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Configuring LLDP (J-Web Procedure)

Use the LLDP Configuration page to configure LLDP global and port settings.

To configure LLDP:

  1. From the Configure menu, select the option Switching > LLDP.

    The LLDP Configuration page displays LLDP Global Settings and Port Settings.

    The second half of the screen displays operational details for the selected port.

  2. To modify LLDP Global Settings, click Global Settings.

    Enter information as described in Table 1.

  3. To modify Port Settings, click Edit in the Port Settings section.

    Enter information as described in Table 2.

Table 1: Global Settings



Your Action

Advertising interval

Specifies the frequency of outbound LLDP advertisements. You can increase or decrease this interval.

Type the number of seconds.

Transmit delay

Specifies a delay-interval setting that the switch uses to delay transmitting successive advertisements. You can increase this interval to reduce the frequency of successive advertisements.

Type the delay time in seconds.

Hold multiplier

Specifies the multiplier factor to be used by an LLDP-enabled switch to calculate the time-to-live (TTL) value for the LLDP advertisements it generates and transmits to LLDP neighbors.

Type the required number in the field.

Fast start count

Specifies the LLDP refresh-interval setting (default: 3 seconds) for transmitting advertisements. It can cause an unacceptable delay in MED device configuration. You can temporarily override the refresh-interval setting. This results in the port initially advertising LLD–MED at a faster rate for a limited time.

Type the Fast start count interval.

Table 2: Edit Port Settings



Your Action

LLDP Status

Specifies whether LLDP has been enabled on the port.

Select one: Enabled, Disabled, or None.


Specifies whether LLDP–MED has been enabled on the port.

Select Enable from the list.

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