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show oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management mep-database


show oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management mep-databasemaintenance-domain domain-namemaintenance-association ma-name<local-mep local-mep-id><remote-mep remote-mep-id>

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 8.4.

Support for ITU-T Y.1731 frame delay measurement added in Junos OS Release 9.5.

Support for ITU-T Y.1731 synthetic frame loss measurement added in Junos OS Release 13.2 for MX Series routers.


On M7i and M10i routers with Enhanced CFEB (CFEB-E), and on M320, M120, MX Series, ACX Series, T320, and T640 routers, display IEEE 802.1ag Operation, Administration, and Management (OAM) connectivity fault management (CFM) database information for CFM maintenance association end points (MEPs) in a CFM session.

In addition, on M120, M320, and MX series routers, also display port status TLV, interface status TLV, and action profile information.

In addition, for Ethernet interfaces on MX Series routers , also display any ITU-T Y.1731 frame delay measurement (ETH-DM) frame counts.

For Ethernet interfaces on MX Series routers, display any ITU-T Y.1731 synthetic frame loss measurement (ETH-SLM) statistics and frame counts.


maintenance-association ma-name

Name of the maintenance association.

maintenance-domain domain-name

Name of the maintenance domain.


(Optional) Numeric identifier of local MEP.


(Optional) Numeric identifier of the remote MEP.

Required Privilege Level



Related Documentation


List of Sample Output

show oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management mep-database
show oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management mep-database (One-Way ETH-DM)
show oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management mep-database local-mep remote-mep
show oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management mep-database remote-mep (Action Profile Event)
show oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management mep-database (Connection Protection TLV Configured)
show oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management mep-database
show oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management mep-database (enhanced continuity measurement)

Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management mep-database command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management mep-database Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Maintenance domain name

Maintenance domain name.

Format (Maintenance domain)

Maintenance domain name format configured.


Maintenance domain level configured.

Maintenance association name

Maintenance association name.

Format (Maintenance association)

Maintenance association name format configured.

Continuity-check status

Continuity-check status.


Continuity-check message interval.


Lost continuity-check message threshold.

Connection Protection TLV

Status of the connection protection TLV, if configured on the MEP interface: no, yes

If yes, then the transmitted connection protection TLV is decoded and the following three fields are displayed: Prefer me, Protection in use, FRR Flag

Prefer me

If set to yes, the path through which CCM was transmitted is preferred (unless the path fails). It is used for signaling a manual-switch command to remote side.

Its value can be yes or no.

Protection in use

Used for protection decision coordination. Its value is set to yes if the endpoint transmitting the CCM is currently transmitting the user traffic to protection path.

Its value can be yes or no.

FRR Flag

LSR/LER forwarding the CCM Frame into a bypass tunnel is set.

Its value can be yes or no.

MEP identifier

Maintenance association end point (MEP) identifier.


MEP direction configured.

MAC address

MAC address configured for the MEP.


Whether automatic discovery is enabled or disabled.


Priority used for CCMs and linktrace messages transmitted by the MEP.

Interface name

Interface identifier.

Interface status

Local interface status.

Link status

Local link status.

Remote MEP not receiving CCM

Whether the remote MEP is not receiving CCMs.

Erroneous CCM received

Whether erroneous CCMs have been received.

Cross-connect CCM received

Whether cross-connect CCMs have been received.

RDI sent by some MEP

Whether the remote defect indication (RDI) bit is set in messages that have been received. The absence of the RDI bit in a CCM indicates that the transmitting MEP is receiving CCMs from all configured MEPs.

CCMs sent

Number of CCMs transmitted.

CCMs received out of sequence

Number of CCMs received out of sequence.

LBMs sent

Number of loopback messages (LBMs) sent.

Valid in-order LBRs received

Number of loopback response messages (LBRs) received that were valid messages and in sequence.

1DMs sent

If the MEP is an initiator for a one-way ETH-DM session: Number of one-way delay measurement (1DM) PDU frames sent to the peer MEP in this session.

For all other cases, this field displays 0.

Valid 1DMs received

If the MEP is a receiver for a one-way ETH-DM session: Number of valid 1DM frames received.

For all other cases, this field displays 0.

Invalid 1DMs received

If the MEP is a receiver for a one-way ETH-DM session: Number of invalid 1DM frames received.

For all other cases, this field displays 0.

Out of sync 1DMs received

If the MEP is a receiver for a one-way ETH-DM session: Number of out-of-sync one-way delay measurement request packets received.

DMMs sent

If the MEP is an initiator for a two-way ETH-DM session: Number of Delay Measurement Message (DMM) PDU frames sent to the peer MEP in this session.

For all other cases, this field displays 0.

Valid DMMs received

If the MEP is an initiator for a two-way ETH-DM session: Number of valid two-way delay measurement packets received.

Invalid DMMs received

If the MEP is an initiator for a two-way ETH-DM session: Number of invalid two-way delay measurement packets received.

DMRs sent

If the MEP is a responder for a ETH-DM session: Number of Delay Measurement Reply (DMR) frames sent.

For all other cases, this field displays 0.

Valid DMRs received

If the MEP is an initiator for a two-way ETH-DM session: Number of valid DMRs received.

For all other cases, this field displays 0.

Invalid DMRs received

If the MEP is an initiator for a two-way ETH-DM session: Number of invalid DMRs received.

For all other cases, this field displays 0.

Valid out-of-order LBRs received

Number of LBRs received that were valid messages and not in sequence.

LBRs received with corrupted data

Number of LBRs received that were corrupted.

LBRs sent

Number of LBRs transmitted.

LTMs sent

Linktrace messages (LTMs) transmitted.

LTMs received

Linktrace messages received.

LTRs sent

Linktrace responses (LTRs) transmitted.

LTRs received

Linktrace responses received.

Sequence number of next LTM request

Sequence number of the next linktrace message request to be transmitted.

LMM sent

If the interface is attached to an initiator MEP for a ETH-LM session: Number of loss measurement message (LMM) PDU frames sent to the peer MEP in this session.

Valid LMM received

If the interface is attached to an initiator MEP for a ETH-LM session: Number of valid loss measurement request packets received.

Invalid LMM received

If the interface is attached to an initiator MEP for a ETH LM session: Number of invalid loss measurement request packets received.

LMR sent

If the interface is attached to a responder MEP for a ETH-LM session: Number of loss measurement reply (LMR) frames sent.

Valid LMR received

If the interface is attached to an initiator MEP for a ETH LM session: Number of valid LMR frames received.

Invalid LMR received

If the interface is attached to an initiator MEP for a ETH-LM session: Number of invalid LMR frames received.

SLM sent

If the interface is attached to an initiator MEP for a ETH-SLM session: Number of synthetic loss measurement (SLM) request packets transmitted from the source MEP to the remote or destination MEP in this session.

Valid SLM received

If the interface is attached to a responder MEP for a ETH-SLM session: Number of valid SLM PDUs transmitted from the source MEP to the remote or destination MEP.

Invalid SLM received

If the interface is attached to a responder MEP for a ETH-SLM session: Number of invalid SLM PDUs transmitted from the source MEP to the remote or destination MEP.

SLR sent

If the interface is attached to a responder MEP for a ETH-SLM session: Number detail extensive of synthetic loss reply (SLR) frames sent.

Valid SLR received

If the interface is attached to an initiator MEP for a ETH-SLM session: Number of valid SLR PDUs that the source MEP received from the remote or destination MEP.

Invalid SLR received

If the interface is attached to an initiator MEP for a ETH-SLM session: Number of invalid SLR PDUs that the source MEP received from the remote or destination MEP.

Remote MEP identifier

MEP identifier of the remote MEP.

State (remote MEP)

State of the remote MEP: idle, start, ok, or failed.

MAC address

MAC address of the remote MEP.


Whether the remote MEP MAC address was learned using automatic discovery or configured.


Interface of the remote MEP. A seven-digit number is appended if CFM is configured to run on a routing instance of type VPLS.

Last flapped

Date, time, and how long ago the remote MEP interface went from down to up. The format is Last flapped: year-month-day hours:minutes:seconds timezone (hours:minutes:seconds ago). For example, Last flapped: 2002-04-26 10:52:40 PDT (04:33:20 ago).

Remote defect indication

Whether the remote defect indication (RDI) bit is set in messages that have been received or transmitted.

Port status TLV

  • In the Maintenance domain section, displays the last transmitted port status TLV value.
  • In the Remote MEP section, displays the last value of port status TLV received from the remote MEP.

    In the Action profile section, displays, the last occurred event port-status-tlv blocked event. This event occurred due to the reception of blocked value in the port status TLV from remote MEP.

Interface status TLV

  • In the Maintenance domain section, displays the last transmitted interface status TLV value.
  • In the Remote MEP section, displays the last value of interface status TLV received from the remote MEP.

    In the Action profile section, if displays, the last occurred event interface-status-tlv event ( either lower-layer-down or down). This event occurred due to the reception of either lower or down value in the interface status TLV from remote MEP.

Action profile

Name of the action profile occurrence associated with a remote MEP.

Last event

When an action profile occurs, displays the last event that triggered it.

Last event cleared

When all the configured and occurred events (under action profile) are cleared, then the action taken gets reverted (such as down interface is made up) and the corresponding time is noted and displayed.


Action taken and the corresponding time of the action occurrence.

Sample Output

show oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management mep-database

user@host> show oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management mep-database maintenance-domain vpls-vlan2000 maintenance-association vpls-vlan200
Maintenance domain name: vpls-vlan2000, Format: string, Level: 5
  Maintenance association name: vpls-vlan200, Format: string
  Continuity-check status: enabled, Interval: 100ms, Loss-threshold: 3 frames
  MEP identifier: 200, Direction: up, MAC address: 00:19:e2:b0:74:01
  Auto-discovery: enabled, Priority: 0
 Interface status TLV: none, Port status TLV: none
  Connection Protection TLV: no  Interface name: ge-0/0/1.0, Interface status: Active, Link status: Up
    Remote MEP not receiving CCM                  : no
    Erroneous CCM received                        : no
    Cross-connect CCM received                    : no
    RDI sent by some MEP                          : no
    CCMs sent                                     : 1476
    CCMs received out of sequence                 : 0
    LBMs sent                                     : 85
    Valid in-order LBRs received                  : 78
    Valid out-of-order LBRs received              : 0
    LBRs received with corrupted data             : 0
    LBRs sent                                     : 0
    LTMs sent                                     : 1
    LTMs received                                 : 0
    LTRs sent                                     : 0
    LTRs received                                 : 1
    Sequence number of next LTM request           : 1
    1DMs sent                                     : 0
    Valid 1DMs received                           : 0
    Invalid 1DMs received                         : 0
    DMMs sent                                     : 0
    DMRs sent                                     : 0
    Valid DMRs received                           : 0
    Invalid DMRs received                         : 0 
  Remote MEP count: 1
    Identifier    MAC address        State    Interface
      100     00:19:e2:b2:81:4b       ok  vt-0/1/10.1049088

show oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management mep-database (One-Way ETH-DM)

user@host> show oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management mep-database maintenance-domain md6 maintenance-domain ma6
Maintenance domain name: md6, Format: string, Level: 6
  Maintenance association name: ma6, Format: string
  Continuity-check status: enabled, Interval: 100ms, Loss-threshold: 3 frames
  MEP identifier: 101, Direction: down, MAC address: 00:90:69:0a:48:57
  Auto-discovery: enabled, Priority: 0
  Interface name: ge-0/2/5.0, Interface status: Active, Link status: Up
    Remote MEP not receiving CCM                  : no
    Erroneous CCM received                        : no
    Cross-connect CCM received                    : no
    RDI sent by some MEP                          : no
    CCMs sent                                     : 1590
    CCMs received out of sequence                 : 0
    LBMs sent                                     : 0
    Valid in-order LBRs received                  : 0
    Valid out-of-order LBRs received              : 0
    LBRs received with corrupted data             : 0
    LBRs sent                                     : 0
    LTMs sent                                     : 0
    LTMs received                                 : 0
    LTRs sent                                     : 0
    LTRs received                                 : 0
    Sequence number of next LTM request           : 0
    1DMs sent                                     : 10
    Valid 1DMs received                           : 0
    Invalid 1DMs received                         : 0
    DMMs sent                                     : 0
    DMRs sent                                     : 0
    Valid DMRs received                           : 0
    Invalid DMRs received                         : 0
  Remote MEP count: 1
    Identifier    MAC address        State    Interface
      201     00:90:69:0a:43:94       ok    ge-0/2/5.0

show oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management mep-database local-mep remote-mep

user@host> show oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management mep-database maintenance-domain vpls-vlan2000 maintenance-association vpls-vlan200 local-mep 200 remote-mep 100
Maintenance domain name: vpls-vlan2000, Format: string, Level: 5
  Maintenance association name: vpls-vlan200, Format: string
  Continuity-check status: enabled, Interval: 100ms, Loss-threshold: 3 frames
  MEP identifier: 200, Direction: up, MAC address: 00:19:e2:b0:74:01
  Auto-discovery: enabled, Priority: 0
  Interface name: ge-0/0/1.0, Interface status: Active, Link status: Up

  Remote MEP identifier: 100, State: ok
    MAC address: 00:19:e2:b2:81:4b, Type: Learned
    Interface: vt-0/1/10.1049088
    Last flapped: Never
    Remote defect indication: false
    Port status TLV: none
    Interface status TLV: none

show oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management mep-database remote-mep (Action Profile Event)

user@host> show oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management mep-database maintenance-domain md5 maintenance-association ma5 remote-mep 200
Maintenance domain name: md5, Format: string, Level: 5
  Maintenance association name: ma5, Format: string
  Continuity-check status: enabled, Interval: 1s, Loss-threshold: 3 frames
  MEP identifier: 100, Direction: down, MAC address: 00:05:85:73:e8:ad
  Auto-discovery: enabled, Priority: 0
  Interface status TLV: none, Port status TLV: none
  Interface name: ge-1/0/8.0, Interface status: Active, Link status: Up

  Remote MEP identifier: 200, State: ok
    MAC address: 00:05:85:73:96:1f, Type: Configured
    Interface: ge-1/0/8.0
    Last flapped: Never
    Remote defect indication: false
    Port status TLV: none
    Interface status TLV: lower-layer-down
    Action profile: juniper
      Last event: Interface-status-tlv lower-layer-down
      Action: Interface-down, Time: 2009-03-27 14:25:10 PDT (00:00:02 ago)

show oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management mep-database (Connection Protection TLV Configured)

user@host>show oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management mep-database maintenance-domain md5 maintenance-association ma5

If connection-protection is not enabled on down MEPs, but connection-protection TLV is used, MX always sets the protection-in-use flag in connection-protection tlv, while CCMs are sent out. During reversion, this is an indicator to the receiver that protect-path is in use, otherwise the peer (receiver) assumes working is active and reversion does not work as expected. Setting this bit does not affect protection-switching/traffic-loss.

Maintenance domain name: md5, Format: string, Level: 5
  Maintenance association name: ma5, Format: string
  Continuity-check status: enabled, Interval: 1s, Loss-threshold: 3 frames
  MEP identifier: 1, Direction: down, MAC address: 00:19:e2:b1:14:30
  Auto-discovery: enabled, Priority: 0
  Interface status TLV: none, Port status TLV: none
  Connection Protection TLV: yes
    Prefer me: no, Protection in use: no, FRR Flag: no
  Interface name: xe-6/2/0.0, Interface status: Active, Link status: Up
    Remote MEP not receiving CCM                  : no
    Erroneous CCM received                        : no
    Cross-connect CCM received                    : no
    RDI sent by some MEP                          : no
    Some remote MEP's MAC in error state          : no
    CCMs sent                                     : 251
    CCMs received out of sequence                 : 0
    LBMs sent                                     : 0
    Valid in-order LBRs received                  : 0
    Valid out-of-order LBRs received              : 0
    LBRs received with corrupted data             : 0
    LBRs sent                                     : 0
    LTMs sent                                     : 0
    LTMs received                                 : 0
    LTRs sent                                     : 0
    LTRs received                                 : 0
    Sequence number of next LTM request           : 0
    1DMs sent                                     : 0
    Valid 1DMs received                           : 0
    Invalid 1DMs received                         : 0
    Out of sync 1DMs received                     : 0
    DMMs sent                                     : 0
    Valid DMMs received                           : 0
    Invalid DMMs received                         : 0
    DMRs sent                                     : 0
    Valid DMRs received                           : 0
    Invalid DMRs received                         : 0
    LMMs sent                                     : 0
    Valid LMMs received                           : 0
    Invalid LMMs received                         : 0
    LMRs sent                                     : 0
    Valid LMRs received                           : 0
    Invalid LMRs received                         : 0
  Remote MEP count: 1
   Identifier    MAC address        State    Interface
        2     00:90:69:7f:e4:30      

show oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management mep-database

user@host> show oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management mep-database maintenance-domain md5 maintenance-association ma5
Maintenance association name: ma1, Format: string
Continuity-check status: enabled, Interval: 1s, Loss-threshold: 3 frames
MEP identifier: 1, Direction: down, MAC address: 00:14:f6:b6:01:fe
Auto-discovery: enabled, Priority: 0
Interface name: ge-1/0/0.0, Interface status: Active, Link status: Up

Remote MEP not receiving CCM         : no
Erroneous CCM received               : no
Cross-connect CCM received           : no
RDI sent by some MEP                 : no

CCMs sent                            : 328703
CCMs received out of sequence        : 0
LBMs sent                            : 85
Valid in-order LBRs received         : 78
Valid out-of-order LBRs received     : 0
LBRs received with corrupted data    : 0
LBRs sent                            : 0
LTMs sent                            : 0
LTMs received                        : 0
LTRs sent                            : 0
LTRs received                        : 0
Sequence number of next LTM request  : 0
1DMs sent                            : 10
Valid 1DMs received                  : 10
Invalid 1DMs received                : 0
DMMs sent                            : 20
DMRs sent                            : 0
Valid DMRs received                  : 10
Invalid DMRs received                : 0
LMM sent                             : 10
Valid LMM received                   : 20
Invalid LMM received                 : 0
LMR sent                             : 20
Valid LMR received                   : 10
Invalid LMR received                 : 0
SLM sent                                      : 10
Valid SLM received                            : 20
Invalid SLM received                          : 0
SLR sent                                      : 20
Valid SLR received                            : 10
Invalid SLR received                          : 0

Remote MEP count                     : 1

Identifier     MAC address         State     Interface
    2       00:12:1e:fb:ea:7d       ok        ge-1/0/0.0

show oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management mep-database (enhanced continuity measurement)

user@host> show oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management mep-database maintenance-domain md5 maintenance-association ma5 local-mep 2001 remote-mep 1001
Maintenance domain name: md5, Format: string, Level: 5
Maintenance association name: ma5, Format: string
Continuity-check status: enabled, Interval: 100ms, Loss-threshold: 3 frames
MEP identifier: 2001, Direction: down, MAC address: 00:19:e2:b2:81:4a
Auto-discovery: enabled, Priority: 0
Interface status TLV: up, Port status TLV: up
Interface name: ge-2/0/0.0, Interface status: Active, Link status: Up

Remote MEP identifier: 1001, State: ok
MAC address  : 00:19:e2:b0:74:00, Type: Learned
Interface    : ge-2/0/0.0
Last flapped  : Never
+ Continuity  : 91%, Admin-enable duration: 2100sec, Oper-down duration: 100sec
Remote defect indication: false
Port status TLV: none
Interface status TLV: none

Published: 2013-08-29


Related Documentation


Published: 2013-08-29