[an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive]

show lldp


show lldp
<detail >

Release Information

Command introduced in JUNOS Release 9.0 for EX-series switches.


Display information about Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP). LLDP is used to learn and distribute device information on network links.


none — Display LLDP information for all interfaces.

detail — (Optional) Display detailed LLDP information for all interfaces.

Required Privilege Level


List of Sample Output

show lldp
show lldp (detail)

Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show lldp command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show lldp Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Level of Output


The LLDP operating state. The state can be enabled or disabled.

All levels

Advertisement Interval

The frequency, in seconds, at which LLDP advertisements are sent. The default value is 30 seconds.

All levels

Transmit Delay

The delay between two successive LLDP advertisements. The default value is 2 seconds.

All levels

Hold Timer

The multiplier used in combination with the advertisement-interval value to determine the length of time LLDP information is held before it is discarded. The default value is 4 (or 120 seconds).

All levels


The Link Level Discovery Protocol Media Endpoint Discovery (LLDP-MED) operating state. The state can be enabled or disabled.

All levels

LLDP-MED fast start count

The number of advertisements sent from a switch to a device, such as a VoIP telephone, when the device is first detected by the switch. These increased advertisements are temporary. After a device and a switch exchange information and can communicate, advertisements are reduced to one per second. The default value is 3. The range is from 1 through 10.

All levels

LLDP Port Configuration

The LLDP Port Configuration:

  • Port—The port number.
  • LLDP—The LLDP operating state. The state can be enabled or disabled.
  • LLDP-MED—The LLDP–MED operating state. The state can be enabled or disabled.
  • Neighbor Count—(detail) The total number of new LLDP neighbors detected since the last switch reboot.

All Levels

LLDP Vlan export details

The LLDP VLAN information that is advertised:

  • Port—The interface on which LLDP is configured.
  • Vlan-id—The VLAN tag associated with the interface sending LLDP frames. If a port is not a member of a VLAN, the VLAN ID is advertised as 0.
  • Vlan-name—The VLAN name associated with the VLAN ID.



The LLDP event notification information:

  • R—Received .
  • T—Transmitted .


LLDP Basic TLVs Supported

The basic TLVs supported on the switch:

  • Chassis Identifier—The MAC address associated with the local system.
  • Port identifier—The port identification for the specified port in the local system.
  • Port Description—The user– configured port description. The port description can be a maximum of 256 characters.
  • System Name—The user– configured name of the local system. The system name can be a maximum of 256 characters.
  • System Description—The system description containing information about the software and current image running on the system. This information is not configurable, but taken from the software.
  • System Capabilities—The primary function performed by the system. The capabilities that system supports are defined; for example, bridge or router. This information is not configurable, but based on the model of the product.
  • Management Address—The IP management address of the local system.


LLDP 802.3 TLVs Supported

The 802.3 TLVs supported on the switch:

  • Power via MDI—A TLV that advertises MDI power support, PSE power pair, and power class information.
  • MAC/PHY Configuration Status—A TLV that advertises information about the physical interface, such as autonegotiation status and support and MAU type. The information is not configurable, but based on the physical interface structure.
  • Link Aggregation—A TLV that advertises if the interface is aggregated and its aggregated interface ID.
  • Maximum Frame Size—A TLV that advertises the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) of the interface sending LLDP frames.
  • Port Vlan—A TLV that advertises the VLAN name configured on the interface.



The LLDP-MED TLVs supported on the switch:

  • LLDP MED Capabilities—A TLV that advertises the primary function of the port. The capabilities values range from 0 through 15:
    • 0— Capabilities
    • 1— Network Policy
    • 2— Location Identification
    • 3— Extended Power via MDI-PSE
    • 4— Inventory
    • 5–15— Reserved
  • LLDP-MED Device Class Values:
    • 0— Class not defined.
    • 1— Class 1 Device.
    • 2— Class 2 Device.
    • 3— Class 3 Device.
    • 4— Network Connectivity Device
    • 5–255— Reserved.
  • Network Policy—A TLV that advertises the port VLAN configuration and associated Layer 2 and Layer 3 attributes. Attributes include the policy identifier, application types, such as voice or streaming video, 802.1q VLAN tagging, and 802.1p priority bits and Diffserv code points.
  • Endpoint Location— A TLV that advertises the physical location of the endpoint.
  • Extended Power via MDI— A TLV that advertises the power type, power source, power priority, and power value of the port. It is the responsibility of the PSE device (network connectivity device) to advertise the power priority on a port.


Sample Output

show lldp

user@host> show lldp
LLDP                     : Enabled 
Advertisement interval   : 30 seconds
Transmit Delay           : 2 seconds
Hold timer               : 120 seconds

LLDP-MED                 : Enabled
LLDP-MED fast start count: 3

LLDP Port Configuration:
Port 		    LLDP      LLDP-MED
----		   -------   --------
All		   Enabled   Disabled
ge-0/1/0.0	Enabled   Enabled 
ge-0/1/1.0  Enabled   Enabled 
ge-0/1/2.0	Enabled   Disabled
ge-0/1/3.0	Enabled   Disabled
ge-0/1/4.0	Enabled   Disabled
ge-0/1/5.0	Enabled   Disabled
ge-0/1/5.0	Enabled   Disabled
ge-0/1/7.0	Disabled  Disabled

show lldp (detail)

user@switch> show lldp detail
LLDP                     : Enabled 
Advertisement interval   : 30 seconds
Transmit Delay           : 2 seconds
Hold timer               : 120 seconds

LLDP-MED                 : Enabled
LLDP-MED fast start count: 3

LLDP Port Configuration:
Port 		   LLDP      LLDP-MED    Neighbor count
----		   -------   --------    --------------
All		   Enabled   Disabled    11
ge-0/1/0.0	Enabled   Enabled     1
ge-0/1/1.0  Enabled   Enabled     2
ge-0/1/2.0	Enabled   Disabled    2
ge-0/1/3.0	Enabled   Disabled    2
ge-0/1/4.0	Enabled   Disabled    2
ge-0/1/5.0	Enabled   Disabled    1
ge-0/1/6.0	Enabled   Disabled    1
ge-0/1/7.0	Disabled  Disabled    0

LLDP Vlan export details:
Port        Vlan-id      Vlan-name
----        -------      ---------
ge-0/0/0.0  100          Voice
ge-0/0/1.0  200          Voice


LLDP Basic TLVs Supported:
Chassis identifier, Port identifier, Port Description , System Name , System Description, System Capabilities, Management Address.

LLDP 802.3 TLVs Supported:
Power via MDI, MAC/PHY Configuration Status, Link Aggregation, 
Maximum Frame Size, Port Vlan, Port and Protocol Vlan ID, 
Protocol Identity.

LLDP-MED TLVs Enabled:
LLDP MED Capabilities, Network Policy, Endpoint Location, 
Extended Power Via MDI.
[an error occurred while processing this directive]