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Monitor Multichannel DS3 Interfaces

Checklist for Monitoring Multichannel DS3 Interfaces


To monitor Multichannel DS3 interfaces and begin the process of isolating Multichannel DS3 interface problems when they occur.


Table 1 provides the links and commands for monitoring Multichannel DS3 interfaces.

Table 1: Checklist for Monitoring Multichannel DS3 Interfaces


Command or Action

Monitor Multichannel DS3 Interfaces
  1. Display the Status of Channelized Interfaces

show interfaces terse ds*
show interfaces terse t1*

  1. Display the Status of a Specific Channelized Interface

show interfaces ds-fpc/pic/port:channel:channel
show interfaces t1-fpc/pic/port:channel

  1. Display Extensive Status Information for a Specific T3 Interface

show interfaces ds-fpc/pic/port:channel:channel extensive
show interfaces t1-fpc/pic/port:channel extensive

  1. Monitor Statistics for a Channelized Interface

monitor interfaces ds-fpc/pic/port:channel:channel
monitor interfaces t1-fpc/pic/port:channel

Monitor Multichannel DS3 Interfaces

Channelized interfaces enable you to configure a number of individual channels that subdivide the bandwidth of a larger interface and minimize the number of Physical Interface Cards (PICs) that an installation requires. By monitoring channelized DS3 to DS0 interfaces or channelized DS3 to DS1 interfaces, you can begin to isolate Multichannel DS3 problems when they occur.

To monitor Multichannel DS3 interfaces, follow these steps:

  1. Display the Status of Channelized Interfaces
  2. Display the Status of a Specific Channelized Interface
  3. Display Extensive Status Information for a Specific T3 Interface
  4. Monitor Statistics for a Channelized Interface

Display the Status of Channelized Interfaces


To display the status of channelized DS3 to DS0 interfaces or channelized DS3 to DS1 interfaces, use one of the following Junos OS command-line interface (CLI) operational mode commands:


user@host> show interfaces terse ds* user@host> show interfaces terse t1*

Sample Output

The following sample output is for a channelized DS3 to DS0 interface:

user@host> show interfaces terse ds*    
Interface       Admin Link Proto Local                 Remote
ds-2/1/0:5:1    up    up  
ds-2/1/0:5:1.0  up    up   inet

The following sample output is for a channelized DS3 to DS1 interface:

user@host> show interfaces terse t1*  
[...Output truncated...]
t1-2/1/0:16    up    down
t1-2/1/0:16.0   up    down inet
t1-2/1/0:17     up    up  
t1-2/1/0:17.0   up    up   inet
t1-2/1/0:18     up    up  
t1-2/1/0:18.0   up    up   inet 
t1-2/1/0:19     up    up  
t1-2/1/0:19.0   up    up   inet


The sample output shows the status of both the physical and logical interfaces. In both sample outputs, all links are up except for the first interface in the T1 sample output. The first interface, t1-2/1/0:16, has both the physical and logical links down.

Display the Status of a Specific Channelized Interface


To display the status of a specific channelized DS3 to DS0 interface or channelized DS3 to DS1 interface, use one of the following CLI operational mode commands:


user@host> show interfaces ds-fpc/pic/port:channel:channel user@host> show interfaces t1-fpc/pic/port:channel

Sample Output

The following sample output is for a channelized DS3 to DS0 interface:

user@host> show interfaces ds-2/1/0:5:1   
Physical interface: ds-2/1/0:5:1, Enabled, Physical link is Up
  Interface index: 36, SNMP ifIndex: 133
  Description: Customer
  Link-level type: Cisco-HDLC, MTU: 1504, Clocking: Internal, Speed: 64kbps, FCS: 16, Mode: M23,
  Framing: ESF
  Device flags   : Present Running
  Interface flags: Point-To-Point SNMP-Traps
  Link flags     : Keepalives
  Keepalive settings: Interval 10 seconds, Up-count 1, Down-count 3
  Keepalive: Input: 1 (00:00:06 ago), Output: 1 (00:00:06 ago)
  Input rate     : 0 bps (0 pps)
  Output rate    : 0 bps (0 pps)
  DS1   alarms   : None
  DS3   alarms   : None
  DS1   defects  : None
  DS3   defects  : None
  Logical interface ds-2/1/0:5:1.0 (Index 14) (SNMP ifIndex 134) 
    Flags: Point-To-Point SNMP-Traps Encapsulation: Cisco-HDLC
    Protocol inet, MTU: 1500, Flags: None
      Addresses, Flags: Is-Preferred Is-Primary
        Destination:, Local:

The following sample output is for a channelized DS3 to DS1 interface:

user@host> show interfaces t1-2/1/0:19     
Physical interface: t1-2/1/0:19, Enabled, Physical link is Up
  Interface index: 50, SNMP ifIndex: 59
  Description: Customer
  Link-level type: Cisco-HDLC, MTU: 1504, Clocking: Internal, Speed: T1, Loopback: None, FCS: 16,
  Mode: M23, Framing: ESF
  Device flags   : Present Running
  Interface flags: Point-To-Point SNMP-Traps
  Link flags     : Keepalives
  Keepalive settings: Interval 10 seconds, Up-count 1, Down-count 3
  Keepalive: Input: 11 (00:00:06 ago), Output: 13 (00:00:04 ago)
  Input rate     : 741512 bps (224 pps)
  Output rate    : 1266528 bps (224 pps)
  DS1   alarms   : None
  DS3   alarms   : None
  DS1   defects  : None
  DS3   defects  : None
  Logical interface t1-2/1/0:19.0 (Index 27) (SNMP ifIndex 125) 
    Flags: Point-To-Point SNMP-Traps Encapsulation: Cisco-HDLC
    Protocol inet, MTU: 1500, Flags: None
      Addresses, Flags: Is-Preferred Is-Primary
        Destination:, Local: 192.168118.97


The first line of the sample output shows the status of the link. If this line shows that the physical link is up, the physical link is healthy and can pass packets. If this line shows that the physical link is down, the physical link is unhealthy and cannot pass packets.

Display Extensive Status Information for a Specific T3 Interface


To display extensive status information about a specific channelized DS3 to DS0 interface or channelized DS3 to DS1 interface, use one of the following CLI operational mode commands:


user@host> show interfaces ds-fpc/pic/port:channel:channel extensive user@host> show interfaces t1-fpc/pic/port:channel extensive

Sample Output

The following sample output is for a channelized DS3 to DS0 interface:

user@host> show interfaces ds-2/1/0:5:1 extensive      
Physical interface: ds-2/1/0:5:1, Enabled, Physical link is Up
  Interface index: 36, SNMP ifIndex: 133, Generation: 35
  Description: Customer
  Link-level type: Cisco-HDLC, MTU: 1504, Clocking: Internal, Speed: 64kbps, FCS: 16, Mode: M23,
  Framing: ESF
  Device flags   : Present Running
  Interface flags: Point-To-Point SNMP-Traps
  Link flags     : Keepalives
  Hold-times     : Up 0 ms, Down 0 ms
  Keepalive settings: Interval 10 seconds, Up-count 1, Down-count 3
  Keepalive statistics:
    Input : 2 (last seen 00:00:05 ago)
    Output: 2 (last sent 00:00:05 ago)
  Statistics last cleared: 2002-08-01 10:14:45 UTC (00:00:16 ago)
  Traffic statistics:
   Input  bytes  :                  524                  304 bps
   Output bytes  :                  528                  304 bps
   Input  packets:                    8                    0 pps
   Output packets:                    8                    0 pps
  Input errors:
    Errors: 0, Drops: 0, Framing errors: 0, Policed discards: 10, L3 incompletes: 0,
    L2 channel errors: 0, L2 mismatch timeouts: 0, HS link CRC errors: 0
  Output errors:
    Carrier transitions: 0, Errors: 0, Drops: 0, Aged packets: 0
  DS1   alarms   : None
  DS3   alarms   : None
  DS1   defects  : None
  DS3   defects  : None
  T1  media:            Seconds        Count  State
    SEF                       0            0  OK
    BEE                       0            0  OK
    AIS                       0            0  OK
    LOF                       0            0  OK
    LOS                       0            0  OK
    YELLOW                    0            0  OK
    BPV                       0            0
    EXZ                       0            0
    LCV                       0            0
    PCV                       0            0
    CS                        0            0
    LES                       0
    ES                        0
    SES                       0
    SEFS                      0
    BES                       0
    UAS                       0
  DS3 media:            Seconds        Count  State
    PLL Lock                  0            0  OK
    Reframing                 0            0  OK
    AIS                       0            0  OK
    LOF                       0            0  OK
    LOS                       0            0  OK
    IDLE                      0            0  OK
    YELLOW                    0            0  OK
    BPV                       0            0
    EXZ                       0            0
    LCV                       0            0
    PCV                       0            0
    LES                       0
    PES                       0
    PSES                      0
    SEFS                      0
    UAS                       0
  Interface transmit queues:
              B/W  WRR       Packets        Bytes        Drops       Errors
    Queue0     95   95             4          336            0            0
    Queue1      5    5             1           22            0            0
  HDLC configuration:
    Giant threshold: 1514, Runt threshold: 3
    Timeslots      : 1
    Byte encoding: Nx64K, Data inversion: Disabled
  DS3 BERT configuration:
    BERT time period: 0 seconds, Elapsed: 0 seconds
    Algorithm: Unknown (0), Induced Error rate: 10e-0
  DS1 BERT configuration:
    BERT time period: 0 seconds, Elapsed: 0 seconds
    Induced Error rate: 10e-0, Algorithm: 2^15 - 1, O.151, Pseudorandom (9)
  PFE configuration:
    Destination slot: 2, PLP byte: 2 (0x2f)
    CoS transmit queue          Bandwidth          Buffer     Priority   Limit
                              %          bps   %        bytes
    0 best-effort             0            0   0            0      low    none
    1 expedited-forwarding    0            0   0            0      low    none
    2 assured-forwarding      0            0   0            0      low    none
    3 network-control         0            0   0            0      low    none
  Logical interface ds-2/1/0:5:1.0 (Index 14) (SNMP ifIndex 134) (Generation 13)
    Flags: Point-To-Point SNMP-Traps Encapsulation: Cisco-HDLC
    Protocol inet, MTU: 1500, Flags: None, Generation: 20 Route table: 0
      Addresses, Flags: Is-Preferred Is-Primary
        Destination:, Local:, 
Broadcast: Unspecified,
        Generation: 22

The following sample output is for a channelized DS3 to DS1 interface:

user@host> show interfaces t1-2/1/0:19 extensive   
Physical interface: t1-2/1/0:19, Enabled, Physical link is Up
  Interface index: 50, SNMP ifIndex: 59, Generation: 49
  Description: Customer
  Link-level type: Cisco-HDLC, MTU: 1504, Clocking: Internal, Speed: T1, Loopback: None, FCS: 16,
  Mode: M23, Framing: ESF
  Device flags   : Present Running
  Interface flags: Point-To-Point SNMP-Traps
  Link flags     : Keepalives
  Hold-times     : Up 0 ms, Down 0 ms
  Keepalive settings: Interval 10 seconds, Up-count 1, Down-count 3
  Keepalive statistics:
    Input : 117 (last seen 00:00:08 ago)
    Output: 121 (last sent 00:00:01 ago)
  Statistics last cleared: 2002-08-01 10:14:45 UTC (00:19:38 ago)
  Traffic statistics:
   Input  bytes  :             22459734               236888 bps
   Output bytes  :            162288645              1322208 bps
   Input  packets:               201233                  214 pps
   Output packets:               236341                  227 pps
  Input errors:
    Errors: 0, Drops: 0, Framing errors: 0, Policed discards: 377, L3 incompletes: 0,
    L2 channel errors: 0, L2 mismatch timeouts: 0, HS link CRC errors: 0, SRAM errors: 0
  Output errors:
    Carrier transitions: 0, Errors: 0, Drops: 0, Aged packets: 0
  DS1   alarms   : None
  DS3   alarms   : None
  DS1   defects  : None
  DS3   defects  : None
  T1  media:            Seconds        Count  State
    SEF                       0            0  OK
    BEE                       0            0  OK
    AIS                       0            0  OK
    LOF                       0            0  OK
    LOS                       0            0  OK
    YELLOW                    0            0  OK
    BPV                       0            0
    EXZ                       0            0
    LCV                       0            0
    PCV                       0            0
    CS                        0            0
    LES                       0
    ES                        0
    SES                       0
    SEFS                      0
    BES                       0
    UAS                       0
  DS3 media:            Seconds        Count  State
    PLL Lock                  0            0  OK
    Reframing                 0            0  OK
    AIS                       0            0  OK
    LOF                       0            0  OK
    LOS                       0            0  OK
    IDLE                      0            0  OK
    YELLOW                    0            0  OK
    BPV                       0            0
    EXZ                       0            0
    LCV                       0            0
    PCV                       0            0
    LES                       0
    PES                       0
    PSES                      0
    SEFS                      0
    UAS                       0
  Interface transmit queues:
              B/W  WRR       Packets        Bytes        Drops       Errors
    Queue0     95   95        234494    162020375            0            0
    Queue1      5    5           164         5808            0            0
  HDLC configuration:
    Giant threshold: 1514, Runt threshold: 3
    Timeslots      : All active
    Line encoding: B8ZS, Byte encoding: Nx64K, Data inversion: Disabled
  DS3 BERT configuration:
    BERT time period: 0 seconds, Elapsed: 0 seconds
    Algorithm: Unknown (0), Induced Error rate: 10e-0
  DS1 BERT configuration:
    BERT time period: 10 seconds, Elapsed: 0 seconds
    Induced Error rate: 10e-0, Algorithm: 2^15 - 1, O.151, Pseudorandom (9)
  PFE configuration:
    Destination slot: 2, PLP byte: 2 (0xab)
    CoS transmit queue          Bandwidth          Buffer     Priority   Limit
                              %          bps   %        bytes
    0 best-effort             0            0   0            0      low    none
    1 expedited-forwarding    0            0   0            0      low    none
    2 assured-forwarding      0            0   0            0      low    none
    3 network-control         0            0   0            0      low    none
  Logical interface t1-2/1/0:19.0 (Index 27) (SNMP ifIndex 125) (Generation 26)
    Flags: Point-To-Point SNMP-Traps Encapsulation: Cisco-HDLC
    Protocol inet, MTU: 1500, Flags: None, Generation: 34 Route table: 0
      Addresses, Flags: Is-Preferred Is-Primary
        Destination:, Local:, 
Broadcast: Unspecified, Generation: 44


The sample output shows where the errors might be occurring. Look at the active alarms and active defects for the DS1 or DS3 interface and diagnose the media accordingly. See Checklist for Locating Multichannel DS3 Alarms and Errors for an explanation of Multichannel DS3 alarms.

Monitor Statistics for a Channelized Interface


To monitor statistics for a channelized DS3 to DS0 interface or channelized DS3 to DS1 interface, use one of the following CLI operational mode commands:


user@host> monitor interfaces ds-fpc/pic/port:channel:channel user@host> monitor interfaces t1-fpc/pic/port:channel

Sample Output

The following sample output is for a channelized DS3 to DS0 interface:

user@host> monitor interface ds-2/1/0:5:1  
host     Seconds: 9                   Time: 10:36:11
                                                               Delay: 0/0/4
Interface: ds-2/1/0:5:1, Enabled, Link is Up
Encapsulation: Cisco-HDLC, Keepalives, Speed: 64kbps
Traffic statistics:                                           Current delta
  Input bytes:                      52502 (80 bps)                    [262]
  Output bytes:                     52608 (88 bps)                    [344]
  Input packets:                      714 (0 pps)                       [4]
  Output packets:                     714 (0 pps)                       [5]
Encapsulation statistics:
  Input keepalives:                   133                               [1]
  Output keepalives:                  133                               [1]
Error statistics:
  Input errors:                         0                               [0]
  Input drops:                          0                               [0]
  Input framing errors:                 0                               [0]
  Input runts:                          0                               [0]
  Input giants:                         0                               [0]
  Policed discards:                   410                               [1]
  L3 incompletes:                       0                               [0]
  L2 channel errors:                    0                               [0]
  L2 mismatch timeouts:                 0                               [0]
  Carrier transitions:                  0                               [0]
  Output errors:                        0                               [0]
  Output drops:                         0                               [0]
  Aged packets:                         0Active alarms : N              [0]   
Next='n', Quit='q' or ESC, Freeze='f', Thaw='t', Clear='c', Interface='i'

The following sample output is for a channelized DS3 to DS1 interface:

user@host> monitor interface t1-2/1/0:19   
host     Seconds: 4                   Time: 10:37:53
                                                               Delay: 0/0/4
Interface: t1-2/1/0:19, Enabled, Link is Up
Encapsulation: Cisco-HDLC, Keepalives, Speed: T1
Traffic statistics:                                           Current delta
  Input bytes:                   27046020 (124752 bps)              [32358]
  Output bytes:                 186975710 (623840 bps)             [161809]
  Input packets:                   233498 (139 pps)                   [289]
  Output packets:                  273161 (139 pps)                   [290]
Encapsulation statistics:
  Input keepalives:                   138                               [0]
  Output keepalives:                  141                               [0]
Error statistics:
  Input errors:                         0                               [0]
  Input drops:                          0                               [0]
  Input framing errors:                 0                               [0]
  Input runts:                          0                               [0]
  Input giants:                         0                               [0]
  Policed discards:                   439                               [0]
  L3 incompletes:                       0                               [0]
  L2 channel errors:                    0                               [0]
  L2 mismatch timeouts:                 0                               [0]
  Carrier transitions:                  0                               [0]
  Output errors:                        0                               [0]
  Output drops:                         0                               [0]
  Aged packets:                         0Active alarms : N              [0]   
Next='n', Quit='q' or ESC, Freeze='f', Thaw='t', Clear='c', Interface='i'


This command checks for and displays common interface failures, indicates whether loopback is detected, and shows increases in framing errors. Use information from this command to help narrow down possible causes of an interface problem.

Note: If you are accessing the router from the console connection, make sure you set the CLI terminal type using the set cli terminal command.

Table 2 lists additional problem situations and actions to help you further understand an interface problem.

Table 2: Problem Situations and Actions

Problem Situation


Framing errors are increasing.

Check the frame checksum sequence (FCS), scrambling, and subrate configuration.

Framing errors are increasing, and the configuration is correct.

Check the cabling to the router and have the carrier verify the integrity of the line.

Input errors are increasing.

Check the cabling to the router and have the carrier verify the integrity of the line.

Note: We recommend that you use this command only for diagnostic purposes. Do not leave it on during normal router operations because real-time monitoring of traffic consumes additional CPU and memory resources.

Published: 2012-12-11

Published: 2012-12-11