4
 ge-3/0/8 Enabled       ON         30.0W     Low      5.2W                  4
 ge-3/0/9 Enabled       ON         30.0W     Low      5.2W                  4
ge-3/0/10 Enabled       ON         30.0W     Low      21.5W                 4
ge-3/0/11 Enabled       ON         30.0W     Low      21.7W                 4
ge-3/0/12 Enabled       ON         15.4W     Low      9.4W                  0
ge-3/0/13 Enabled       ON         15.4W     Low      9.4W                  0
ge-3/0/14 Enabled       ON         15.4W     Low      9.4W                  0
ge-3/0/15 Enabled       ON         15.4W     Low      9.4W                  0
ge-3/0/16 Enabled       ON         15.4W     Low      9.4W                  0
ge-3/0/17 Enabled       ON         15.4W     Low      9.4W                  0
ge-3/0/18 Enabled       ON         15.4W     Low      9.4W                  0
ge-3/0/19 Enabled       ON         15.4W     Low      9.4W                  0
ge-3/0/20 Enabled       ON         15.4W     Low      9.4W                  0
ge-3/0/21 Enabled       ON         15.4W     Low      9.4W                  0
ge-3/0/22 Enabled       ON         15.4W     Low      9.4W                  0
ge-3/0/23 Enabled       ON         15.4W     Low      9.4W                  0
ge-3/0/24 Enabled       ON         15.4W     Low      9.4W                  0
ge-3/0/25 Enabled       ON         15.4W     Low      9.4W                  0
ge-3/0/26 Enabled       ON         15.4W     Low      9.4W                  0
ge-3/0/27 Enabled       ON         15.4W     Low      9.4W                  0
ge-3/0/28 Enabled       ON         15.4W     Low      7.0W                  0
ge-3/0/29 Enabled       ON         15.4W     Low      2.2W                  1
ge-3/0/30 Enabled       ON         15.4W     Low      2.2W                  1
ge-3/0/31 Enabled       ON         15.4W     Low      2.2W                  1
ge-3/0/32 Enabled       ON         15.4W     Low      2.0W                  1
ge-3/0/33 Enabled       ON         15.4W     Low      2.0W                  1
ge-3/0/34 Enabled       ON         15.4W     Low      2.2W                  1
ge-3/0/35 Enabled       ON         15.4W     Low      2.2W                  1
ge-3/0/36 Enabled       ON         15.4W     Low      2.2W                  1
ge-3/0/37 Enabled       ON         15.4W     Low      2.2W                  1
ge-3/0/38 Enabled       ON         15.4W     Low      2.2W                  1
ge-3/0/39 Enabled       ON         15.4W     Low      2.2W                  1

show poe interface ge-0/1/7 (ACX2000 Universal Access Routers)

user@host> show poe interface ge-0/1/7
PoE interface status:
PoE interface                : ge-0/1/7
Administrative status        : Enabled
Operational status           : Powered-up
Power limit on the interface : 9.0 W
Priority                     : Low
Power consumed               : 14.2 W
Class of power device        :  4

Published: 2012-12-07