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show snmp v3


show snmp v3 <access <brief | detail> | community | general | groups | notify <filter> | target <address | parameters> | users>

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 11.1 for the QFX Series.


Display the Simple Network Management Protocol version 3 (SNMPv3) operating configuration.



Display all of the SNMPv3 operating configuration.


(Optional) Display SNMPv3 access information.

brief | detail

(Optional) Display brief or detailed information about SNMPv3 access information.


(Optional) Display SNMPv3 community information.


(Optional) Display SNMPv3 general information.


(Optional) Display SNMPv3 security-to-group information.

notify <filter>

(Optional) Display SNMPv3 notify information and, optionally, notify filter information.

target <address | parameters>

(Optional) Display SNMPv3 target information and, optionally, either target address or target parameter information.


(Optional) Display SNMPv3 user information.

Additional Information

To edit the default display of the show snmp v3 command, specify options in the show statement at the [edit snmp v3] hierarchy level.

Required Privilege Level


List of Sample Output

show snmp v3

Output Fields

Table 1 describes the output fields for the show snmp v3 command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show snmp v3 Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Local engine

Information about the local SNMP engine configuration:

  • Local engine ID—Unique Identifier of the local SNMPv3 engine.
  • Engine boots—Number of times the local SNMPv3 engine has rebooted or reinitialized since this engine ID was configured.
  • Engine time—Number of seconds since the local SNMPv3 engine was last rebooted or reinitialized.
  • Max msg size—Maximum message size the sender can accommodate.

Engine ID (local engine)

Information about the local SNMP engine ID and the associated users:

  • User—SNMPv3 username.
  • Auth/Priv—Authentication and encryption algorithm that is configured for the user.
  • Storage—Indicates whether a username is saved to the configuration file (nonvolatile) or not saved (volatile). Applies only to users with active status.
  • Status—Status of the user as listed in the SNMPv3 user table. Only rows with an active status in the table are used by the SNMPv3 engine.

Engine ID (remote engine)

Information about a remote SNMP engine, associated users, user groups, and user access policies:

  • User—SNMPv3 username.
  • Auth/Priv—Authentication and encryption algorithm that is configured for the user.
  • Storage—Indicates whether a username is saved to the configuration file (nonvolatile) or not (volatile). Applies only to users with active status.
  • Status—Status of a new user that has been activated. Only users with an active status can use SNMPv3.
  • Group name—Name of a group of users for which the configured access privileges apply.
  • Security model—Security model (such as usm, v1, v2c, or any) that is configured for the group. The security model is used with the security name to ensure messaging security.
  • Security name—Security name that is associated with a user, and which is used with the security model to ensure messaging security.
  • Storage type—Indicates whether a username is saved to the configuration file (nonvolatile) or not saved (volatile). Applies only to users with active status.
  • Status—Status of a user in a group. Only users with an active status can use SNMPv3.

Access control

Information about access control:

  • Group name—Name of a group of users for which the configured access privileges apply.
  • Context prefix—SNMPv3 context for which the configured access privileges apply.
  • Security model/level—Security model and security level combination that is configured for user access privileges.
  • Read view—Identifies the MIB view used for SNMPv3 read operations.
  • Write view—Identifies the MIB view used for SNMPv3 write operations.
  • Notify view—Identifies the MIB view used for outbound SNMP notifications.

Sample Output

show snmp v3

user@host> show snmp v3
Local engine ID: 80 00 0a 4c e04 31 32 33 34          
Engine boots:          38
Engine time:        64583 seconds
Max msg size:        2048 bytes

Engine ID: local
    User                            Auth/Priv   Storage      Status
    user1                            md5/des    nonvolatile  active
    user2                            sha/none   nonvolatile  active
    user3                           none/none   nonvolatile  active

Engine ID: 81 00 0a 4c 04 64 64 64 64
    User                            Auth/Priv   Storage      Status
    UNEW                             md5/none   nonvolatile  active
Group name           Security  Security              Storage      Status
                     model     name                  type
g1                   usm       user1                 nonvolatile  active
g2                   usm       user2                 nonvolatile  active
g3                   usm       user3                 nonvolatile  active

Access control:
Group                Context Security      Read       Write     Notify
                     prefix  model/level   view       view      view
g1                            usm/privacy  v1         v1       
g2                            usm/authent  v1         v1       
g3                            usm/none     v1         v1 

Published: 2014-07-23