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show oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management delay-statistics


show oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management delay-statistics<count entry-count><local-mep local-mep-id>maintenance-association ma-namemaintenance-domain md-name<remote-mep remote-mep-id>

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 9.5.

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 11.4 for EX Series switches.


On MX Series routers with Ethernet interfaces on Dense Port Concentrators (DPCs), display ETH-DM delay statistics.

On EX Series switches, display delay measurement results.


count entry-count

(Optional) Number of entries to display from the statistics table. The range of values is 1 through 100. The default value is 100 entries.

local-mep local-mep-id

(Optional) Numeric identifier of the local MEP. On MX Series routers, the range of values is 1 through 8192. On EX Series switches, the range of values is 1 through 8191.

maintenance-association ma-name

Name of an existing CFM maintenance association.

maintenance-domain md-name

Name of an existing connectivity fault management (CFM) maintenance domain.

remote-mep remote-mep-id

(Optional) Numeric identifier of the remote MEP. On MX Series routers, the range of values is 1 through 8192. On EX Series switches, the range of values is 1 through 8191.

Required Privilege Level



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List of Sample Output

show oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management delay-statistics
show oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management delay-statistics remote-mep

Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management delay-statistics command and the show oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management mep-statistics command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management delay-statistics and mep-statistics Output Fields

Output Field Name

Field Description

MEP identifier

Maintenance association end point (MEP) numeric identifier.

MAC address

Unicast MAC address configured for the MEP.

Remote MEP count

Number of remote MEPs (unless you specify the remote-mep option).

Remote MEP identifier

Numeric identifier of the remote MEP.

Remote MAC address

Unicast MAC address of the remote MEP.


Index number that corresponds to the ETH-DM entry in the CFM database.

One-way delay (usec)

For a one-way ETH-DM session, the frame delay time, in microseconds, measured at the receiver MEP.

For a detailed description of one-way Ethernet frame delay measurement, see the ITU-T Y.1731 Ethernet Service OAM topics in the Junos OS Network Interfaces Library for Routing Devices.

Two-way delay (usec)

For a two-way ETH-DM session, the frame delay time, in microseconds, measured at the initiator MEP.

For a detailed description of two-way Ethernet frame delay measurement, see the ITU-T Y.1731 Ethernet Service OAM topics in the Junos OS Network Interfaces Library for Routing Devices.

Average one-way delay

Average one-way frame delay for the statistics displayed.

Average one-way delay variation

Average one-way “frame jitter” for the statistics displayed.

Best-case one-way delay

Lowest one-way frame delay for the statistics displayed.

Worst-case one-way delay

Highest one-way frame delay for the statistics displayed.

Average two-way delay

Average two-way frame delay for the statistics displayed.

Average two-way delay variation

Average two-way “frame jitter” for the statistics displayed.

Best-case two-way delay

Lowest two-way frame delay for the statistics displayed.

Worst-case two-way delay

Highest two-way frame delay calculated in this session.

Sample Output

show oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management delay-statistics

user@switch> show oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management delay-statistics maintenance-domain md6 maintenance-association ma6
MEP identifier: 100, MAC address: 00:05:85:73:7b:39
Remote MEP count: 2
  Remote MEP identifier: 101
  Remote MAC address: 00:05:85:73:39:4a
    Delay measurement statistics:
    Index  One-way delay  Two-way delay
              (usec)         (usec)   
      1        259            519     
      2        273            550     
      3        287            571     
      4        299            610     
      5        313            650     
    Average one-way delay          : 286 usec
    Average one-way delay variation: 62 usec
    Best case one-way delay        : 259 usec
    Worst case one-way delay       : 313 usec
    Average two-way delay          : 580 usec
    Average two-way delay variation: 26 usec
    Best case two-way delay        : 519 usec
    Worst case two-way delay       : 650 usec

  Remote MEP identifier: 102
  Remote MAC address: 00:04:55:63:39:5a
    Delay measurement statistics:
    Index  One-way delay  Two-way delay
              (usec)         (usec)
      1        29            58
      2        23            59
      3        27            56
      4        29            62
      5        33            68
    Average one-way delay          : 28 usec
    Average one-way delay variation: 3 usec
    Best case one-way delay        : 23 usec
    Worst case one-way delay       : 33 usec
    Average two-way delay          : 60 usec
    Average two-way delay variation: 3 usec
    Best case two-way delay        : 56 usec
    Worst case two-way delay       : 68 usec

show oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management delay-statistics remote-mep

user@switch> show oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management delay-statistics maintenance-domain md6 maintenance-association ma6 remote-mep 101
MEP identifier: 100, MAC address: 00:05:85:73:7b:39

  Remote MEP identifier: 101
  Remote MAC address: 00:05:85:73:39:4a
    Delay measurement statistics:
    Index  One-way delay  Two-way delay
              (usec)         (usec)   
      1        259            519     
      2        273            550     
      3        287            571     
      4        299            610     
      5        313            650     
    Average one-way delay          : 286 usec
    Average one-way delay variation: 62 usec
    Best case one-way delay        : 259 usec
    Worst case one-way delay       : 313 usec
    Average two-way delay          : 580 usec
    Average two-way delay variation: 26 usec
    Best case two-way delay        : 519 usec
    Worst case two-way delay       : 650 usec

Published: 2014-04-24


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Published: 2014-04-24