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Understanding Device and Network Management Features

After you install a QFX Series product or EX4600 switch in your network, you need to manage the device. The products support features that you use to manage the device within the network, including the management of configuration, system performance, fault monitoring, and remote access.

Table 1 lists the device and network management features on the QFX Series and EX4600.

Table 1: Device and Network Management Features on the QFX Series and EX4600


Typical Uses


AI-Scripts and Advanced Insight Manager (AIM)—Automatically detect and monitor faults on the switch, and depending on the configuration on the AIM application, send notifications of potential problems, and submit problem reports to Juniper Support Systems.

Fault management

Advanced Insight Scripts (AI-Scripts) Release Notes

Alarms and LEDs on the switch—Show status of hardware components and indicate warning or error conditions.

Fault management

Chassis Alarm Messages on a QFX3500 Device

Firewall filters—Control the packets that are sent to and from the network, balance network traffic, and optimize performance.

Performance management

In-band management—Enables connection to the switch using the same interfaces through which customer traffic flows. Communication between the switch and a remote console is typically enabled using SSH and Telnet services. SSH provides secure encrypted communications, whereas Telnet provides unencrypted, and therefore less secure, access to the switch.

Remote access management

Juniper Networks Junos OS automation scripts—Configuration and operations automation tools provided by Junos OS. These tools include commit scripts, operation scripts, event scripts, and event policies. Commit scripts enforce custom configuration rules, whereas operation scripts, event policies, and event scripts automate network troubleshooting and management.

  • Configuration management
  • Performance management
  • Fault management

Junos OS Automation Library

Junos OS command-line interface (CLI)— CLI configuration statements that enable you to configure the switch based on your networking requirements, such as security, service, and performance.

  • Configuration management
  • Performance management
  • User access management
  • Remote access management

CLI User Guide

Junos Space software—Multipurpose GUI-based network management system that includes a base platform, the Network Application Platform, and other optional applications such as Ethernet Design, Service Now, Service Insight, and Virtual Control.

  • Configuration management
  • Performance management
  • Fault management

Junos XML API—XML representation of Junos OS configuration statements and operational mode commands. Junos XML configuration tag elements are the content to which the Junos XML protocol operations apply. Junos XML operational tag elements are equivalent in function to operational mode commands in the CLI, which you can use to retrieve status information for a device. The Junos XML API also includes tag elements that are the counterpart to Junos CLI configuration statements.

  • Configuration management
  • Performance management
  • Fault management

NETCONF XML management protocol—XML-based management protocol that client applications use to request and change configuration information on routing, switching, and security platforms running Junos OS. The NETCONF XML management protocol defines basic operations that are equivalent to Junos OS CLI configuration mode commands. Client applications use the protocol operations to display, edit, and commit configuration statements (among other operations), just as administrators use CLI configuration mode commands such as show, set, and commit to perform those operations.

  • Configuration management
  • Performance management
  • Fault management

NETCONF XML Management Protocol Developer Guide

Operational mode commands—May be used to do the following:

  • Monitor switch performance. For example, the show chassis routing-engine command shows the CPU utilization of the Routing Engine. High CPU utilization of the Routing Engine can affect performance of the switch.
  • View current activity and status of the device or network. For example, you can use the ping command to monitor and diagnose connectivity problems, and the traceroute command to locate points of failure on the network.
  • Performance management
  • Fault management

CLI Explorer

Out-of-band management—Enables connection to the switch through a management interface. Out-of-band management is supported on two dedicated management Ethernet interfaces as well as on the console and auxiliary ports. The management Ethernet interfaces connect directly to the Routing Engine. No transit traffic is allowed through the interfaces, separating customer and management traffic and ensuring that congestion or failures in the transit network do not affect the management of the switch.

Remote access management

SNMP Configuration Management MIB—Provides notification for configuration changes in the form of SNMP traps. Each trap contains the time at which the configuration change was committed, the name of the user who made the change, and the method by which the change was made. A history of the last 32 configuration changes is kept in jnxCmChgEventTable.

Configuration management

SNMP MIBs and Traps Reference

SNMP MIBs and traps—Enable the monitoring of network devices from a central location. Use SNMP requests such as get and walk to monitor and view system activity.

The QFX3500 switch supports SNMP Version 1 (v1), v2, and v3, and both standard and Juniper Networks enterprise-specific MIBs and traps.

Fault management

System log messages—Log details of system and user events, including errors. You can specify the severity and type of system log messages you wish to view or save, and configure the output to be sent to local or remote hosts.

  • Fault management
  • User access management

Published: 2014-07-28

Supported Platforms

Published: 2014-07-28