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show pfe statistics traffic


show pfe statistics traffic<fpc slot>

Syntax (EX Series Switches)

show pfe statistics traffic<voq <fpc slot>>

Syntax (TX Matrix and TX Matrix Plus Router)

show pfe statistics traffic <fpc slot> < lcc number>

Release Information

Command introduced before Junos OS Release 7.4.

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 12.2 for EX Series switches.


Display Packet Forwarding Engine traffic statistics.



Display statistics about PFE traffic. On the TX Matrix router, display statistics about PFE traffic for all its attached T640 routers. On the TX Matrix Plus router, display statistics about PFE traffic for all its attached routers

fpc slot

(T Series and M320 routers only) (Optional) Display statistics for a Flexible PIC Concentrator (FPC) slot.

  • On a TX Matrix router, if you specify the number of a T640 router by using the lcc number option (the recommended method), replace slot with a value from 0 through 7. Otherwise, replace slot with a value from 0 through 31.
  • On a TX Matrix Plus router, if you specify the number of a T1600 router by using the lcc number option (the recommended method), replace slot with a value from 0 through 7. Otherwise, replace slot with a value from 0 through 31
  • On a TX Matrix Plus router in the TXP-T1600-3D, TXP-T4000-3D, or TXP-Mixed-LCC-3D configuration, if you specify the number of a T1600 or T4000 router by using the lcc number option (the recommended method), replace slot with a value from 0 through 7. Otherwise, replace slot with a value from 0 through 63.

For example, the following commands have the same result:

user@host> show pfe statistics traffic fpc 1 lcc 1 user@host> show pfe statistics traffic fpc 9
lcc number

(TX Matrix and TX Matrix Plus routers only) (Optional) On a TX Matrix router, display statistics for a specific T640 router (or line-card chassis) that is connected to the TX Matrix router. On a TX Matrix Plus router, display statistics for a specific router (or line-card chassis) that is connected to the TX Matrix Plus router.

Replace number with the following values depending on the LCC configuration:

  • 0 through 3, when T640 routers are connected to a TX Matrix router in a routing matrix.
  • 0 through 3, when T1600 routers are connected to a TX Matrix Plus router in a routing matrix.
  • 0 through 7, when T1600 routers are connected to a TX Matrix Plus router with 3D SIBs in a routing matrix.
  • 0, 2, 4, or 6, when T4000 routers are connected to a TX Matrix Plus router with 3D SIBs in a routing matrix.
voq <fpc slot>

(EX8200 switches and EX8200 Virtual Chassis only) (Optional) Display statistics for virtual output queue (VOQ) drops for all FPC slots or for a particular FPC slot. See EX8208 Switch Hardware and CLI Terminology Mapping or EX8216 Switch Hardware and CLI Terminology Mapping.

Required Privilege Level


List of Sample Output

show pfe statistics traffic
show pfe statistics traffic voq (EX8200 Switch)
show pfe statistics traffic voq (EX8200 Virtual Chassis)
show pfe statistics traffic voq fpc 2 (EX8200 Switch and EX8200 Virtual Chassis)

Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show pfe statistics traffic command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show pfe statistics traffic Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Packet Forwarding Engine Traffic statistics

Information about Packet Forwarding Engine traffic:

  • Input Packets—Number and rate of input packets.
  • Output Packets—Number and rate of output packets.

Packet Forwarding Engine Local Traffic statistics

Information about Packet Forwarding Engine local traffic:

  • Local packets input—Number of local input packets.
  • Local packets output—Number of local output packets.
  • Software input high drops—Number of software input high-priority drops.
  • Software input medium drops—Number of software input medium-priority drops.
  • Software input low drops—Number of software input low-priority drops.
  • Software output drops—Number of software output drops.
  • Hardware input drops—Number of hardware input drops.

Packet Forwarding Engine Local Protocol statistics

Information about the Packet Forwarding Engine Local Protocol:

  • HDLC keepalives—Number of HDLC keepalive packets.
  • ATM OAM—Number of Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) Operation, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM) packets.
  • Frame Relay LMI—Number of Frame Relay Local Management Interface (LMI) packets.
  • PPP LCP/NCP—Number of Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) Link Control Protocol (LCP) or Network Control Protocol (NCP) packets.
  • OSPF hello—Number of Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) hello packets.
  • OSPF3 hello—Number of Open Shortest Path First version 3 (OSPFv3) hello packets.
  • RSVP hello—Number of Reservation Setup Protocol (RSVP) hello packets.
  • LDP hello—Number of Label Distribution Protocol (LDP) hello packets.
  • BFD—Number of Bidirectional Forwarding Detection Protocol (BFD) hello packets.
  • IS-IS IIH—Number of Intermediate System-to-Intermediate System Hello (IIH) packets.
  • LACP—Number of Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) packets.
  • ARP—Number of Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) packets.
  • ETHER OAM—Number of Ethernet OAM packets.
  • Unknown—Number of unknown packets not matching any of the packet types listed above.

Packet Forwarding Engine Hardware Discard statistics

Information about Packet Forwarding Engine hardware discards:

  • Timeout—Number of packets discarded because of timeouts.
  • Truncated key—Number of packets discarded because of truncated keys.
  • Bits to test—Number of bits to test.
  • Data error—Number of packets discarded because of data errors.
  • Stack underflow—Number of packets discarded because of stack underflows.
  • Stack overflow—Number of packets discarded because of stack overflows.
  • Normal discard—Number of packets discarded because of discard routes. Packets are dropped silently without being further processed by the host. Normal discards are reported when packets match a firewall filter term that has an action of discard or when the final result of the route look-up is a next hop of discard.
  • Extended discard—Number of packets discarded because of illegal next hops. Packets are dropped silently but are also sent to the Routing Engine for further processing. Extended discards are reported when packets match a firewall filter term that has an action of discard and an additional action that requires Routing Engine processing, such as log, count, sample, or syslog.
  • Invalid interface—Number of packets discarded because of invalid incoming interfaces.
  • Info cell drops—Number of information cell drops.
  • Fabric drops—Number of fabric drops.

VOQ unit

(EX8200 Switch and EX8200 Virtual Chassis) Information about VOQ. A Packet Forwarding Engine supports two VOQ counter sets.

Tail drops

(EX8200 Switch and EX8200 Virtual Chassis) Number of descriptors or buffers dropped by the VOQ to avoid tail-drop congestion.

Drops due to ECC error

(EX8200 Switch and EX8200 Virtual Chassis) Number of descriptors or buffers dropped by the VOQ because of error correction code (ECC) failure.

Drops due to device disabled

(EX8200 Switch and EX8200 Virtual Chassis) Number of descriptors or buffers dropped by the VOQ because of device-enabled filtering.

Sample Output

show pfe statistics traffic

user@host> show pfe statistics traffic
Packet Forwarding Engine traffic statistics:
    Input  packets:               102682                    5 pps
    Output packets:                58033                    4 pps
Packet Forwarding Engine local traffic statistics:                  
    Local packets input                 :                44628
    Local packets output                :                46146   
    Software input control plane drops  :                    0
    Software input high drops           :                    0
    Software input medium drops         :                    0
    Software input low drops            :                    0
    Software output drops               :                    0
    Hardware input drops                :                    0
Packet Forwarding Engine local protocol statistics:
    HDLC keepalives            :                    0
    ATM OAM                    :                    0
    Frame Relay LMI            :                    0
    PPP LCP/NCP                :                 5597
    OSPF hello                 :                 3195   
    OSPF3 hello                :                    0
    RSVP hello                 :                    0
    LDP hello                  :                 7478
    BFD                        :                    0
    IS-IS IIH                  :                    0
    LACP                       :                    0
    ARP                        :                    0
    ETHER OAM                  :                    0
    Unknown                    :                    8
Packet Forwarding Engine hardware discard statistics:
    Timeout                    :                    0
    Truncated key              :                    0   
    Bits to test               :                    0        
    Data error                 :                    0
    Stack underflow            :                    0
    Stack overflow             :                    0
    Normal discard             :                    0
    Extended discard           :                    0
    Invalid interface          :                    0
    Info cell drops            :                    39
    Fabric drops               :                    0
Packet Forwarding Engine Input IPv4 Header Checksum Error and Output MTU Error statistics:
    Input Checksum             :                    0
    Output MTU                 :                    0

show pfe statistics traffic voq (EX8200 Switch)

user@switch> show pfe statistics traffic voq
FPC: 0
    PFE: 0
       VOQ unit:                                        0                   1
         Tail drops                   :                 0                   0
         Drops due to ECC error       :                 0                   0
         Drops due to device disabled :                 0                   0
    PFE: 1
       VOQ unit:                                        0                   1
         Tail drops                   :                 0                   0
         Drops due to ECC error       :                 0                   0
         Drops due to device disabled :                 0                   0
FPC: 1
    PFE: 0
       VOQ unit:                                        0                   1
         Tail drops                   :                 0                   0
         Drops due to ECC error       :                 0                   0
         Drops due to device disabled :                 0                   0
    PFE: 1
       VOQ unit:                                        0                   1
         Tail drops                   :                 0                   0
         Drops due to ECC error       :                 0                   0
         Drops due to device disabled :                 0                   0

show pfe statistics traffic voq (EX8200 Virtual Chassis)

user@switch> show pfe statistics traffic voq
FPC: 1
    PFE: 0
       VOQ unit:                                            0                     1
         Tail drops                   :                     0                     0
         Drops due to ECC error       :                     0                     0
         Drops due to device disabled :                     0                     0
    PFE: 1
       VOQ unit:                                            0                     1
         Tail drops                   :                     0                     0
         Drops due to ECC error       :                     0                     0
         Drops due to device disabled :                     0                     0

FPC: 3
    PFE: 0
       VOQ unit:                                            0                     1
         Tail drops                   :                     0                     0
         Drops due to ECC error       :                     0                     0
         Drops due to device disabled :                     0                     0
    PFE: 1
       VOQ unit:                                            0                     1
         Tail drops                   :                     0                     0
         Drops due to ECC error       :                     0                     0
         Drops due to device disabled :                     0                     0

FPC: 16
    PFE: 0
       VOQ unit:                                            0                     1
         Tail drops                   :                     0                     0
         Drops due to ECC error       :                     0                     0
         Drops due to device disabled :                     0                     0
    PFE: 1
       VOQ unit:                                            0                     1
         Tail drops                   :                     0                     0
         Drops due to ECC error       :                     0                     0
         Drops due to device disabled :                     0                     0

show pfe statistics traffic voq fpc 2 (EX8200 Switch and EX8200 Virtual Chassis)

user@switch> show pfe statistics traffic voq fpc 2
FPC: 2
    PFE: 0
       VOQ unit:                                        0                   1
         Tail drops                   :                 0                   0
         Drops due to ECC error       :                 0                   0
         Drops due to device disabled :                 0                   0
PFE: 1
       VOQ unit:                                        0                   1
         Tail drops                   :                 0                   0
         Drops due to ECC error       :                 0                   0
         Drops due to device disabled :                 0                   0

Published: 2013-07-08