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show route flow validation

List of Syntax

Syntax (EX Series Switches)


show route flow validation<brief | detail><ip-prefix><table table-name><logical-system (all | logical-system-name)>

Syntax (EX Series Switches)

show route flow validation<brief | detail><ip-prefix><table table-name>

Release Information

Command introduced before Junos OS Release 7.4.

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 9.0 for EX Series switches.


Display flow route information.



Display flow route information.

brief | detail

(Optional) Display the specified level of output. If you do not specify a level of output, the system defaults to brief.


(Optional) IP address for the flow route.

logical-system (all | logical-system-name)

(Optional) Perform this operation on all logical systems or on a particular logical system.

table table-name

(Optional) Display flow route information for all routing tables whose name begins with this string (for example, inet.0 and inet6.0 are both displayed when you run the show route flow validation inet command).

Required Privilege Level


List of Sample Output

show route flow validation

Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show route flow validation command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show route flow validation Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Level of Output


Name of the routing table (for example, inet.0).

All levels


Route address.

All levels

Active unicast route

Active route in the routing table.

All levels

Dependent flow destinations

Number of flows for which there are routes in the routing table.

All levels


Source of the route flow.

All levels

Neighbor AS

Autonomous system identifier of the neighbor.

All levels

Flow destination

Number of entries and number of destinations that match the route flow.

All levels

Unicast best match

Destination that is the best match for the route flow.

All levels


Information about the route flow.

All levels

Sample Output

show route flow validation

user@host> show route flow validation
inet.0: unicast route
Dependent flow destinations: 1
Origin:, Neighbor AS: 65001
Flow destination (3 entries, 1 match origin)
Unicast best match:
Flags: SubtreeApex Consistent

Published: 2014-07-23

Published: 2014-07-23