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show ethernet-switching layer2-protocol-tunneling statistics


show ethernet-switching-layer2-protocol-tunneling statistics<interface interface-name><vlan vlan-name>

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 10.0 for EX Series switches.

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 12.1 for the QFX Series.


Display Layer 2 protocol tunneling (L2PT) statistics for Layer 2 PDU packets received by the switch.

Note: The show ethernet-switching-layer2-protocol-tunneling statistics command does not display L2PT statistics for Layer 2 PDU packets transmitted from the switch.



Display L2PT statistics for all interfaces on which you enabled L2PT.

interface interface-name

(Optional) Display L2PT statistics for the specified interface.

vlan vlan-name

(Optional) Display L2PT statistics for the specified VLAN.

Required Privilege Level


List of Sample Output

show ethernet-switching layer2-protocol-tunneling statistics
show ethernet-switching layer2-protocol-tunneling statistics interface xe-0/0/0.0
show ethernet-switching layer2-protocol-tunneling statistics vlan v2

Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show ethernet-switching layer2-protocol-tunneling statistics command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show ethernet-switching layer2-protocol-tunneling statistics Output Fields


Field Description


Name of a VLAN on which L2PT has been configured.


Name of an interface on which L2PT has been configured.


Name of a protocol for which L2PT has been enabled. Values are all, 802.1x, 802.3ah, cdp, e-lmi, gvrp, lacp, lldp, mmrp, mvrp, stp, udld, vstp, and vtp.


Type of operation being performed on the interface. Values are Encapsulation and Decapsulation.


Number of packets that have been encapsulated or de-encapsulated.


Number of packets that have exceeded the drop threshold and have been dropped.


Number of times that packets have exceeded the shutdown threshold and the interface has been shut down.

Sample Output

show ethernet-switching layer2-protocol-tunneling statistics

user@switch> show ethernet-switching layer2-protocol-tunneling statistics
Layer2 Protocol Tunneling Statistics:
VLAN   Interface  Protocol  Operation     Packets Drops      Shutdowns
v1     xe-0/0/0.0 mvrp      Encapsulation 0       0          0
v1     xe-0/0/1.0 mvrp      Decapsulation 0       0          0
v1     xe-0/0/2.0 mvrp      Decapsulation 60634   0          0
v2     xe-0/0/0.0 cdp       Encapsulation 0       0          0
v2     xe-0/0/0.0 gvrp      Encapsulation 0       0          0
v2     xe-0/0/0.0 lldp      Encapsulation 0       0          0

show ethernet-switching layer2-protocol-tunneling statistics interface xe-0/0/0.0

user@switch> show ethernet-switching layer2-protocol-tunneling statistics interface xe-0/0/0.0
Layer2 Protocol Tunneling Statistics:
VLAN    Interface  Protocol Operation      Packets  Drops     Shutdowns
v1      xe-0/0/0.0 mvrp     Encapsulation  0        0          0
v2      xe-0/0/0.0 cdp      Encapsulation  0        0          0
v2      xe-0/0/0.0 gvrp     Encapsulation  0        0          0
v2      xe-0/0/0.0 lldp     Encapsulation  0        0          0
v2      xe-0/0/0.0 mvrp     Encapsulation  0        0          0
v2      xe-0/0/0.0 stp      Encapsulation  0        0          0
v2      xe-0/0/0.0 vtp      Encapsulation  0        0          0
v2      xe-0/0/0.0 vstp     Encapsulation  0        0          0

show ethernet-switching layer2-protocol-tunneling statistics vlan v2

user@switch> show ethernet-switching layer2-protocol-tunneling statistics vlan v2
Layer2 Protocol Tunneling Statistics:
VLAN    Interface   Protocol Operation       Packets  Drops   Shutdowns
v2      xe-0/0/0.0  cdp      Encapsulation   0        0       0
v2      xe-0/0/0.0  gvrp     Encapsulation   0        0       0
v2      xe-0/0/0.0  lldp     Encapsulation   0        0       0
v2      xe-0/0/0.0  mvrp     Encapsulation   0        0       0
v2      xe-0/0/0.0  stp      Encapsulation   0        0       0
v2      xe-0/0/0.0  vtp      Encapsulation   0        0       0
v2      xe-0/0/0.0  vstp     Encapsulation   0        0       0
v2      xe-0/0/1.0  cdp      Decapsulation   0        0       0
v2      xe-0/0/1.0  gvrp     Decapsulation   0        0       0
v2      xe-0/0/1.0  lldp     Decapsulation   0        0       0
v2      xe-0/0/1.0  mvrp     Decapsulation   0        0       0
v2      xe-0/0/1.0  stp      Decapsulation   0        0       0
v2      xe-0/0/1.0  vtp      Decapsulation   0        0       0

Published: 2014-07-23